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Recension: E. Karlsmo "Rum för avsked"
Can a constructivist distinguish between experience and representation?
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Leif Lönnblad - Professor i teoretisk fysik
Ny vuxenhet i ett livsloppsperspektiv
Vad händer i livet från det man är tjugo till dess man är trettiofem och fyrtio? Vad innebär det att bli vuxen i vår senmoderna tid? I mitten av 1980-talet studerade sociologen Margareta Norell och psykologen claes Törnqvist tjogoåringar i tre sociala miljöer. Drygt femton år senare har de nu sökt upp dessa personer och intervjuat dem om deras liv - vad som hänt sedan dess och hur de lever som vux
Being and becoming a teacher in medical education
Recension av doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Intitutet, Stockholm
Multipath Routing From a Traffic Engineering Perspective: How Beneficial is It?
Multipath routing gives traffic demands an opportunity to use multiple paths through a network. In a single-demand situation, its benefits are easy to see. In a multi-commodity case, when potentially all node-pairs (demands) generate traffic, they compete for the same network resources. In this work, we consider multipath routing in communication networks in a multi-commodity setting from a traffi
Adaptive Control: General Methodology
Mechanisms of Brain Damage Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia: Changes in Ion Homeostasis and the Importance of Free Radical Formation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Svensk sammanfattning Slaganfall (stroke), hjärtstillestånd eller överdosering av insulin är tillstånd som leder till en minskning av syre- och/eller glukos till hjärnvävnaden. Då tillförseln av glukos och syrgas minskar, kan cellerna inte längre upprätthålla en normal energiproduktion. Eftersom en stor del av energin går åt till bevara den spänning som finns över cellIn this thesis mechanisms of neuronal damage were investigated in an experimental stroke model i.e focal ischemia. The influence of SD-induced calcium transients on neuronal damage were studied in animals with reduced energy supply. The influence of bioenergetic failure on K+e concentration and Ca2+e homeostasis were also investigated in transient focal ischemia. Moreover, the free radical formati
Statistical Physics of Protein Folding and Aggregation
The mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation are investigated by computer simulations of all-atom and reduced models with sequence-based potentials. A quasi local Monte Carlo update is developed in order to efficiently sample proteins in the folded phase. A small helical protein, the B-domain of staphylococcal protein A, is studied using a reduced model. In the thermodynamically favoured topo
Acoustic Analysis of Adult Speaker Age
nformation about the age of the speaker is always present in speech. It is used as perceptual cues to age by human listeners, and can be measured acoustically and used by automatic age estimators. This chapter offers an introduction to the phonetic study of speaker age, with focus on what is known about the acoustic features which vary with age. The age-related acoustic variation in temporal as we
Chemically grafted polysulfones for proton exchange membranes
Benoît Lafitte, Mario Puchner and Mario Puchner, poster presented at “Advances in Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Systems", Asilomar, California, February 2005.
In- och utflyttningsfält i Stockholmsregionen: Kartläggning med EquiPop
An environmentally benign energy future for western scania, Sweden
Hyresvärlden : Maktrelationer på hyresmarknaden i Malmö ca 1880 - 1925
This dissertation deals with the rental relations in Malmö between 1880 – 1925. This period witnessed extensive changes in Swedish society, including on the housing market. Industrialization and the rapid pace of urbanization created the basis for a housing market with a strong speculative element. Tenement housing made its breakthrough in Malmö around the turn of the 20th century. New housing are
UV-kontoren genom 50 år : en kavalkad i ord och bild
Flexible Composites - Strength, Deformation and Fracture Proecesses in Woven and D.O.S. Reinforcement Materials
Popular Abstract in Swedish Teknisk textil är en bred benämning för textila material med användningsområden som inte är beklädnad eller där utseendemässiga krav oftast är av underordnad betydelse. På senare tid har dock designsynpunkter på tekniska textilprodukter kommit att alltmer uppmärksammas och detta belyses i kapitel 10 i avhandlingen. Teknisk textil är en nygammal industrigren som genomgåtIn this thesis the tensile strength, deformation, damage resistance and tear propagation for flexible composites are analysed. There are two essential requirements common to all flexible composites; namely, high tearing strength and good matrix-to-fabric adhesion. The interaction of fabric and matrix is complex. The most critical variables are those of yarn and fabric structure, the mechanical pro