

Din sökning på "Canvas" gav 3243 sökträffar

Lamp58 Litteratur

januari 2021 Litteratur Obligatorisk litteratur: Aspelin, Jonas. (2011). Relationell specialpedagogik - i teori och praktik. Malmö: Gleerups förlag. (s. 13-27, 27-45, 179-190). Bruce, Barbro., Rubin, Maria., Thimgren, Pia., & Åkerman, Roger. (2016). Specialpedagogik i professionellt lärarskap. Malmö: Gleerups. (Läs främst kap. 2, 4 och 5). Heilskov Elvén, Bo. (2012). Utvecklingsrelaterade och funk

https://www.mhm.lu.se/sites/mhm.lu.se/files/2021-01/Lamp58_Litteratur.pdf - 2025-01-09

Double degree programmes for LUSEM master students

Lund University School of Economics and Management has joined forces with some of the best business schools to offer three double degree programmes. Melbourne, Australia A double degree programme means that you will spend one semester or one year abroad, and obtain a Master’s degree from both Lund University and from the partner university. In addition to a valuable international experience, this

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/international-opportunities/studies-abroad-international-opportunities-lusem-students/double-degree-programmes-lusem-master-students - 2025-01-08


Ouriginal, or Urkund as it was called before, is a text comparison system that compares your text with other sources to discover identical sections. The purpose of Ouriginal is first and foremost for teachers to be able to check if you are guilty of plagiarism, that is if you have copied another text without citing or if you’re too close to your sources linguistically when you’re referencing. Ouri

https://www.campusonline.lu.se/en/digital-tools/ouriginal - 2025-01-07

Welcome to the Master's Programme in Cultural Criminology

Programme code: SACCR Programme period: 2024 - 2026 Welcome to the Master's Programme in Cultural Criminology!Here you will find all the information you need to get started with your studies at the Department of Sociology at Lund University.The first course on the programme is CCRN01: Theories, Perspectives and Concepts of Cultural Criminology which starts 2 September with a mandatory introductory

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-autumn/welcome-masters-programme-cultural-criminology - 2025-01-07

Underrättelseanalys: Grundkurs, 30 hp

Grattis till din plats och välkommen till studier i Underrättelseanalys och kursen UNDA14 Vi är glada att kunna välkomna dig till Statsvetenskapliga institutionen vid Lunds universitet. Nedan följer viktig information som du behöver veta för att ta din studieplats i anspråk. Det är viktigt att du läser igenom det ordentligt. Svarskrav Glöm inte att tacka ja till din plats senast måndagen den 16 de

https://www.svet.lu.se/utbildning/ny-student-antagningsinformation/underrattelseanalys-grundkurs-30-hp - 2025-01-07

Exchange studies for LUSEM students

Everything you need to know about exchange studies Going abroad as an exchange student means spending a semester at one of LUSEM's partner universities. What is an exchange?Spending a semester abroad allows you to take advantage of excellent academic programmes around the globe. There are many benefits of going on an exchange:Gain a global education.Broaden your academic horizon by taking courses

https://www.lusem.lu.se/study/international-opportunities/studies-abroad-international-opportunities-lusem-students/exchange-studies-lusem-students - 2025-01-08

Sasi03 2020 schedule

Day Date Time Venue Title Teacher Week 1 Monday 31/8 9:15-12 Online Roll-call & course introduction Mandatory Darin Wahl Wednesday 2/9 13:15-16 Online Key concepts, debates and history of Environmental and Sustainability Studies Darin Wahl Week 2 Monday 7/9 10:15-12 Online Agriculture and Natural Resources Ellinor Isgren Wednesday 9/9 13:15-16 Online Introduction to climate change Hand-in of 1st i

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/sasi03_2020_schedule.pdf - 2025-01-09

Sasi03 schedule h19

Microsoft Word - SASI03_2019_Schedule Day Date Time Venue Title Teacher Week 1 Monday 2/9 9-12 Carson Roll-call & course introduction Mandatory Darin Wahl / George Neville Wednesday 4/9 13-16 Maathai Key concepts, debates and history of Environmental and Sustainability Studies Kimberly Nicholas Week 2 Monday 9/9 9-11 Carson Indigeneity and sustainability David Harnesk Wednesday 11/9 13-15 Carson S

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/sasi03_schedule_h19.pdf - 2025-01-09

Lamp58 LIMP26 Litteratur

januari 2021 Litteratur LAMP58 / LIMP26 Specialpedagogik Obligatorisk litteratur: Aspelin, Jonas. (2011). Relationell specialpedagogik - i teori och praktik. Malmö: Gleerups förlag. (s. 13-27, 27-45, 179-190). Bruce, Barbro., Rubin, Maria., Thimgren, Pia., & Åkerman, Roger. (2016). Specialpedagogik i professionellt lärarskap. Malmö: Gleerups. (Läs främst kap. 2, 4 och 5). Heilskov Elvén, Bo. (2012

https://www.mhm.lu.se/sites/mhm.lu.se/files/2021-02/Lamp58_LIMP26_Litteratur.pdf - 2025-01-09

Välkomstbrev Styrning och styrmedel för en hållbar ekonomi MVES02, höstterminen 2021

Välkommen till kursen Styrning och styrmedel för en hållbar ekonomi (MVES02) höstterminen 2021   Introduktionsmöte Upprop och introduktion till kursen är måndagen den 1 november klockan 10.15, i Aulan på Internationella miljöinstitutet (IIIEE). IIIEE ligger bredvid Kulturen. Aulan: gå rakt in genom porten, gå rakt fram till receptionen, och ta trappan upp till vänster; Aulan ligger snett till höge

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/valkomstbrev-styrning-och-styrmedel-en-hallbar-ekonomi-mves02-hostterminen-2021 - 2025-01-07

Welcome to the course Sociology: Master's (Two Years) Thesis in Welfare Policies and Management

Course code: WPMM42, 30 credits Study period: 20 January – 8 June 2025 Mandatory introductory meetingYou find the time and place for your introductory meeting by searching for the course code SOCM05 (!) in the schedule (you study together with students at the master thesis course SOCM05). Find schedule via TimeEdit.How to find the street address in TimeEdit: click on the address in the column for

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/welcome-letters-spring/welcome-course-sociology-masters-two-years-thesis-welfare-policies-and-management - 2025-01-07