Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar
Importers, Exporters and Multinationals: Exploring the Hierarchy of International Linkages
The purpose of this paper is to empirically explore two dimensions of the firm hierarchy of international market-specific linkages using data for Swedish manufacturing firms over the 1997 to 2007 period. First, we investigate the productivity ordering with respect to importing, exporting and investing abroad. Second, we investigate the productivity ordering with respect to linkage complexity (i.e.
Sartres krig – Människans frihet och slutet på historien
Studien undersöker Jean-Paul Sartres utvecklig från Varat och Intet (1943) – där den fria och ensamma människans relation till varat och den andre står i centrum – till den sociala och politiskt situerade människa som ringas in i Critique de la raison dialectique (Kritik av det dialektiska förnuftet, 1960). På vägen mellan dessa verk kommer den sartreska samtidshistoriens mest fundamentala konflik
Jacob Wilde, Aristoteles, det besvärliga konungsliga enväldet, oförstående utlänningar och frihetstidens statsrättsdoktrin
Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Materials: Some studies on Sugarcane Bagasse and Paja Brava
The commercial feasibility of ethanol production from biomass is dependent on the availability of lignocellulose in large amounts at low cost. Various kinds of agricultural residues are of interest, due to the fact that these feedstocks have well-established cultivation procedures already in place, as well as technology for harvest and transportation. In the current work, the utilization of sugarc
Introduction: The Study of Just and Durable Peace
Issues in reclaiming control from advanced driver assistance systems
Automation is increasingly part of everyday driving as systems such as adaptive cruise control (ACC) or collision warning systems become the norm. These systems are not perfect, resulting in the driver having to stay vigilant for any faults or warnings even with insufficient feedback, and be prepared to reclaim control from an automated driving situation to normal driving. A questionnaire was sent
Cape Verde: Putting New Life into Reform Policy, and then…
Commuting elements in non-commutative algebras associated to dynamical systems
In this article the problem of explicit description of commuting functions of noncommuting elements satisfying commutation relation of the form AB = BF(A) is considered and connection to periodic points of corresponding dynamical system is established.
Strategies for survival among Canada's First Nations People: The Lubicon and their use of non-native expertise
Vowel gestures and spectra: from raw data to simulation and applications.
Jacob Glatstein (Yankev Glatshteyn) (1896-1971)
Bygder eller bara bönder? Tradition och rationalitet i den skånska jordbruksomvandlingen
The great transformation of Swedish agriculture in the 18th and 19th centuries was part of a European-wide development sharing similar characteristics. While researchers agree that extensive agro-technological, social and institutional change took place, opinions differ with regards to the causes, spread, timing and sequence of events. Through a systematic study of agricultural production, land us
Tail behavior and dependence structure the APARCH model
The APARCH model is a generalization of the GARCH model that attempts to capture asymmetric responses of returns and of volatility to positive and negative `news shocks' -the phenomenon known as the leverage effect. Despite its potential, the model's mathematical properties have not yet been fully investigated. While the capacity of the model to account for the leverage effect is clear from its de
Den triewaldska samlingen på Malmö Museer
Universal Design 2014: Three Days of Creativity and Diversity
Universal Design, Design for All and Inclusive Design are all aimed at dismantling physical and social barriers to inclusion in all areas of life. Engagement in universal design is on the increase worldwide as practitioners and researchers explore creative and desirable solutions to shape the future of universal design products and practices. This book is a collection of the papers presented at U
The Effects of ATT and Non-ATT Systems and Treatments on Driver Speed Behaviour
MASTER (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) aims to provide re-commendations for speed management strategies and policies and develop guidelines for the development of innovative speed management tools. This document reviews the relevant literature and various Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) and traditional (non-ATT) methods of reducing driver speed are evaluated. It is concluded tha
A Contextual Framework for Computerized Information Systems. An exploratory study of computerized information systems in nine manufacturing organizations with regard to technological and environmental factors
Research within contingency theory recognizes and postulates the relevance of contextual factors to the design of organizations. Thus organizations are dependent on the environments in which they operate and on the technologies they utilize. Organizations therefore need to process information about their environments and technologies. Information systems, including computerized information sytems,