

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

User evaluation of a national e-library for standardized chemotherapy regimens

An e-library for standardized chemotherapy regimens has been developed and is, since 2015, available as a national resource for healthcare staff and patients in cancer treatment in Sweden. The library was developed in a user-centered design process and is now evaluated to understand how it is used and if it is used in the intended way. This paper presents the e-library in brief together with preli

Passion or Proft? Or Both? : Negotiating the Meaning and Conditions of Creative Work in the Digital Games Industry

The digital games industry is one of the fastest growing branches in the creative sector in Sweden: In the last three years the proportion of employees has increased with about 20 percent. Specific for this branch is that digital games companies compete in a highly globalized and digitalized market dominated by a few large corporations. It creates the backdrop for specific working conditions. PrevThe digital games industry is one of the fastest growing branches in the creative sector in Sweden: In the last three years the proportion of employees has increased with about 20 percent. Specific for this branch is that digital games companies compete in a highly globalized and digitalized market dominated by a few large corporations. It creates the backdrop for specific working conditions. Prev

Governance and interdependencies of critical infrastructures : Exploring mechanisms for cross-sector resilience

Much contemporary critical infrastructure research has been devoted to studies of the effects of risks stemming from interdependencies between critical infrastructures, here referred to as interdependency-related risks. However, this research has placed limited emphasis on infrastructure actors’ efforts to manage such risks in practice, and it remains unclear to what extent and how critical infras

Hållbart arbetsliv för alla åldrar : swAge modellen

Bakgrund Den 20 januari 2020 senarelades ålderspensionen i Sverige för alla yrkesgrupper. Samtidigt ökar den arbetsrelaterade sjukligheten. I ett framtidsperspektiv kommer efterfrågan på arbetskraft som kan och vill arbeta till en högre ålder att öka utifrån den globala demografiska förändringen. Att medverka till en god anställningsbarhet (employability) och hälsa är därför en central fråga och uHållbart arbetsliv för alla åldrar – swAge modellenKerstin Nilsson1, 21Högskolan Kristianstad, 2Lunds universitetBakgrundDen 20 januari 2020 senarelades ålderspensionen i Sverige för alla yrkesgrupper. Samtidigtökar den arbetsrelaterade sjukligheten. I ett framtidsperspektiv kommer efterfrågan påarbetskraft som kan och vill arbeta till en högre ålder att öka utifrån den globala demografiskaförändr

Number of teeth and masticatory function are associated with sarcopenia and diabetes mellitus status among community-dwelling older adults : A Shimane CoHRE study

Objectives: We aimed to examine the number of teeth and masticatory function as oral health indices and clarify their roles in the pathogenesis of sarcopenia and diabetes mellitus in communitydwelling older adults. Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 635 older adults in Ohnan, Shimane Prefecture, in rural Japan. The number of teeth and masticatory function (measured

Outcomes of corneal transplantation in Europe : report by the European Cornea and Cell Transplantation Registry

PURPOSE: To analyze real-world graft survival and visual acuity outcomes of corneal transplantation in Europe. SETTING: Corneal clinics in 10 European Union member states, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland. DESIGN: Multinational registry study. METHODS: All corneal transplant procedures registered in the European Cornea and Cell Transplantation Registry (ECCTR) were identified. Graft survival of

Perceptions of success among working-class children of immigrants in three cities

This article examines the subjective understanding of success among members of three groups of children of immigrants from Mexico, North Africa and Turkey, in Dallas, Paris and Berlin respectively, by accounting for their educational and early labor market experiences. We utilize neo-assimilation and segmented assimilation theories and highlight their divergence with regards to downward assimilati

Decolonisation and The Erosion of the Imperial Idea

The chapter maintains that 20th-century decolonisation, unlike previous historical episodes wherein particular empires were resisted and declined, represented a critical juncture at which the very idea of empire was substantively challenged and radically rejected. It led to the establishment of a large number of postcolonial states and signified a decisive reshaping of the international system—bot

Post-reconstruction enhancement of [18F]FDG PET images with a convolutional neural network

Background: The aim of the study was to develop and test an artificial intelligence (AI)-based method to improve the quality of [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) images. Methods: A convolutional neural network (CNN) was trained by using pairs of excellent (acquisition time of 6 min/bed position) and standard (acquisition time of 1.5 min/bed position) or sub-standard

Sustained Remission in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Receiving Triple Therapy Compared to Biologic Therapy : A Swedish Nationwide Register Study

Objective: To compare the real-life effectiveness of biologic therapy (a biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug plus methotrexate [MTX]) versus triple therapy (MTX plus sulfasalazine plus hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine) for sustained remission of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: RA patients who were registered in the nationwide Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register between 2000 and 2012

ApoE and ApoE Nascent-Like HDL Particles at Model Cellular Membranes : Effect of Protein Isoform and Membrane Composition

Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), an important mediator of lipid transportation in plasma and the nervous system, plays a large role in diseases such as atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's. The major allele variants ApoE3 and ApoE4 differ only by one amino acid. However, this difference has major consequences for the physiological behaviour of each variant. In this paper, we follow (i) the initial interaction

Safety Leadership in Two Types of Safety-Critical Systems

In safety-critical systems, such as aviation systems, nuclear power plants and hospitals, system failures can cause loss of life, environmental and property damage. Safety-critical systems consists of loose or tight interactions, they are more or less complex, and these characteristics affect the system’s ability to prevent and overcome emerging system failures. The demand for good safety cultures

‘Lease the land, but use the water’ : The case of gambella, Ethiopia

Gambella is one of the regional states in Ethiopia where huge tracts of land have been leased out to domestic and international investors since the global food, fuel and financial crisis of 2007/2008. The Gambella region is also one of the most marginalized regions in Ethiopia. It has been alienated from the central politics and socio-economic activities of the state. In the past, the Gambella reg

The γ-tubulin meshwork assists in the recruitment of PCNA to chromatin in mammalian cells

Changes in the location of γ-tubulin ensure cell survival and preserve genome integrity. We investigated whether the nuclear accumulation of γ-tubulin facilitates the transport of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) between the cytosolic and the nuclear compartment in mammalian cells. We found that the γ-tubulin meshwork assists in the recruitment of PCNA to chromatin. Also, decreased levels

Plastic dinosaurs : Digging deep into the accelerating carbon lock-in of plastics

The continued expansion of plastics production all over the world entrenches modern societies and life styles deeper in the dependence on fossil resources. This research note develops the main aspects of the carbon lock-in in the plastics industry and how it extends into many aspects of contemporary life. With data collected from trade press and reports, we present insights of the investment trend

IFN-β rescues neurodegeneration by regulating mitochondrial fission via STAT5, PGAM5, and Drp1

Mitochondrial homeostasis is essential for providing cellular energy, particularly in resource-demanding neurons, defects in which cause neurodegeneration, but the function of interferons (IFNs) in regulating neuronal mitochondrial homeostasis is unknown. We found that neuronal IFN-β is indispensable for mitochondrial homeostasis and metabolism, sustaining ATP levels and preventing excessive ROS b