Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar
Underhållsstödet - familjepolitikens albatross : 1997 års underhållsstödsreform och dess betydelse för de bidragsskyldiga föräldrarna
A new law regarding child-maintenance was issued in Sweden in 1997. The main purpose of the reform was to make the system more cost-efficient, in order to minimise government expenditure. This was done by advocating a more individualised economic responsibility, as well as new rules for how to calculate maintenance levels. Almost five years later it is clear that the economic goals have not been
Kampen om historien : Ådalen 1931 : sociala konflikter, historiemedvetande och historiebruk 1931-2000
Akademisk avhandling. Bilden av ådalshändelserna i maj 1931, 1931 - 2000. Historiebruk och historiedidaktik
Rethinking Modernism
Abstract not available
Ars moriendi i kampen om det goda samhället
This article deals with the view on death and cure of dying persons in Scandinavia from the middle of the 19th century up to the present. In this period, there is a change from a Christian understanding of death as a transition to eternal life to the present, secularised attitude. This development was, however, not clear-cut. There was a trend towards secularisation but at the same time, there wer
Lifestyle Entrepreneurship and Commercial Home
Photosynthetic functions of leaves affected by the bibenzyl batatasin-III
In northern Sweden, Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup dominates the ground layer vegetation in post fire successions by suppressing other plant species. Previous studies suggest that this negative effect by E. hermaphroditum may be explained, at least in part, by the release of phenolic compounds, particularly batatasin-III, from foliage to soil. In this pilot study, we evaluated the effect of batat
Measuring ERP Systems Utilization
Att utmana vetandets gränser. En bok om epistemologi, metodologi och metod
Kvinnornas bidrag till processen, Söulkonferensen 1990
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal - Carbon Sources, Nitrate as Electron Acceptor, and Characterisation of the Sludge Community
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) was studied in laboratory scale experiments as well as in a full scale EBPR process. The studies were focused on carbon source transformations, the use of nitrate as an electron acceptor and characterisation of the microflora. A continuous anaerobic/aerobic laboratory system was operated on synthetic wastewater with acetate as sole carbon source. An ef
Några problem rörande verkan av kungörande inom bolagsrätten
Arkitekturens kroppslighet. Staden som terräng
Popular Abstract in Swedish Arkitekter har kritiserats för att ha en vag föreställning om begreppet kropp och hur det förhåller sig till den arkitektur de gestaltar. Om kropp alls medvetandegörs är det på ett allmänt och självidentifierande plan, alternativt genom de standardiserad mått som olika byggnormer föreskriver. Arkitekturens kroppsliga relationer och kroppens sensoriska meningsskapande ärBeginning with the notion that spatial and material qualities of architecture set limits and create conditions for how we make use of it, the overall aim and ambition of this thesis is to develop this notion and to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationships that are produced between the materiality of architecture and a bodily appropriation of it. To investigate this the thesis esta
Viral dUTPases, Recombinant Expression, Purification and Characterization
The enzyme deoxyuridine 5’-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase, EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and pyrophosphate. The reaction suppresses misincorporation of uracil into DNA and provides dUMP for the de novo synthesis of dTTP. dUTPase is a widespread enzyme and the fact that many viruses encode a dUTPase of their own suggests the enzyme to be important for the viral li
Repertoaren under 1800-talet
Troublesome knowledge in university teacher training and educational developers´ theories of difficulties
Analytical expression of the efficiency of phantom zero compensation applied on negative-feedback amplifiers
This article reviews the phantom zero compensation technique, applied on negative-feedback (NFB) amplifiers, followed by an analysis of the important efficiency parameter, 0, of the implemented phantom zero. The effect of the efficiency on the root locus is presented, and it has been found that δ 7 will give near ideal behavior of the applied phantom zero. A reduced small signal model of the ampli
Atos och de judiska flyktingarna
Den socialdemokratiske politikern och författaren Atos Wirtanen var under Finlands fortsättningskrig engagerad i att rädda de judiska flyktingar som fanns i Finland. Artikeln beskriver och analyserar detta engagemang och frågar sig vad det var som drev Wirtanen i denna kamp.