

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49168 sökträffar

EU biofuel regulation is not sustainable long-term

Published 7 June 2018 Photo: Genesis Tambang Yengoh. “On a smaller scale, biofuels can be a good alternative for public transport, but we cannot solve the climate issue by simply replacing fossil fuels with biofuels. Instead, we must reduce our energy consumption, as the total energy consumption within road transports is not decreasing”, explains David Harnesk, researcher at the LUCSUS. In his the

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/eu-biofuel-regulation-not-sustainable-long-term - 2025-02-23

Mapping aquaporins, water channels in cell membranes

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 20 February 2023 Karin Lindkvist together with Peng Huang, the first author of the study on the structure of aquaporins. Through research on the structure of proteins the research group want to understand more about how our cells work – both when we are healthy and sick. Modern imaging techniques allows researchers to map the

https://www.medicine.lu.se/article/mapping-aquaporins-water-channels-cell-membranes - 2025-02-23

Research interview: George Neville researches migration, transformation and sustainability

Published 4 June 2019 George Neville works as a post-doctoral researcher within the Misty project, with a special focus on migration and the SDGs. In this interview, he tells us about what sustainability challenge he finds most interesting, what drives him as a researcher, and about what he did before he came to LUCSUS. What do you do at LUCSUS?I have just begun my postdoctoral research here at LU

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/research-interview-george-neville-researches-migration-transformation-and-sustainability - 2025-02-23

Where does your blood actually come from?

Published 6 April 2017 Scientists at Lund University in Sweden have developed a new understanding of how the first blood cells form during human development as they transition from endothelial cells to form blood cells of different types. Using a laboratory model of human stem cell development and by looking at the expression of blood cell and endothelial cell genes in each individual cell, they f

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/where-does-your-blood-actually-come - 2025-02-23

Broccoli in focus when new substance against diabetes has been identified

Published 15 June 2017 Researchers have identified an antioxidant – richly occurring in broccoli – as a new antidiabetic substance. A patient study shows significantly lower blood sugar levels in participants who ate broccoli extract with high levels of sulforaphane. “There are strong indications that this can become a valuable supplement to existing medication,” says Anders Rosengren, Docent in M

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/broccoli-focus-when-new-substance-against-diabetes-has-been-identified - 2025-02-23

Reportage: Fatima, - Get ready for surgery

By kontakt [at] artrosportalen [dot] se (The arthritisportal) - published 15 February 2023 Picture is not linked to any patient. In this series of reports, you will learn about the process for surgical treatment of advanced osteoarthritis, starting from when a patient first sees an orthopedic specialist to ultimately receiving surgery. We will give you insight into the multiple healthcare visits o

https://www.arthritisportal.lu.se/article/reportage-fatima-get-ready-surgery - 2025-02-23

Mathematic visualize climate changes

By Pia [dot] romare [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Romare) - published 23 August 2018 How did we end up here? What do we do to get out of it? In climate research, it is important to understand how the world works if we are to change our behaviour and prevent future catastrophes. Researchers use mathematical formulas to try and visualise reality, in order to find out what changes we need to make.

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/mathematic-visualize-climate-changes - 2025-02-23

Europe needs to improve researcher mobility!

Published 2 May 2013 “Researchers and students are mobile in a completely different way from previously, but the regulations haven’t kept up. The EU needs to act to remove the most serious types of obstacle, for example between Sweden and Denmark, and urgently”, says Lund University’s HR director Ingrid Estrada-Magnusson. Sonja Meiby and Ingrid Estrada-Magnusson LERU stands for the League of Europ

https://www.staff.lu.se/article/europe-needs-improve-researcher-mobility - 2025-02-23

5 reasons for researchers to publish on The Conversation & Workshops (9/4 & 2/5)

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 21 March 2024 The international news platform The Conversation is an alternative way for researchers to reach out in the media. We'll tell you how. The Conversation is a politically independent, non-profit international news site with readership on par with The Guardian and The New York Times (140 million reads in

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/5-reasons-researchers-publish-conversation-workshops-94-25 - 2025-02-23

De vill certifiera nöjesbranschen för att minska trakasserierna

Publicerad 10 april 2018 Sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp är ett stort problem i dag, något som tydliggjorts med #metoo-rörelsen. Nu hoppas projektet VÅGA kunna ta grepp om nöjesbranschen och de övergrepp som sker där. Affärsidén går ut på att erbjuda klubbar, krogar och festivaler en certifieringsprocess med praktiska verktyg och metoder utformade för att förhindra och hantera trakasserierna.

https://www.innovation.lu.se/artikel/de-vill-certifiera-nojesbranschen-att-minska-trakasserierna - 2025-02-23

Nyhetsbrev (april) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

Publicerad 19 april 2022 Vägen till öppen vetenskap - hur långt har vi kommit och vad måste nästa steg bli? Kungliga biblioteket (KB) och Vetenskapsrådet (VR) har som regeringsuppdrag att främja och samordna delar av den nationella utvecklingen mot öppen vetenskap. Nu har de släppt rapporter om arbetet. KB:s uppdrag rör öppen tillgång till vetenskapliga publikationer, i rapporten presenterar de fö

https://www.lub.lu.se/internt/artikel/nyhetsbrev-april-e-media-och-vetenskaplig-kommunikation-1 - 2025-02-23

Svårt att styra upp svartarbete och tiggeri med hjälp av lagen

Publicerad 29 juni 2016 Lagen är ett trubbigt redskap när det gäller svartarbete och tiggeri. Rättsväsendet behöver vara mer flexibelt och fokusera på de värsta avarterna. Det menar rättssociologen Ana Maria Vargas som gjort en omfattande studie bland gatuförsäljare och cykelrikshaförare i Bogotá. Ungefär 60 procent av jordens befolkning i arbetsför ålder arbetar utanför den formella ekonomin; de

https://www.sam.lu.se/artikel/svart-att-styra-upp-svartarbete-och-tiggeri-med-hjalp-av-lagen - 2025-02-23

Passagerarsäkerhet och samverkan mellan polis och kustbevakning i Östersjöregionen

Publicerad 26 oktober 2015 Våra forskare Goran Basic, Sophia Yakhlef and Malin Åkerström har publicerat två nya rapporter om deras projekt Turnstone. Turnstone är en undersökning av samarbetet mellan gränspolis och kustbevakning i Östersjöområdet.Syftet med projektet är att utifrån empiriska material (intervjuer och fältobservationer) kartlägga och analysera hur personalen inom de olika gränsmyndi

https://www.soc.lu.se/artikel/passagerarsakerhet-och-samverkan-mellan-polis-och-kustbevakning-i-ostersjoregionen - 2025-02-24

Awardees of the 2022 Bundy Academy Major Prize

By tove [dot] smeds [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Tove Smeds) - published 13 June 2022 The Bundy Academy’s 2022 major prize amounting to SEK 3 million is awarded to Sebastian Palmqvist, Associate Professor of Clinical Memory Research at Lund University and Senior Physician at the Memory Clinic at Skåne University Hospital, for his research on improved diagnostics of Alzheimer’s disease. The Bundy Ac

https://www.multipark.lu.se/article/awardees-2022-bundy-academy-major-prize - 2025-02-23

Winners of the CFE best thesis awards 2024

By alva [dot] martensson [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Alva Mårtensson) - published 17 January 2025 Winners of the CFE best thesis award 2024 – Calam Gallacher Roig and Ida Welén. The Centre for European Studies has awarded Calam Gallacher Roig the best thesis award for his master's thesis on the framing of Ukrainian immigration by German right-wing political parties. Ida Welén received the honorary

https://www.cfe.lu.se/en/article/winners-cfe-best-thesis-awards-2024 - 2025-02-23

Call for Applications for two SSRC fellowships

Published 8 August 2017 The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) offers two separate fellowships opportunities, and are encouraging applications that engage with a number of Invitational Priorities, including those that explore linkages beyond the InterAsian expanse and that emphasize connections between Asia and Africa. SSRC will be accepting applications until September 27, 2017. The first, th

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/call-applications-two-ssrc-fellowships - 2025-02-23

Catarina Kinnvall and Ian Manners represent Lund University in the HORIZON project PLEDGE: 'Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance'

Published 12 December 2023 Professor Catarina Kinnvall and Professor Ian Manners, Lund University. The project is focused on the emotional economy of anti/pro-democratic expressions of grievances, with an aim to explain how anti-social grievance politics transform into democratic political action. Congratulations on the research grant! Project name: Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/catarina-kinnvall-and-ian-manners-represent-lund-university-horizon-project-pledge-politics - 2025-02-23

Alumni: HAMN

Published 8 September 2020 Arngrimur BorgthorssonMaria NorrmanMaja Gade ChristensenAnders S. SolbergSofia Wickman11 September-11 October 2020Curated by Maja Gade Christensen and Anne Skole OvergaardOpening Friday 11 Sept kl 17:00-21:00/5-9 pmArtist talk Sunday  20 Sept fra kl 14:00/2 pmPerformance by Millennium Star on the opening 11 Sept kl 17:00-21:00/5-9 pm and 11 Oct kl 13:00-17:00/1-5 pm Udst

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-hamn - 2025-02-23

New research project to adress climate anxiety among youth

Published 3 April 2024 The IIIEE is a partner in the newly started ERASMUS+ project CLARITY that aims to help reduce climate anxiety in youth by equipping educators with tools to address the emotional and mental stress related to climate anxiety. Climate change education in schools and universities tends to focus on environmental facts, whilst little room is given to inner dimensions of change and

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/new-research-project-adress-climate-anxiety-among-youth - 2025-02-23

Call for papers: Sixth Annual Forte EpiDem Network Junior Conference

Published 28 November 2023 Torekov Hotel, Skåne, 11 – 12 April 2024 Organizers: Siddartha Aradhya, Maria Brandén, Jonas Björk, and Anita Berglund Aim: The aim of the FORTE EpiDem Network is to strengthen the position of Swedish register-based research, partly through increased knowledge and shared experiences regarding adequate scientific approaches and partly by forming new long-term partnerships

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/call-papers-sixth-annual-forte-epidem-network-junior-conference - 2025-02-24