Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49148 sökträffar
Passagetiden i tunntarmen en förbisedd men intressant parameter. Skintigrafisk markör en kreativ idé [Passage through the small bowel a neglected but interesting parameter. Scintigraphic marker a creative idea
Sociala rörelser och hållbarhet
The main aim of the course is to provide conceptual frameworks for studying and evaluating the impact that social movements for sustainability can have on the public agenda and decision-making. The course is a seminar course, although it starts with a few lectures on the history and different theoretical perspectives on social movements, introducing the students to the relevant literature. T
Zombies- ”They’re not the only ones looking for brains” En feministisk analys av tre filmer ur George A. Romeros Living Dead-serie jämfört med två filmer som anspelar på serien
"Stimulation of our five senses through experiences"- The role of event marketing as a communication tool for retail companies when building their brand
Event marketing can be seen as an effective tool building a brand in a retail context since it can enhance brand awareness, brand identity and brand image. This, since it provides experiences stimulating consumers´ five senses adjusted to today's experience demands of consumers. Event marketing is effective catching consumers attention in today's media noise compared to traditional adverti
We went through with the uppgift
I Sverige idag så är engelska ett språk som nästan hela befolkningen kan och har ett stort inflytande på det svenska språket. Inflytandet från engelska och blandningen av språken, code-switching, har skapat debatter om hur nyttigt detta är för det svenska språket. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur ungdomar i Sverige förhåller sig till engelska och vad de tycker om, och hur de använder
AI Lund Lunch Seminar: Decision trees, real trees, and human feels: AI and the forest political goals
Generative AI in higher education. Big data, big promises, big disappointment?
AI Lund lunch seminar: AI tools and the impact on Education – what are our opportunities, responsibilities and fears?
The Good, the Bad or the Ugly? AI Use in First-Semester Calculus – A Report and Initial Analysis
Mänskliga Rättigheter, Digitala Ojämlikheter och Sociala Konsekvenser av AI
ASG 2023-2024 Det senaste århundradet har bevittnat tekniska framsteg som inneburit allt från tunga maskiner till datorer och digitala klockor. Denna utveckling har medfört avsevärda innovationer för mänskligheten, men också hot mot mänskliga rättigheter. I denna ASG utforskas kopplingarna mellan digitala innovationer och framväxande digitala ojämlikheter i relation till mänskliga rättigheter. Med
https://www.pi.lu.se/advanced-study-groups/manskliga-rattigheter-digitala-ojamlikheter-och-sociala-konsekvenser-av-ai - 2025-02-21
Entreprenörskap: Social innovation - en strategi för hållbarhet
Technical innovations alone have proven to be insufficient to address the pressing challenges of today such as climate change, resource depletion, economic deprivation, poverty alleviation, increased migration and improved life quality. Therefore non-technical innovations are also required to enable transitions to more sustainable solutions. Social innovations include new solutions (products, serv
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Matts Leiderstam s art and researched-based work is closely related to the history of painting. He is systematically looking for alternative, queer, narratives relating to viewing a painting. Leiderstam explores the grid as a tool for the composition of images, which was developed during the Italian Renaissance. The grid has been central to image-making ever since, including for photography, and n
AI Lund lunch seminar: The Good, the Bad, or the Ugly? Reflections on the impact of AI in Teaching First-Semester Calculus
AI Lund Lunch Seminar: High-risk AI transparency? Exploring the role of information disclosure for oversight bodies under the EU AI Act
Francis Fukuyama: Trust – The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity
Re-Presenting Complexity Through Critical Historical Play: undoing the past for sustainable futures with games, interactors, and ‘other’ art-full cultural expressions. Lissa Holloway-Attaway.
22 maj 2024 10:00 | Föreläsning Welcome to join us at IAC for this final lecture within the 1, 2, 3 Playtime project. Lissa Holloway-Attaway is Professor in Media Arts, Aesthetics, and Narration in the Division of Game Development within the School of Informatics at the University of Skövde. Duration: 10:00–10:45 (30min talk, 15min q/a)Games and other forms of playful engagement with visitors can
From matters to waves: Unfolding an an-archaeology of the postnatural through new ecologies
3 september 2024 13:00 till 14:15 | Seminarium By Gabriel Alonso, founder of the Institute for Postnatural Studies. In collaboration with Agenda 2030. In what ways can new ecological perspectives redefine our relationship with the environment? What philosophical questions arise from the notion that nature and culture are deeply intertwined? How does the concept of postnature challenge the binary c
https://www.lu.se/evenemang/matters-waves-unfolding-archaeology-postnatural-through-new-ecologies - 2025-02-22
AI Lund lunch seminar: The challenges and opportunities of a start-up in the competitive AI landscape
Socialt arbete: Samhällsvetenskaplig teori för socialt arbete
Detta är en fristående kurs som har utvecklats speciellt för att fylla socionomers behov av samhällsvetenskapliga teorier för att förstå samhället, mänskligt samspel och organisationer. Kursen kan ingå i en magister/masterexamen i socialt arbete och är en obligatorisk kurs inom masterprogrammet i socialt arbete. Under kursen får du insikt i: hur du kan använda och utveckla samhällsvetenskaplig t