

Din sökning på "Greek " gav 2040 sökträffar

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Deriving the Functional Hierarchy Gillian Ramchand and Peter Svenonius CASTL, University of Tromsø GLOW 36, Lund University April 4, 2013 1 Introduction 1.1 The problem (1) The Minimalist Program strives to go beyond “explanatory ade- quacy” (an explanation of how language can be learned) to develop a plausible account for how human linguistic ability could have evolved (Chomsky 2005 inter alia).

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/konferens_glow36/Handouts_and_Presentations/Ramchand_and_Svenonius.pdf - 2025-03-13

In their 2001 paper Bloom & Kiel make a distinction between what would be concerned as a rewarding n

In their 2001 paper Bloom & Kiel make a distinction between what would be concerned as a rewarding notion of linguistic influence and one that is, according to the authors, close to trivial The possibility of linguistic influence on thought Jordan Zlatev and Johan Blomberg Department of Cognitive Semiotics Lund University Abstract In this chapter, we address four obstacles that stand in the way fo

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/Zlatev_Blomberg2014-English.doc - 2025-03-13

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The Genesis and Evolution of Concepts Within the Evolution of Cognition: Reections on Concepts in the Context of Merlin Donald's Work on Cognitive Evolution Joel Parthemore PAICS Research Group, Department of Informatics University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Cognitive Science Group, Department of Philosophy University of Lund, Sweden 1 Introduction No truth appears to me more evident, than that beast

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/evolution-new.pdf - 2025-03-13

Summary: Medical

Summary: Medical Summary: Leeches and leechcraft. The professionalization of the art and craft of healing in Sweden during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Chapter 1: Framework and previous research The arts of healing in the Swedish and Nordic region during the Middle Ages (from the late eleventh century until the Reformation) and the Renaissance is an issue which has previously been studied to a

https://www.uvet.lu.se/media/documents/persons/JohannaBergqvist/Summary_Johanna_Bergqvist_Avhandlingstext.pdf - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - WigforssUppsatsARKA12_4

Microsoft Word - WigforssUppsatsARKA12_4 Arkeologisk kunskapsförmedling om textila fynd från Huldremose och Hallstatt Museibesökarens upplevelse av kläder från förromersk järnålder – bruna eller röda och blåa? ARKEOLOGI ARKA 12:4, VT 2013 Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia Lunds Universitet Eva Wigforss 1    Illustrationerna på titelbladet är hämtade [2013-03-31] från Internetsidor

https://www.ark.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/ARKA12/20131/Eva_Wigforss.pdf - 2025-03-14

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To appear in Lorenzo Magnani (Ed.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Model-Based Reasoning. Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology, and Ethics, Springer. adfa, p. 1, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 Living in the Model The Cognitive Ecology of Time—A Comparative Study * Chris Sinha Lund University, School of Languages and Literature, Lund, Sweden chris.sinha@li

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_ccs/MBR012SinhaPreprint.pdf - 2025-03-13

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Au to m at ica lly ge ne ra te d ro ug h PD Fb yP ro of Ch ec kf ro m Ri ve rV al le yT ec hn ol og ie sL td DEGRUYTER Cognitive Semiotics. 2019; 20192011 Sara Lenninger1 Themetaphor and the iconic attitude 1 Kristianstad University, Kristianstad, Sweden, E-mail: sara.lenninger@hkr.se Abstract: This paper discusses visual metaphors and aspects of similarity in relation to metaphors. The concept of

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/amnen/semiotik/Lenninger_2019_The_metaphor_and_the_iconic_attitude.pdf - 2025-03-13


77950_HTRQ14_7.pdf Niclas HagenHTRQ14 An Evaluation of Research at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology Lund University EDITED BY MARIANNE THORMÄHLEN HTRQ14 AN EVALUATION OF RESEARCH AT THE JOINT FACULTIES OF HUMANITIES AND THEOLOGY LUND UNIVERSITY HTRQ14 An Evaluation of Research at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology Lund University EDITED BY MARIANNE THORMÄHLEN HTRQ14: An E

https://www.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ht/Skriftserierna/HTRQ14_webb.pdf - 2025-03-14


Introduction 1 PLEASURE, PREFERENCE, AND HAPPINESS: VARIATIONS ON THEMES FROM MILL Johan Brännmark Department of Philosophy, Lund University johan.brannmark@fil.lu.se ABSTRACT: Mill’s qualitative hedonism has been subject to much debate. It was formulated to strike a balance between classical hedonism and perfectionist conceptions of happiness and many have thought that either it is an abandonment

https://www.fil.lu.se/hommageawlodek/site/papper/BrannmarkJohan.pdf - 2025-01-28


Kurki Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 107 (2022), 111–134 We ...with Anna: the Inclusory Plural Pronominal Construction in Finnish and Fenno-Swedish Klaus Kurki University of Turku This article provides a syntactic analysis of the inclusory plural pronominal construction in Fenno- Swedish and Finnish. In this construction, a plural pronoun has a singular reading: vi ...med Anna (literally “w

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_grimm/working_papers/2022-dec/Kurki.pdf - 2025-03-13

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11:th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing SIG Writing 2008 Program & Abstracts Lund University June 11–13 2008 Organizing Committee Åsa Wengelin Roger Johansson Victoria Johansson Sven Strömqvist Scientific Committee Denis Alamargot, University of Poitiers, France Linda Allal, Unviersity of Geneva, Switzerland David Galbraith, Staffordshire University, UK Joac

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/conferenceFiles/sigwriting-2008/docs/sigabstracts.pdf - 2025-03-13

WPSS framsida 86

WPSS framsida 86 WORKING PAPERS IN SCANDINAVIAN SYNTAX 86 Gunlög Josefsson Object shift and optionality. An intricate interplay between syntax, prosody and information structure 1-24 Mayumi Hosono On Icelandic Object Shift 25-56 Mayumi Hosono Why Object Shift does not exist in Övdalian 57-80 Mayumi Hosono On Unshifted Weak Object Pronouns in the Scandinavian Languages 81-99 Eva Engels Local licens

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/WPSS_07.pdf - 2025-03-13

Insikt och Handling 10

Insikt och Handling 10 INSIKT OCH HANDLING Utgiven av Hans Larsson Samfundet Volym 10 CWK GLEERUP REDAKTÖR: URBAN FORELL TRYCKNING: AB SKÅNSKA CENTRALTRYCKERIET, LUND 1973 ISSN: 0436-8096 PDF: TABULA, MÄRSTA 2020 ISBN: 978-91-88702-20-3 VERSION 1.0 — 2020-05-14 – 2 – Till Gunnar Aspelin på 75-årdagen 23 september 1973 – 3 – – 4 – Käre Gunnar Aspelin! I »Philosophical Essays» önskade Dig Dina vänne

https://www.fil.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/fil/dokument/hanslarsson/Insikt_och_handling_vol_10.pdf - 2025-03-13

WPSS ON -a & -at

WPSS ON -a & -at Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 100 (2018), 20–40 Revisiting the etymology of the Norse negative enclitic -a/-at1 Eric Lander University of Gothenburg In this paper I present and discuss the etymological hypotheses that have been put forth through the years for Norse -a/-at ‘not’, a negative particle suffixed to finite and imperative verbs, found primarily in Old Icelandic a

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_grimm/working_papers/2018-jun/Lander.pdf - 2025-03-13

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https://www.humlab.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/humlab/typo3/About/Annual_reports/LU_Humanities_Lab_Annual_report_2023_webb.pdf - 2025-03-13


bengt_hansson.wp5 Mapping The Mind - A Matter Of Logic? 1. Knowledge - a mysterious matter Perhaps the most impressive feature of man is his ability to accumulate knowledge, to utilise the knowing of his forefathers and contemporaries, and to pass on his own understanding to the next generation. Not that nothing is lost in the process, not that the working of any man’s mind is exactly copied in an

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/language/b-hansson.pdf - 2025-03-13

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Annual Report Humanities Lab | 2013-2014 | Lund university “[...] the Humanities Lab has emerged as a world-class facility.” (HTRQ14) 3 Annual Report 2013-2014 The period 2013-2014 has been eventful for Lund University Humanities Lab. We have expanded with an increase in users, staff, externally funded new research projects, new collaborations, courses, seminar series, a string of visiting scholar

https://www.humlab.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/humlab/typo3/About/Annual_reports/LU_Humlab_AnRep13-14.pdf - 2025-03-13

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1ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Annual Report LUND UNIVERSITY HUMANITIES LAB | 2018 2 LUND UNIVERSITY HUMANITIES LAB 3 | Welcome 4 | The Dean’s introduction; Organisation 5 | Leadership 6 | Brief facts 8 | Research 21 | National and international collaborations 22 | Training, teaching, consultation 27 | Visibility, access, outreach 28 | Lab demos 29 | Organisation of Conferences, Workshops and Symposia; Visit

https://www.humlab.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/humlab/typo3/About/Annual_reports/LU_Humlab_Annual_Report_2018.pdf - 2025-03-13

Consumers’ Choice-Blindness to Ingredient Information

Consumers’ Choice-Blindness to Ingredient Information Accepted Manuscript Consumers’ Choice-Blindness to Ingredient Information T. Cheung, A.F. Junghans, G.B. Dijksterhuis, F. Kroese, P. Johansson, L. Hall, D.T.D. De Ridder PII: S0195-6663(15)30033-7 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2015.09.022 Reference: APPET 2708 To appear in: Appetite Received Date: 26 May 2015 Revised Date: 11 August 2015 Accepted Date:

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/lucs/2015/09/cheung-et-al-consumers-choice-blindness-to-ingredient-information-2015.pdf - 2025-03-13


Robotics | Department of Automatic Control Faculty of Engineering, LTH Search Department of Automatic Control LTH, Faculty of Engineering Education Research External Engagement Personnel Publications About, Contact Home  >  Rolf Johansson  >  Robotics Denna sida på svenska This page in English Robotics Research Publications of Prof. Rolf Johansson    Publications in Robotics   2021 M. Greiff, E. R

https://www.control.lth.se/personnel-old/rolf-johansson/robotics/ - 2025-03-14