

Din sökning på "*" gav 528229 sökträffar

Defining a free market: drivers of unsustainability as illustrated with an example of shrimp farming in the mangrove forest in South East Asia

We apply causal loop diagrams (CLD) to picture how complex societal scenarios can be understood in terms of interdependent drivers and mechanisms between actors from the public and private sectors respectively. And we show how un-sustainable scenarios can be understood in terms of insufficient balancing feed-back in the system. We apply the methodology to picture such imbalances as funda- mental d

High-contrast Doppler-free transmission spectroscopy

By applying Doppler-free saturated absorption spectroscopy in the regime of high integrated sample absorption, high-contrast Doppler-free laser transmission signals can be obtained as demonstrated in experiments on the sodium D lines. Natural linewidth background-free signals are observed.

Om tilltal, bildspråk och samhällssyn i utbildningsprogrammen (Samhällsbyggarnas tv-berättande. Estetik och ideologi i utbildningsprogram för televisionen)

I bokens första studie, "Samhällsbyggarnas tv-undervisning. Estetik och ideologi i utbildningsprogram för televisionen" författad av Ann-Kristin Wallengren, ställs frågan om hur ett programs form och estetik är kopplat till samtidens samhällsbild och ideologier. Genom analyser av ett antal samhällskunskapsprogram för skolbarn visas hur utbildningsprogrammen från 1960-talet och framåt har förändrat

Skåne idag och i framtiden

De beslut vi tar idag och i framtiden avgör om världen går mot en tvågraders- eller en fyragradersvärld, eller någonting där emellan. Vertikal samverkan mellan politiska nivåer och horisontell samverkan mellan sektorer är viktig för att möjliggöra kostnadseffektiva ambitiösa utsläppsminskningar och åtgärder för klimatanpassning i Skåne. Arbetet med Klimatsamverkan Skåne och Strukturbild för Skån

Simulation and experimentation of a two-phase claw-pole motor

The aim of this paper is to evaluate static and dynamic characteristics of a two-phase claw-pole motor. The static characteristics are calculated and measured respectively for a single phase-core assembled into the motor and for a complete motor. The dynamic characteristics of the motor are evaluated on the basis of non-linear static characteristics. Later, the control system that is designed in s

Contract design to prevent underinvestment in Public-Private-Partnerships

Underinvestment happens when an investor abstain from investing in an asset, even if the investment is beneficial for the customer, because it does not perceive a profitable return on the specific investment. The risk for underinvestment is high in projects which rely on high asset specificity and towards the end of contract lifespan. This paper builds upon a qualitative analysis of documentation

Advances in Compact Heat Exchangers

State-of-the-art coverage of compact heat exchanger design and technology. This book, a special supplemental issue of the International Journal of Heat Exchangers, contains a selection of papers originally presented at the Fifth International Conference on Enhanced, Compact, and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: Science, Engineering and Technology, which was held in Whistler, British Columbia, Canad

"Prevailing Winds": An analysis of the Liturgical Inculturation Efforts of Karl Ludvig Reichelt

This dissertation deals with the question of Christian contextualization in a Chinese context, with special emphases on liturgical inculturation and the problem of colonization. The subject is studied through an analysis of the liturgical inculturation efforts of Karl Ludvig Reichelt, a Norwegian missionary who founded a separate mission work among Chinese Buddhist monks. The study is based on lit

Emission from Fires Part 1: Fire Retarded and non fire retarded TV sets

The results of detailed measurements of the emissions from simulated fires with TV-sets are presented in this article. Results from both small- and full-scale fire experiments with flame retarded and non-flame retarded TV-sets are discussed. The measurements cover a broad range of chemical species including specific fire retardant agents and both chlorinated- and brominated dibenzodioxins and fura