

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48783 sökträffar

Stubborn Swedes : The persistence of the Swedish corporate governance system under international reform

Despite a number of corporate governance reforms introduced following an Anglo-American blueprint, the Swedish corporate governance system still contains several country-specific traits. In this article, we try to understand this continuity of the national corporate governance system. We do this by outlining a model for describing the processes of change built on Mary Douglas’ (1986) theory of ‘inDespite a number of corporate governance reforms introduced following an Anglo-American blueprint, the Swedish corporate governance system still contains several country-specific traits. In this article, we try to understand this continuity of the national corporate governance system. We do this by outlining a model for describing the processes of change built on Mary Douglas’ (1986) theory of ‘in

Strings : a performative encounter with Agenda 2030 Graduate School

Strings is a participative performance that explores the driving forces of change and what personal motivations humans have for pursuing their vision. The site of the performance is the University of Lund with its atmospheric environment, history and diverse hubs of knowledgemaking in Lund and Malmö. The hosts are an international group of researchers from all faculties of Lund University covering

Sociologiska institutionen 75 år

Sociologiska institutionen grundades 1947 och firade sitt 75-årsjubileum under 2023. Anekdoter och reflektion kring hur vi blivit de vi är idag. Sociologisk forskning och undervisning har funnits här på Lunds universitet i 75 år. Detta vill vi uppmärksamma genom dessa utvalda tillbakablickar och anekdoter.Hur har lundasociologin vuxit fram sedan starten 1947? Häng med! Development Studies – a pers

https://www.soc.lu.se/om-oss/sociologiska-institutionen-75-ar - 2025-02-21

Globalt engagemang och internationella samarbeten

Globalt engagemang är en både självklar och nödvändig del av Lunds universitet för att kunna fortsätta utvecklas som ett internationellt ledande universitet som värnar demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter och akademisk frihet. Tillsammans med våra partner runt om i världen bidrar vi till att möta globala utmaningar. Globalt dynamiskt engagemang (GDE) är Lunds universitets arbetssätt för att stärka och

https://www.lu.se/om-universitetet/globalt-engagemang-och-internationella-samarbeten - 2025-02-22

Panel Discussion

9 april 2025 12:00 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to a panel discussion where the participants will explore the intricate relationship between Georgian music, its societal contexts, and its role in moments of political protest. As active participants in the ongoing protests in Georgia against rigged elections, Georgian pianists Nino Jvania and Tamar Zhvania and musicologist Gvantsa Ghvinjilia wil

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/panel-discussion-georgian-music-society-and-protest - 2025-02-22


Du är inte ensam om att känna dig ensam. Ofrivillig ensamhet är ett växande samhällsproblem som kan drabba alla. Men det finns saker du kan göra själv för att ta dig ur ofrivillig ensamhet. Studenthälsan finns också till för dig om du behöver stöd. Genvägar till sidans innehåll:Skillnaden mellan frivillig och ofrivillig ensamhetTips för att ta sig ur ensamhetenBoka en tid hos StudenthälsanFler möj

https://www.lu.se/studera/livet-som-student/service-och-stod/studenthalsan/ensamhet - 2025-02-22

Island : artistic exposition

Exposition about the performance Island/Eyja a piece about what it means to belong; what ties a person to a community or a place and what kind of commitment it requires to be a part of something. The challenges of the island reflect the global challenges of current times. In the performance guests are invited to critically investigate their own ideas on what it means to belong. The guests are invi

Ingrid Odlén, konsult och entreprenör

Mitt i ett surrande Silicon Valley hittade civilingenjören Ingrid Odlén hem. I mötet mellan akademi, innovationer och allmänhet skapades det virrvarr av vidöppna karriärsdörrar som hon drömt om. Jag har alltid velat förstå hur allt i världen hänger ihop. Jag tycker om att veta saker, men har inte världens bästa faktaminne, vilket inte riktigt går ihop. Det var istället fysiken som blev min verktyg

https://www.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-tatfy/ingrid-odlen-konsult-och-entreprenor - 2025-02-22

WPP design and analysis - An assessment of wake effects and power fluctuations from large scale wind power plant clusters

For the last decades, the wind energy industry has been growing rapidly. More of the production is moving offshore, and in the Baltic Sea some key areas have been identified as particularly suitable for wind power plants. The European Commission have initiated the Baltic Integrid project to assess the potential of building meshed HVDC grids between the Baltic countries and use these areas for wind

Design and Implementation of Customer Support Awareness Dashboard

Customer relation is an important factor in service minded sectors, and providing a flawless support to compliment that service can be an important factor while having customers. This puts support personnel in a crucial role to handle problems that the customer requests, but also see to it that the problems never happen. Telavox, a telecommunications company, supplies various communication service