

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

Rehabiliteringsteknisk forskning

Föreliggande artikel söker presentera det vida området (re)habiliterings-teknisk forskning. Strukturen är allmän, men exemplen är många. Flertalet är hämtade från CERTEC, Centrum för Rehabiliteringsteknik, inom Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, där alla författarna är verksamma: Bodil Jönsson, universitetslektor och forskningsledare, Håkan Eftring, tekn lic och forskarstuderande inom robotteknik, Charlot

Fouling of ultrafiltration membranes during isolation of hemicelluloses in the forest industry

The process streams in the forest industry contain a large amount of hemicelluloses that today ends up in the wastewater. This is an unfortunate loss of a renewable raw material. The hemicelluloses can be isolated from the process stream by using membrane filtration in a process that produces purified water as a by-product, thereby facilitating increased recirculation. However, process streams fro

Enhancing students’ research and writing activities on the B- and C-levels through the use of a personal virtual learning space: examples from blended courses

Since undergraduate students often feel unprepared for and apprehensive of the research component included in the degree project (examensarbete) (Akister et al, 2006; I’Anson et al, 2004; Todd et al, 2004), we trialled the use of personal virtual learning spaces to support B- and C-level students’ research activities and enhance supervision of the writing process. The personal virtual learning s

Re-appropriation of religion in Educational Reform in the Middle East

Education reform in the Muslim Middle East is the crossroad of globalization, rapid economic development, socio-political changes and religious ideologies. The diverse pattern of the reforms is the reflection of the complexity across the region; affected by domestic factors and the nature and extent of the linkage to the global forces. Despite differences, reforms share four common interlinked fea

Jitter Evaluation of Real-Time Control Systems

The implementation of industrial control applications typically introduces complexities like sampling jitter and control jitter, which have usually not been considered at the design stage. Consequently, the system behaves in a non-periodic manner and the real performance is degraded with regard to the expected response. This paper proposes a hybrid task model to reduce the impact of the scheduling