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Den aktiva familjen i hälso- och sjukvården.
I krisens skugga: G20:s blinda fläck: Vad bör göras?
Mapping Streaming Applications on Multiprocessor with Statically Configured NoC
This paper addresses design space exploration for streaming applications (such as MPEG) running on multi-processor platforms with guaranteed service interconnects. In particular, we solve mapping, path selection and router configuration problems. Given the complexity of these problems, state of the art approaches in this area largely rely on greedy heuristics, which do not guarantee optimality. Ou
The Columnar Lined Esophagus. Pathophysiological and Clinical Aspects
Popular Abstract in Swedish Gastroesofageal refluxsjukdom är ett tillstånd som kännetecknas av att magsyra åker upp i matstrupen (reflux). Reflux är ett normalt fenomen som förekommer hos alla individer utan att orsaka symtom eller vävnadsskador. Hur detta normaltillstånd utvecklas till ett sjukdomstillstånd är ej helt klarlagt. Reflux förhindras normalt av en barriär vid övergången mellan matstruThere is a persisting controversy concerning the definition, etiology and pathogenesis of Barrett's esophagus. The dramatic and parallel increase in the incidence of esophageal and junctional adenocarcinoma over the past decades justifies an evaluation of the pathophysiology of premalignant metaplastic changes of the esophagus and the gastroesophageal junction. Patients were evaluated with upper G
Determination of Localized/Regional Clothing Evaporative Resistance on Thermal Manikins.
Några nedslag i Wagnerreceptionen 1850-1950
Nordic Countries: General Overview
Ohlin on the Great Depression
Traffic investigations in Malmöhus county 1964-65
The Possibilities of Predicting the Fire Behaviour of Structures on the Basis of Data from Standard Fire Resistance Tests
Vitamin D: Photobiological and Ecological Aspects
Communication Network Reconfiguration Overhead Optimization in Programmable Processor Array Architectures
In this paper, we introduce a constraint programming-based approach for optimization of routing and reconfiguration overhead for a class of reconfigurable processor array architectures called weakly programmable. For a given set of different algorithms the execution of which is supposed to be switched upon request at run-time, we provide static solutions for optimal routing of data between process
Association Phenomena Involving Hydrophobically Modified Polymers. Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Contributions
The electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in aqueous solutions of hydrophobically-modified water-soluble non-ionic or ionic polymers, their mixtures with a second polymer, nonionic or of opposite charge, and their mixtures with surfactants of opposite charge have been investigated. The relative strength of the electrostatic and hydrophobic contributions has been modulated by a variation of th
Kulturhjälten : Viktor Rydbergs humanism
Viktor Rydberg (1828–1895) kämpade under hela sitt verksamma liv för humanistiska ideal. Ryktbarhet vann han som diktare. Mindre känd är han som forskare och kulturhistoriker. I boken lyfter tjugotre forskare från nio humanistiska ämnen fram Rydbergs betydelse för dagens humanistiska forskning.
Design and Implementation of a Quasi-Resonant DC Link Converter
In this paper, a passively clamped quasi-resonant DC link converter is analysed, implemented and evaluated in a battery charger application. Design expressions for selection of passive component values, based mainly on the specified maximum output voltage derivative and the duration of the zero voltage interval, are given. Design of the inductive components and selection of appropriate power semic
Lag & Rätt. Handbok med fokus på psykisk funktionsnedsättning.
100 000 enkäter som borde vara 160 000 - Hur får man hög svarsfrekvens på kursvärderingar?
The ITS Freight Roadmap of the Swedish ITS Council
Fornstora dagar, moderna tider. Bruk av och debatter om svensk historia från sekelskifte till sekelskifte
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Fornstora dagar, moderna tider är perspektivet vidare än i traditionellt historiografiska studier. De bruk och debatter som analyseras begränsas inte till de historievetenskapliga historieprodukterna. Studien visar att kring sekelskiftet 1900 dominerade det nationalistiska historiebruket. Under mellankrigstiden var såväl traditionella som moderna perspektiv väl represThe aim of the study is to investigate uses of and debates on Swedish history during a period of 100 years. The perspective is broader than the traditional study of history, since it supplements the search for new facts, contexts and interpretations by which meaning is ascribed the the past by different producers and consumers of history in society. The dominating use of history around 1900 was id