

Din sökning på "Greek " gav 2037 sökträffar

Digitala verktyg ska hjälpa museer och kultur­föreningar att bygga broar mellan lokal­samhället och

Digitala verktyg ska hjälpa museer och kultur­föreningar att bygga broar mellan lokal­samhället och tvångs­migranter Digitala verktyg ska hjälpa museer och kultur­föreningar att bygga broar mellan lokal­samhället och tvångs­migranter Publicerad den 9 december 2022 Bilden föreställer några av dem som har arbetat med de olika digitala verktygen i Monte Sole, utanför Bologna. Målsättningen för projek

https://www.ht.lu.se/article/digitala-verktyg-ska-hjaelpa-museer-och-kulturfoereningar-att-bygga-broar-mellan-lokalsamhaellet-och-tvaangsmigranter/ - 2025-03-09

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken

Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | november 2021 Meddelanden från HT-biblioteken | november 2021 Publicerad den 15 november 2021 Foto: Martha de Jong-Lantink Här kommer vårt nyhetsbrev för november. Vi informerar om våra öppna laborationer, referera rätt, för uppsatsskrivande studenter, om vårt nyförvärv för oktober och månadens e-resurs. Denna månad flaggar vi för Indo-European Etymological Dictio

https://www.htbibl.lu.se/article/meddelanden-fraan-ht-biblioteken-november-2021/ - 2025-03-09

Lista avtal 20150129

Blad1 Lund University Agreements Agreement number LINK Status Agreement type University Erasmus Country Erasmus City Erasmus Code City Country Agreement Contact Agreement Organisation Subject Area 295 Active Erasmus+ University of Innsbruck, Institute of Botany A INNSBRU01 A INNSBRU01 Innsbruck Austria Christina Ledje Department of Biology 0511 - 0511 Biology 294 Active Erasmus+ University of Vien

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/lista_avtal_20150129.xlsx - 2025-03-10

Terrestrial habitat mapping in europe - an overview

Terrestrial habitat mapping in Europe: an overview (EEA Technical report No 1/2014) ISSN 1725-2237 EEA Technical report No 1/2014 Terrestrial habitat mapping in Europe: an overview Joint MNHN-EEA report X Terrestrial habitat mapping in Europe: an overview EEA Technical report No 1/2014 Joint MNHN-EEA report European Environment Agency Kongens Nytorv 6 1050 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel.: +45 33 36 71 0

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/sites/nateko.lu.se.sv/files/terrestrial_habitat_mapping_in_europe_-_an_overview.pdf - 2025-03-10

Lista avtal 20150326

Blad1 Agreement number LINK Status Agreement type University Erasmus Country Erasmus City Erasmus Code City Country Agreement Contact Agreement Organisation Subject Area 295 Active Erasmus+ University of Innsbruck, Institute of Botany A INNSBRU01 A INNSBRU01 Innsbruck Austria Christina Ledje Department of Biology 0511 - 0511 Biology 294 Active Erasmus+ University of Vienna, Department für Neurobio

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/lista_avtal_20150326.xlsx - 2025-03-10

Lista avtal 20150219

Blad1 Agreement number LINK Status Agreement type University Erasmus Country Erasmus City Erasmus Code City Country Agreement Contact Agreement Organisation Subject Area 295 Active Erasmus+ University of Innsbruck, Institute of Botany A INNSBRU01 A INNSBRU01 Innsbruck Austria Christina Ledje Department of Biology 0511 - 0511 Biology 294 Active Erasmus+ University of Vienna, Department für Neurobio

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/lista_avtal_20150219.xlsx - 2025-03-10

No title

Creating pronunciation training content for your language of interest – A hands-on workshop Jaques Koreman Department of Language and Literature, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) WHY? A foreign accent can lead to lower intelligibility or comprehensibility (Munro & Derwing, 1995). This can have negative consequences in communication (Lev-Ari & Keysar, 2010). Nevertheless, pronu

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/conference/isaph2022/Koreman_abstract.pdf - 2025-03-08


Konferenser Inspirationskonferens 2025 SweCog 2025 National Forum for English Studies 2025 Meds Online CONNOR Symposium in Honour of Adam Kendon, September 7, 2023 The Fifth Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-5) Spiritual Exercises NAG 2023 SLING 2023 Neurolinguistics in Sweden 2023 LUTL-2022 The Many Altars of the North The 4th International Symposium on App

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/ - 2025-03-10

Courses for international university staff

This page provides information on courses for new international staff. Content on this page:Understanding Sweden and Scandinavia for university staff from other countries Language coursesSwedish for university staff from other countriesSwedish for Danish-speaking LU employeesUnderstanding Sweden and Scandinavia for university staff from other countriesLiving and working in a foreign country involv

https://www.staff.lu.se/employment/working-lund-university/new-employees/courses-international-university-staff - 2025-03-09

Qmod 2003 6thqmod 2003 paris coloured

QMOD Paper Submission 6Th International QMOD Conference, 02-03/October, 2003, Paris, France Quality Management and Organizational Development In a perspective of Sustainable Development List of speakers and sessions Excellence in Management Excellent Frameworks Change Management C ha irm an Peter Neergaard Jean Michel Sahut Name Origin Presentation Name Origin Presentation 94 Su Mi Dahlgard Park L

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/qmod_2003_6thqmod_2003_paris_coloured.pdf - 2025-03-10

Perko Radon risk communication and behaviour 2021

PowerPointova predstavitev Radon risk communication and behaviour of people: preliminary results of the RadoNorm project The Need for Social Science in Radon Risk Communication open digital seminar, ZOOM, March 24th, 2021 organized by the Pufendorf IAS (Pufendorfinstitutet) an interdisciplinary institute at Lund University, Sweden This project has received funding from the Euratom research and tra

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/2021-04/Perko%20Radon%20risk%20communication%20and%20behaviour%202021.pdf - 2025-03-10

Lumes yearbook high res

LUMES 20 Years, 1997 – 2017 INTERNATIONAL MASTER PROGRAMME IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE 2 3 Foreword The world is facing a plethora of sustainability challenges including gro- wing inequality, coupled with urbanisation, deforestation, water conflicts, food security conflicts and global climate change. LUCSUS has a vision to combine critical scholarship with solution-based ap

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/sites/lucsus.lu.se/files/lumes_yearbook_high_res.pdf - 2025-03-10

Qmod 2012 program 29 08 2012

QMOD_2012_Program_29 08 2012 15th QMOD Conference 5th-7th September, 2012 Poznan, Poland How may organizations use Learning, Creativity and Innovation in realizing their dreams of excellence and recover from the economic crisis? Program Jointly organized by: Lund University, Linköping University & Poznan University of Technology Page 2 15th QMOD-ICQSS Program Welcome Address from the Chairmen It i

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/qmod_2012_program_29_08_2012.pdf - 2025-03-10

No title

Postal address Box 117, 221 00 Lund Visiting address LUX, hus B, Helgonavägen 3 Telephone +46 46 222 83 15 Email kristina.arnrup_thorsbro@kansliht.lu.se Website www.ht.lu.se Cent r e for Languages and Li terature Germ an General Syllabus for Third Cycle Studies for the Degree of Doctor in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History This syllabus was approved by the Board of the Joint Faculties of Hu

https://www.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ht/filserver/doktorand/studieplaner-engelska/Classical_Archaeology_and_Ancient_History.pdf - 2025-03-09


Brevmall General syllabus 1. Programme details 1. Title of the programme Master of Arts in The Religious Roots of Europe 2. Credits 120 3. Cycle Second 4. Programme code HARRE Specialisation codes, if any 5. Details of approval Approved by the pro-dean for first- and second-cycle studies at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology on 4 February 2011 6. Details of changes approved Changes approved

https://www.ctr.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ctr/pdf/rre/General_syllabus_RRE.pdf - 2025-03-08


29.p65 1Women’s Migration in Contemporary Russian Literature Women’s Migration in Contemporary Russian Literature Karin Sarsenov karin.sarsenov@slav.lu.se 2 CFE Working paper series no. 29 CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES AT LUND UNIVERSITY: Box 52 Phone: +46 (0)46-222 88 99 SE-221 00 LUND Fax: +46 (0)46-222 40 06 Sweden Email: cfe@cfe.lu.se CFE Working paper series is published by Centre for European

https://www.cfe.lu.se/en/sites/cfe.lu.se.en/files/2020-12/cfewp29.pdf - 2025-03-10

Geol01 - gff style sheet authors dec 2014

Project code: 1 SGFF – abridged Style sheet December 2014 Author(s) AU AN AUTHOR and ANOTHER AUTHOR Authors are listed by full name only. Ranged left. e.g. JANICE BLACK JANICE BLACK and FRANCES FABIAN JANICE BLACK, FRANCES FABIAN, KIM HINRICHS and FIONA LEE EMILY DARLING, KRISTINE MOLINA, MELISSA SANDERS, FIONA LEE and YU ZHAO Affiliation AFF Multiple email addresses where multiple authors share t

https://www.geologi.lu.se/sites/geologi.lu.se/files/geol01_-_gff_style_sheet_authors_dec_2014.pdf - 2025-03-10

Pi-publications eng

Publications Publications Selected publications Patching, G.R., Englund, M.P., & Hellström, Å. (2012). Time- and space-order effects in timed discrimination of brightness and size of paired visual stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 4, 915-940. Englund, M.P., & Patching, G.R. (2009). An inexpensive and accurate method of measuring the force of responses i

https://www.psy.lu.se/en/sites/psy.lu.se.en/files/pi-publications_eng.pdf - 2025-03-10

2018 nordic user group folio final

User Group – Salt Lake City FOLIO Update 2018 Nordic Users Group Neil Block VP, Global Open Source Innovation EBSCO Information Services nblock@ebsco.com 1 EBSCO and others are supporting the creation of a new open source Library Services Platform (LSP): FOLIO FOLIO will include ILS/LMS functionality (Circulation, Resource Management, Cataloging, etc.) and will be extensible to support add-on modu

https://www.ub.lu.se/sites/ub.lu.se/files/2018_nordic_user_group_folio_final.pptx - 2025-03-10