

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

What makes auditors motivated and satisfied?

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions of auditors at different career stages on current management control and the work environment. In order to gain a deeper analysis of the auditors' perspective, the study has used previous empirical research and theories of motivation and job satisfaction. Thus, two research questions have been formulated to support the study.

Lagom Macho

Författare: Lovisa Cederstrand & Maja Christiansson Titel: Lagom macho Kandidatuppsats: SOCK10, 15 hp Handledare: David Sausdal Sociologiska institutionen, höstterminen 2021 Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur manliga poliser själva uppfattar och upplever den påstådda bild som samhället har om att polismyndighetens organisationskultur är macho. Samt om någon förändring kan utläsas base

Utveckling av Polydimetylsiloxan-Mikropartiklar för Biomedicinsk NMR

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a technique for identifying molecular structures, compositions etc. and is widely used in many life science research fields. The purpose of this project is to synthesize PDMS microparticles with a magnetic susceptibility matching water, which makes them applicable for use in NMR of biological samples. The microparticles are intended to be used as a chroma

The Key Drivers of CO2 Emissions of North America, Western Europe, China, and India, 1870-2019

North America, Western Europe, China, and India are today the greatest emitters of carbon dioxide. This research aims to compare the development of North America and Western Europe with the Chinese and Indian ones. It is a comparison of the key factors that affects the emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels. The key factors are the ones proposed by the Kaya identity, a particular type of decomposition

Architecture of Reuse

Exploring a prolonged life cycle of materials through an adaptive transformation Take, make and waste. Our society is trapped in a linear economic system where we extract raw materials, process them into products and as they have served their purpose they are reduced to waste. This unsustainable mentality seeps through to all things consumable, from fashion and cellphones to kitchen counters and

Sann vänskap är ljudet mellan människor

Problem/forskningsfråga: Hur försöker svenska podcasts skapa trovärdighet till sina lyssnare samtidigt som de marknadsför produkter och företag? och Hur tar unga lyssnare emot reklam i podcasts utifrån ett förtroendeperspektiv? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utifrån kvalitativ metod skapa förståelse för hur annonsering i digitala kanaler påverkar podcasts trovärdighet. Den växande digitala kanalen Research question: How do Swedish podcasts try to create credibility for their listeners while marketing products and companies? and How do young listeners receive advertising in podcasts from a trust perspective? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to, based on a qualitative method, create an understanding of how advertising in digital channels affects its credibility. The growing digital chann

Vilka likheter och olikheter finns i medierapporteringen kring två fall av protester mot social orättvisa i sportsliga sammanhang med nästan 50 års mellanrum? - En litteraturstudie som kartlägger medierapporteringen kring Tommie Smiths och John Carlos OS-protest 1968 och Colin Kaepernicks NFL-protester 2016

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att genom en litteraturstudie av två vetenskapliga artiklar som undersökt medierapporteringen kring två fall rörande protester i sportsliga sammanhang, försöka ta reda på hur medierapporteringen i amerikanska tidningar sett ut för respektive fall och jämföra dessa med varandra för att hitta likheter och olikheter. Fallen det rör sig om är Tommie Smith och Joh

En viktgräns för grundläggande respekt: En intervjustudie om fat shaming och fettförakt

Aktuell statistik som kartlägger svenskars levnadsstandard visar en betydande ökning av övervikt och fetma bland befolkningen. Hög kroppsvikt förknippas med medicinska åkommor såväl som psykosociala problem. Den sociala miljön kring överviktiga individer präglas av exkludering, kränkningar och förlöjligande, dessa beteenden benämns som fat shaming och de utgör en samhällsstruktur av fettförakt. De

Huvud utan hår: Unga män och håravfall

Över 70% av alla män kommer bli helt eller delvis skalliga under sina liv, men trots detta finns försvinnande lite samhällsvetenskaplig forskning kring hur män upplever eller hanterar håravfall. Syftet med detta arbete är att få en bättre förståelse för ämnet utifrån ett antropologiskt perspektiv, genom att svara på hur unga män som börjat tappa håret tidigt upplever hårförlust och skallighet, sam

Archetypes of Second-hand Luxury Fashion - A qualitative study of second-hand luxury fashion consumption

Thesis purpose: the purpose of this research is to understand how and if different motives simultaneously influence consumers’ decision to acquire second-hand luxury fashion online. Through this, we want to find different consumer archetypes in second-hand luxury fashion. This study aims to contribute with both theoretical and managerial implications to the second-hand luxury research field. Metho

The Transformative Irenic Rebellious Power of Street Art in Colombia

Concerns are growing within the field of development as global democracy rates decline. As a solution to how to rebuild democratic systems is currently unclear, this thesis looks at the case of Colombia and the national protests (colloquially referred to as El Paro) that began in April 2021. The nation, suffering from increasing political polarisation, rising poverty rates and crippling structural

Kollektivtrafik i mindre orter och landsbygd – En fallstudie av två skånska kommuner

Stad och landsbygd beskrivs ofta som raka motsatser och i den framställda dikotomin mellan stad och land skildras ofta större tätorter som vinnare mot en avfolkad landsbygd. Tätorter och landsbygder runt om i landet har olika geografiska, demografiska och sociala förutsättningar. Det går därför inte att säga att det sker en positiv utveckling för alla tätorter eller en negativ utveckling för hela Urban and rural are often seen as each other’s complete opposites, were larger urban settlements are often presented as the winners against depopulating rural areas. While this is not always true, there is in many places an ongoing deterioration of public transport in areas with lower population density where resources are allocated to urban areas with a larger demand. This and other climate measu

Categorical inequality in homelessness – How has the Neoliberalisation of housing policies in Sweden affected homelessness in Malmö from social workers’ perspectives?

During the 90s, the Swedish government implemented a series of neoliberal housing policies in search of a wayout for the economic crisis, including demolition of the ministry of housing, deregulations and disincentivising housing construction, which has created decline in housing production and privatisation of municipal housing companies. The neoliberal policy reform was attributed to the shortag

Mobile Money in Tanzania - The First Step Towards Financial Inclusion

In recent years the importance of financial inclusion for economic growth has been thoroughly discussed. Particularly, the impact of mobile money in the context of developing economies has risen in prominence. This thesis adds to existing literature by exploring the how mobile money increases financial inclusion by conceptualizing it as a process with relative stages. Different theories have been

The PTZ camera in a circular economy

Circular economy is a solution for how to achieve sustainable development in the world. A circular economy involves the recirculation of products and materials, and aims to avoid the creation of waste. For a product to be recirculated, the recirculation needs to be considered already in the design phase. This thesis is performed in collaboration with Axis Communications and explores how to desi

Never Let a Crisis go to Waste

This report investigates how organizations deal with organizational learning during times of crisis. The aim was to contribute with a framework visualizing the most profound drivers and barriers to organizational learning during crisis management, using the covid-pandemic as a case example. A preliminary framework was developed with the literature review as a foundation to do this. An interview gu

Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project-Based Engineering Organizations - Catalyzing the firm’s product innovation capabilities

Tacit knowledge is valuable because of its hard imitability, this also creates the challenge of spreading it to other employees in the organization. This study describes the phenomenon of tacit knowledge sharing (TKS) in project-based engineering organizations (PBEOs) and is directed at practitioners to allow them to improve their role as facilitators of TKS. PBEOs manage research and design proje

Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy in Large Geometries: Towards Monitoring Oxygen in Adult Lungs

Hela livet är våra lungor livsviktiga organ. För nyfödda såväl som för äldre patienter så finns ett kliniskt behov av säker och kontinuerlig lungövervakning. Några av dagens vanliga metoder för att undersöka lungorna, såsom röntgen och datortomografi, ger endast en ögonblicksbild samt medför joniserande strålning. En ny teknik för klinisk lungmonitorering är nu på frammarch: GASMAS. GASMAS står föGAs in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy (GASMAS) is a technique to study free gas inside strongly scattering bulk-materials. GASMAS is successful in safely measuring oxygen in lungs of neonates, with low-power tuneable diode-laser spectroscopy at 760 nm. Because a similar need of lung monitoring exists in older patients, this work explores how GASMAS can be scaled up for larger geometries.