

Din sökning på "*" gav 527170 sökträffar

Relational ethics as a cultural constraint on fathers' parental leave in a Confucian welfare state, South Korea

Promoting fathers' parental leave has recently become of major policy interest in many welfare states. The Korean Government also introduced paid parental leave for working fathers in 2001 and has increasingly strengthened such incentive schemes. However, despite its rapid advancement, fathers' utilisation of parental leave is increasing slowly and most fathers still opt out of their responsibilit

A Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulation of coherent X-ray diffractive imaging

Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) experiments are adequately simulated assuming the thin sample approximation and using a Fresnel or Fraunhofer wavefront propagator to obtain the diffraction pattern. Although this method is used in wave-based or hybrid X-ray simulators, here the applicability and effectiveness of an alternative approach that is based solely on ray tracing of Huygens wavelets are

Structural Characterization of a Series of N5-Ligated MnIV-Oxo Species

Analysis of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data for the MnIV-oxo complexes [MnIV(O)(DMMN4py)]2+, [MnIV(O)(2pyN2B)]2+, and [MnIV(O)(2pyN2Q)]2+ (DMMN4py=N,N-bis(4-methoxy-3,5-dimethyl-2-pyridylmethyl)-N-bis(2-pyridyl)methylamine; 2pyN2B=(N-bis(1-methyl-2-benzimidazolyl)methyl-N-(bis-2-pyridylmethyl)amine, and 2pyN2Q=N,N-bis(2-pyridyl)-N,N-bis(2-quinolylmethyl)methanamine) afforded

High Speed In Situ Synchrotron Observation of Cyclic Deformation and Phase Transformation of Superelastic Nitinol at Ultrasonic Frequency

The near equi-atomic intermetallic Ni Ti alloy Nitinol is used for medical implants, notably in self-expanding stent grafts and heart valve frames, which are subjected to several hundred million load cycles in service. Increasing the testing frequency to the ultrasonic range would drastically shorten the testing times and make the very-high cycle regime experimentally accessible. Such tests are, h

High occurrence of transportation and logistics occupations among vascular dementia patients : An observational study

Background: Growing evidence suggests a role of occupation in the emergence and manifestation of dementia. Occupations are often defined by complexity level, although working environments and activities differ in several other important ways. We aimed to capture the multi-faceted nature of occupation through its measurement as a qualitative (instead of a quantitative) variable and explored its rel

Risk factors for subarachnoid haemorrhage : a nationwide cohort of 950 000 adults

BACKGROUND: Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is a devastating disease, with high mortality rate and substantial disability among survivors. Its causes are poorly understood. We aimed to investigate risk factors for SAH using a novel nationwide cohort consortium. METHODS: We obtained individual participant data of 949 683 persons (330 334 women) between 25 and 90 years old, with no history of SAH at

Identification and characterization of a novel evolutionarily conserved lysine-specific methyltransferase targeting eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2)

The components of the cellular protein translation machinery, such as ribosomal proteins and translation factors, are subject to numerous post-translational modifications. In particular, this group of proteins is frequently methylated. However, for the majority of these methylations, the responsible methyltransferases (MTases) remain unknown. The human FAM86A (family with sequence similarity 86) p

Electrocardiographic changes in the differentiation of ischemic and non-ischemic ST elevation

Objectives: Pericarditis, takotsubo cardiomyopathy and early repolarization syndrome (ERS) are well-known to mimic ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We aimed to study whether ECG findings of reciprocal ST depression, PR depression, ST-segment convexity or terminal QRS distortion can discriminate between ST elevation due to ischemia and non-ischemic conditions. Design: Eighty-five patient

Koltrastens syn på näktergalen : Aurora von Qvanten och bilden av Jenny Lind

This article presents a study of the female amateur Aurora von Qvanten (1818–1907), and her portrait of the famous Swedish singer, Jenny Lind (1829–1887), seen in relation to the contemporary array of portraits of Lind. Von Qvanten's work in the area of portraiture is virtually unknown, as is the case with that of most women artists of her time. Source material about von Qvanten is scarce, and her

Barnen, hemmet och konventionen : Ett rättsligt perspektiv på barnkonventionens roll vid utmätning av bostäder och avhysningar som rör barn

I kapitlet skriver jag om hur artikel 3.1 barnkonventionen används som rättsligt argument inför beslut som tvingar ett barn att flytta från sin bostad. Det finns många typer av beslut som kan innebära att ett barn tvingas flytta från sin bostad. Jag har i detta kapitel valt att skriva om situationer när barn tvingas flytta på grund av att en förälder inte kan betala en skuld. Den vanligaste anledn

Absence of GP130 cytokine receptor signaling causes extended Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome

The gene IL6ST encodes GP130, the common signal transducer of the IL-6 cytokine family consisting of 10 cytokines. Previous studies have identified cytokine-selective IL6ST defects that preserve LIF signaling. We describe three unrelated families with at least five affected individuals who presented with lethal Stüve-Wiedemann-like syndrome characterized by skeletal dysplasia and neonatal lung dys

Neuropsychiatric events in systemic lupus erythematosus : A longitudinal analysis of outcomes in an international inception cohort using a multistate model approach

Objectives: Using a reversible multistate model, we prospectively examined neuropsychiatric (NP) events for attribution, outcome and association with health-related quality of life (HRQoL), in an international, inception cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. Methods: Annual assessments for 19 NP events attributed to SLE and non-SLE causes, physician determination of outcome and pa

Molecular and immunological methods to confirm toxiginicity (microcystin production) of westiellopsis prolifica isolated from Tigris River - Iraq

Several toxigenic cyanobacteria produce the cyanotoxin (microcystin). Being a health and environmental hazard, screening of water sources for the presence of microcystin is increasingly becoming a recommended environmental procedure in many countries of the world. This study was conducted to assess the ability of freshwater cyanobacterial species Westiellopsis prolifica to produce microcystins in

Production hierarchies in Sweden

I study the internal organization of firms using Swedish occupation data. The empirical patterns match the theoretical predictions of Caliendo and Rossi-Hansberg (2012) and are similar to the patterns observed in French data by Caliendo etal. (2012).