

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49388 sökträffar

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Rysk litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of this programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. You can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural topics ofThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Konst, hälsa och välbefinnande

The course provides students with theoretical understanding and practical experience of how the arts, culture and aesthetics can be a resource for health and wellbeing. The course is interdisciplinary and research-based, combining historical and theoretical perspectives from the humanities and social sciences with findings from research in medicine and the health sciences. The course covers severa


Välkommen till Studieverkstaden! Hos oss får du tips och råd om hur du kan förbättra din studieteknik och ditt akademiska skrivande eller läsande. Studieverkstaden kan stötta dig som läser fristående kurser eller program när det kommer till studieteknik och akademiskt skrivande. Du kan exempelvis vända dig till oss för att få hjälp att hitta effektiva arbetssätt med uppgifter, uppsatser och hemten

https://www.lu.se/studera/livet-som-student/service-och-stod/stod-i-studieteknik-sprak-och-akademiskt-skrivande/studieverkstaden - 2025-02-28

Överenskommelse om uppdrag som assistent

Villkor för uppdraget som assistentUppdraget som assistent för en student med beslut om riktat pedagogiskt stöd sträcker sig från startdatum till terminsslut. Assistentuppdragets karaktär är beroende av studentens stödbehov och diskuteras i samråd med pedagogisk samordnare och eventuellt personal på aktuell institution.Under terminen måste du som assistent besvara ett utskick och bekräfta pågående

https://www.lu.se/formular/overenskommelse-om-uppdrag-som-assistent - 2025-02-28

Engelska: Kognitiv lingvistik

The purpose of this Master’s/PhD course is to acquaint you with the major ideas in Cognitive Linguistics. The course provides a focused and comprehensive postgraduate-level introduction to the framework and gives you the tools to carry out original research on an aspect of linguistics that interests you. Cognitive Linguistics is an innovative framework that has dominated functional linguistic theoThe purpose of this Master’s/PhD course is to acquaint you with the major ideas in Cognitive Linguistics. The course provides a focused and comprehensive postgraduate-level introduction to the framework and gives you the tools to carry out original research on an aspect of linguistics that interests you. Cognitive Linguistics is an innovative framework that has dominated functional linguistic theo

Claudio d'Onofrio

Projektkoordinator Kontaktinformation E-post: claudio [dot] donofrio [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 86 96 Mobil: +46 72 210 83 01Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Besöksadress: Sölvegatan 12, Lund Rumsnummer: GCII:286 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsClaudio d'Onofrios profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal Publikationer Visar av publikationer. Sor

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/claudio-donofrio - 2025-02-28

Innovationer från Lund

Från ultraljud till bluetooth Varje år gör forskare och studenter vid Lunds universitet upptäckter som skapar nya möjligheter för människor över hela världen. Här berättar vi om några exempel på innovationer från Lund genom tiderna. 2018 | Revolutionerande genterapi för behandling av cancerAsgard Therapeutics utvecklar en unik cancerterapi, där cancercellerna tvingas synliggöra sig för immunförsva

https://www.lu.se/samverkan-innovation/innovation-sa-arbetar-vi/innovationer-fran-lund - 2025-02-28

Genesis 38: Tamars berättelse, i en mansdominerad värld.

Is it possible that Genesis 38 is a story about an ancient woman? And should Genesis 38 be called The Story of Tamar? Numerous signals in Gen 38 point to Tamar being the main character of the story. Nevertheless, throughout history, the story has been said to be about Judah and his transformation from a mean and selfish character in Gen 37 to a caring and selfless one in Gen 43:8–10. But is that r

Virtual Tourism relocation (VTr) - to experience the lost, to see for the future

Prosperous cities have constantly changed and their ability to adapt to contemporary commercial demands has always been rewarded, but this may no longer be the case. Delhi residents are now paying a high price for this endeavor with schools closed due to toxic air caused by high levels of carbon dioxide. Although previous urban transformations by drastic demolition had an insignificant climate imp

Deglaciation history and subsequent lake dynamics in the Siljan region, south-central Sweden, based on new LiDAR evidence and sediment records

The Siljan region hosts Europe´s largest impact structure. The high-relief landscape, with a central granite dome bordered by lake basins, contains an array of glacial and shore-level landforms. We investigated its deglaciation history by mapping and analysing landforms on high resolution LiDAR-based Digital Surface Models coupled with well-dated sediment successions from peat and lake sediment coThe Siljan region hosts Europe´s largest impact structure. The high-relief landscape, with a central granite dome bordered by lake basins, contains an array of glacial and shore-level landforms. We investigated its deglaciation history by mapping and analysing landforms on high resolution LiDAR-based Digital Surface Models coupled with well-dated sediment successions from peat and lake sediment co

Informatik: IT-arkitektur och mjukvarusystem

Moln-arkitektur (cloud) spelar en viktig roll i kursen och du lär dig att arbeta i och bygga lösningar för molnplattformen Microsoft Azure. Även systemintegration spelar en central roll, där du lär dig att integrera mjukvaruapplikationer som du bygger med andra, befintliga och externa system. Under kursen lär du dig även att använda AI-baserade verktyg som stöd i systemutvecklingsprocessen för attCloud architecture plays an important role in the course, and you will learn how to work in and build solutions for the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. Systems integration also plays a central role, where you will learn to integrate software applications you build with other existing and external systems. You will also learn how to use AI-based tools to support system development processes to buil

Brown Bag Lunches: Konstnär Gunilla Klingberg

3 december 2024 12:15 till 12:45 | Övrigt Gunilla Klingberg vid Sergelpaviljongen. Foto: Sanna Lindberg Just nu visas Gunilla Klingbergs utställning VRIDAVÄNDAVIRVLAVÄVA på Skissernas Museum. Välkommen till ett lunchsamtal där du får veta mer om hennes konstnärskap och hur hennes process ser ut från idé till storskaligt konstverk. Välkommen till Brown Bag Lunches, samtalsserien där vi fördjupar os

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/brown-bag-lunches-konstnar-gunilla-klingberg - 2025-02-28

Media and Armed Conflicts - Past and Present

The course introduces the subject of Media History, you will learn how to analyse and interpret media content, form and use in a historical perspective. You will study different types of media in armed conflict, in history as well as in the present, and how to relate these to cultural, social and technical change. You will identify different media expressions, orally and in writing, and be able to

Time to Blood Culture Positivity: An Independent Predictor of Mortality in Streptococcus Pyogenes Bacteremia

BackgroundStreptococcus pyogenes bacteremia is a severe condition with high mortality. Time to blood culture positivity (TTP) is known to predict the outcome in bacteremia with other pathogens. This study aimed to determine the association between TTP and outcome in S pyogenes bacteremia.MethodsThis retrospective observational cohort study comprised adults with S pyogenes bacteremia, identified thBackgroundStreptococcus pyogenes bacteremia is a severe condition with high mortality. Time to blood culture positivity (TTP) is known to predict the outcome in bacteremia with other pathogens. This study aimed to determine the association between TTP and outcome in S pyogenes bacteremia.MethodsThis retrospective observational cohort study comprised adults with S pyogenes bacteremia, identified th

Swedish History from a Nordic Perspective

The course includes important developments, relationships and events in the history of Sweden and the Nordic countries over a broad time span. You will particularly get: an overview of the Viking Age, and how the period is perceived by historians with regards to the sources, an overview of the political and social changes in Sweden between 1000-1800, and learn more on the historical roots of m

Global utveckling, befolkning och ekonomisk förändring - Masterprogram

The programme is organised into three different tracks. When applying for the programme, you also select which track you are specialising in. The different tracks share courses to some extent. The process of economic development essentially rests on the interaction of its three pillars: income per capita growth, distribution of the fruits of growth and structural change. The Economic DevelopThe programme is organised into three different tracks. When applying for the programme, you also select which track you are specialising in. The different tracks share courses to some extent. The process of economic development essentially rests on the interaction of its three pillars: income per capita growth, distribution of the fruits of growth and structural change. The Economic Develop


Prokrastinering är ett annat ord för att vi skjuter upp saker som behöver göras trots att vi vet att det kommer få negativa konsekvenser. Det är vanligt förekommande bland studenter. Här kan du läsa mer om vad det innebär samt hur du kan undvika prokrastinering. Genvägar till sidans innehåll:Att skjuta upp sina studierGrupper vid prokrastineringFörbättra din studieteknik hos StudieverkstadenAtt sk

https://www.lu.se/studera/livet-som-student/service-och-stod/studenthalsan/prokrastinering - 2025-02-28

Business Administration: Corporate Finance

The course is an elective course in business administration belonging to the finance specialization at the undergraduate level. The course can be studied within the Business Administration and Economics programme, the Bachelor programme in Business Administration and Economics, the degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics – Programme (Civilekonomprogrammet) as well as an independent-s

Grön ekonomi - att uppnå de globala målen

The aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features exam