

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48782 sökträffar

New publication by CMES guest researcher Ömer Turan

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] cme [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 1 June 2020 Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash In the seventh anniversary of the Gezi Park protests, Dr. Ömer Turan, Swedish Institute fellow at CMES, has published a chapter, in the volume edited by Maria do Mar Castro Verela, and Baris Ülker (Doing Tolerance, Urban Interventions and Forms of Participation, Barbara Bud

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/new-publication-cmes-guest-researcher-omer-turan - 2025-02-23

Planting trees in Africa is a dubious environmental strategy: study

Published 11 September 2017 Photo: Elina Andersson Carbon offsetting can be strongly questioned as an environmental strategy, due to major challenges in reconciling climate benefits with local needs, participation and development. This is the view taken by researchers from Lund University in Sweden, who studied a tree-planting project in Uganda, through which a number of Swedish companies carbon o

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/planting-trees-africa-dubious-environmental-strategy-study - 2025-02-23

Soumi Banerjee on the Shrinking of Civic Spaces in India: "NGOs are attempting to shift away from activism"

By sandra [dot] jakobsson [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Sandra Jakobsson) - published 18 January 2023 Soumi Banerjee explains how her PhD research focus changed during the corona-pandemic. Soumi Banjeree, 28, is currently doing a PhD at Lund University’s School of Social Work and occupied the coordinator position at SASNET during the autumn. Alongside organising and making sure panellists make thei

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/soumi-banerjee-shrinking-civic-spaces-india-ngos-are-attempting-shift-away-activism - 2025-02-23

Meet the new LUCSUS Director, Barry Ness

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 11 January 2024 Associate Professor Barry Ness is LUCSUS' new Director from 1st January 2024. He is excited about this new venture in his career, and aims to bring a collaborative and inclusive leadership approach to the role, one that mirrors the greater developments in the field of sustainability science. Read more about Bar

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/meet-new-lucsus-director-barry-ness - 2025-02-23

The brain is 'programmed' for learning from people we like

Published 15 February 2024 Illustration: DALL-E Our brains are "programmed" to learn more from people we like – and less from those we dislike. This has been shown by researchers in cognitive neuroscience in a series of experiments. Memory serves a vital function, enabling us to learn from new experiences and update existing knowledge. We learn both from individual experiences and from connecting

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/brain-programmed-learning-people-we - 2025-02-24

Panel 1. Religion and Modernity in South Asia

Published 12 August 2016 Chair: Clemens Cavallin, Associate Professor in Religious Studies at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden  VENUE: Kerstins rum, Akademiska Föreningen (AF), Sandgatan 2, LundDay 1: 20 September 2016, 14.30-16.301. Clemens Cavallin2. Åke Sander3. Sudha SitharamanDay 2: 21 Sept., 10.00–12.004. Ruben Elsinga5. Daniela Bevilacqua6. Manoj ParameswaranDay 3: 22 September, 09.00–1

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/panel-1-religion-and-modernity-south-asia - 2025-02-23

Primula – systemet som vi älskar att hata (eller i alla fall klaga på)

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 19 februari 2021 Systemen ska underlätta vårt arbete, men ibland kan man som medarbetare uppleva att det snarare är tvärtom. I artikeln ges flera perspektiv på ett välanvänt system vid Lunds universitet och flera andra lärosäten och organisationer: Primula. Foto: Istock Säg ”Primula” och en del tänker på en blomma. An

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/primula-systemet-som-vi-alskar-att-hata-eller-i-alla-fall-klaga-pa - 2025-02-23

Where Science Meets Art: Inside Lund Stem Cell Center's 2024 Image Competition

By alexis [dot] bento_luis [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexis Luis) - published 11 July 2024 The Lund Stem Cell Center held its annual image competition from April to May 2024. In June, the 15 image entries were assessed, and the top images were selected according to the evaluators' scores. There comes a point in every researcher's work when the data goes beyond numbers and charts, transforming in

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/where-science-meets-art-inside-lund-stem-cell-centers-2024-image-competition - 2025-02-23

Time to burie LADA? Interview with Leif Groop

Published 4 July 2016 The dream of finding the “diabetes gene” is dead. However, partly thanks to Leif Groop – professor and multiple award recipient for his ground-breaking research – we will look at type 2 diabetes in a whole new way in the future. He is now retiring, and in an interview with diabetesportalen.se he looks back on his eventful career in research. The study that since 2006 has been

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/time-burie-lada-interview-leif-groop - 2025-02-23

From Science to Start Up: Developing a Gene Therapy for a Rare Blood Disorder

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 19 November 2024 "From when I first started out as a doctoral student, I knew that I wanted to contribute to better treatments for patients. It is necessary if you want to do that, to involve yourself in companies," says Johan Flygare. Photo: Johan Persson. After 20 years of research on gene therapy and the rare blood disease,

https://www.stemcellcenter.lu.se/article/science-start-developing-gene-therapy-rare-blood-disorder - 2025-02-23

Spelmarknaden kan behöva regleras för att skydda unga

Av asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - publicerad 16 april 2024 Bild: iStock/Nikolaeva Elena. Gaming Disorder har introducerats som ny diagnos i WHOs senaste klassifikation av sjukdomar. Men det finns i dag otillräcklig kunskap om hur olika typer av dataspel bidrar till ett problematiskt spelande. Därför har forskare undersökt sambandet och resultaten presenteras en

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/spelmarknaden-kan-behova-regleras-att-skydda-unga - 2025-02-24

54 hours one way to join a job meeting on Mallorca

By anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - published 8 June 2023 Emma Kritzberg travelled for five days return to participate at a job meeting on Mallorca. Photo: Johan Persson Emma Kritzberg took the train to a meeting on Mallorca. A journey that took 54 hours and cost double what it would have to fly a couple of hours to the Mediterranean island. Yet, flying was nev

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/54-hours-one-way-join-job-meeting-mallorca - 2025-02-24

Fullt hus när internationella kvinnodagen uppmärksammades

Av anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - publicerad 8 mars 2024 LUX-aulan fylldes med medarbetare och andra intresserade som ville delta vid LU:s internationella kvinnodag, den 8 mars. Foto: Nina Ransmyr. Internationella kvinnodagen vid Lunds universitet uppmärksammades med en halvdag på temat ”150 år med kvinnor i akademin – föregångare, förebilder, utmaningar

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/fullt-hus-nar-internationella-kvinnodagen-uppmarksammades - 2025-02-22

Efter Palestinagård – vad händer nu?

Av jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - publicerad 12 september 2024 Demonstranter håller presskonferens i Lundagård. Foto: Jan Olsson Kriget i Gaza har skapat konflikter på universitet i Sverige och i andra länder. Motsättningarna mellan demonstranter och universitetsledningar och mellan grupper av anställda lär ta tid att överbrygga. Vi har träffat både LU:s rekto

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/efter-palestinagard-vad-hander-nu - 2025-02-22

Get to know Sophia New – New lecturer at the MA program

By Filippa [dot] jonsson [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (Filippa Jonsson) - published 12 November 2024 Sophia New is the new lecturer and tutor at the MA program Performing Arts as Critical Practice at Malmö Theatre Academy. Previous to her role here, Sophia has been the course Leader for MA programmes at Wimbledon College of the Arts, UAL. We took the opportunity to ask Sophia New a few questions to

https://www.thm.lu.se/en/article/get-know-sophia-new-new-lecturer-ma-program - 2025-02-23

Students and teachers share their stories on distance learning due to COVID-19

Published 2 April 2020 Our students and teachers share their stories on how to learn and teach in Sweden during the coronavirus outbreak. Better than expected, but not without its challenges, especially socially. That’s how a couple of our students and staff tell the story of how we went from campus education to distance learning methods in a matter of days. Wednesday 18 March. The campus is still

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/students-and-teachers-share-their-stories-distance-learning-due-covid-19 - 2025-02-23

Receptet på en fantastisk antikropp

Av tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - publicerad 25 juni 2024 Illustration av antikropp. Forskarna Pontus Nordenfelt och Arman Izadi är något av antikroppsdesigners. “Hybridantikroppen är betydligt bättre än kroppens egna antikroppar på att bekämpa streptokocker som SARS-CoV-2”. Illustration: iStock/Jitendra Jadhav. Antikroppar är kroppens superhjältar som känner igen och r

https://www.medicin.lu.se/artikel/receptet-pa-en-fantastisk-antikropp - 2025-02-24

Varför är det viktigt med innovation?

Publicerad 23 februari 2024 Innovation och framgångsrika lärosäten går hand i hand. På rak arm är det svårt att komma på något välrenommerat universitet som inte är duktig på innovationsfrågor. Vid Lunds universitet har vi under lång tid arbetat med innovationsfrågor på många olika sätt, inte minst vad gäller forskningsresultat som i sin tur resulterat i företag i form av start-ups. Många av dessa

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/varfor-ar-det-viktigt-med-innovation - 2025-02-22

Samhällsvetare universitetets nya globala ambassadör

Av Mats [dot] Kristersson [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Mats Kristersson) - publicerad 27 april 2018 Möt Ivanna Read: masterstudenten i strategisk kommunikation som sätter Lunds universitet på kartan som bloggare på Studyinsweden.se. Förutom att prestera på topp i akademiska sammanhang är hon också universitetets senaste globala ambassadör – den 8 maj utnämns hon till Lunds universitets Global Swede

https://www.sam.lu.se/artikel/samhallsvetare-universitetets-nya-globala-ambassador - 2025-02-23

Miljarder från EU:s jordbruksstöd hamnar fel, visar ny kartläggning

Av kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 27 augusti 2020 En ny studie har i detalj analyserat hur EU-stödet till lantbrukare fördelas. Resultaten visar att utbetalningarna oftast går till redan rika lantbrukare. Foto: Unsplash. En ny studie har i detalj analyserat hur EU-stödet till lantbrukare fördelas. Resultaten visar att utbetalningarna oftast gå

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/artikel/miljarder-fran-eus-jordbruksstod-hamnar-fel-visar-ny-kartlaggning - 2025-02-23