

Din sökning på "*" gav 527013 sökträffar

A Comprehensive Approach to the Measurement of Macroeconomic Challenges and Opportunities

In this chapter we emphasize the importance of recognizing the interdependence among exchange rates, interest rates and inflation rates in measuring corporate exposure. First, several issues relating to management’s views of the macroeconomic environment, as well as the firm’s objective and structure will be discussed. These issues must be addressed before multiple regression analysis can be imple

Conference • NNHSH 2013 Theme: Transformations of Health Practices and Health Policies in the Nordic Welfare States

With the theme of the research conference of the NNHSH network we want researchers, both at doctoral and post-doctoral level, to reflect on how health practices and health policies in the Nordic Welfare States are being transformed and have been transformed in the past. The Nordic countries are all, more or less, in the midst of a transformation from a social democratic health care system, based o

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This report gives some information about the possibilities and problems, which have been observed during an excursion to Sweden, jointly organised by the Department of Comparative Education, University of Marburg and the Department of Education at the University of Hamburg. Two different forms can be discerned. One concerns the provision of school psychology in Gothenburg and the other relates to

Om gemenskap : En sociologisk betraktelse

Popular Abstract in Swedish Olika rapporter har fastslagit att de traditionella svenska folkrörelserna (såsom arbetarrörelsen och frikyrkorörelsen) tappar medlemmar. Istället för att ansluta sig till ett politiskt parti eller en kyrka söker sig politiskt eller religiöst intresserade individer till nya, individualiserade, former av engagemang. Denna avhandling studerar en grupp män och kvinnor somVarious reports have stated that the traditional Swedish popular movements (e.g. the Workers movement and the Free church movement) are loosing ground. Instead of joining a political party or a church, politically or religiously active individuals are said to seek out new and individualized ways of being involved. This thesis studies a number of men and women that persist in being communally invo

Universal Design 2014: Three Days of Creativity and Diversity

Universal Design, Design for All and Inclusive Design are all aimed at dismantling physical and social barriers to inclusion in all areas of life. Engagement in universal design is on the increase worldwide as practitioners and researchers explore creative and desirable solutions to shape the future of universal design products and practices. This book is a collection of the papers presented at U

Active control of machine tool vibration

A new adaptive technique is presented for the increase of the dynamic stiffness of the cutting tool in a lathe by active control of the tool vibration in the cutting speed direction. Due to the statistic properties of tool vibration that are induced by the stochastic behaviour of chip formation process, the controller is based on the filtered-x LMS algorithm which controls an adaptive filter that

Laparoscopic or Open Antireflux Surgery - A Comparative Study with Special Reference to the Patient's Perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att opereras via titthålskirurgi eller öppen kirurgi med en operationsteknik som förhindrar sura uppstötningar och halsbränna - en slumpmässig jämförande studie från ett patientperspektiv Utdrag ur avhandlingen Laparoscopic or open surgery - A comparative study with special reference to the patient's perspective av Gunilla Nilsson Vad är problemet? Gastroesofageal reThe overall aim of this thesis was to compare the effects of laparoscopic versus open antireflux surgery in a randomized clinical trial focusing the patients' subjective and objective outcome postoperatively, from a short-term and a long-term perspective. A further aim was to describe GORD patients' experiences of illness and surgical treatment and if possible to find striking characteristics rela

Transferring Teaching to Testing – an Unexplored Aspect of Teachable Agents

The present study examined whether socio-motivational effects from working with a Teachable Agent (TA) might transfer from the formative learning phase to a summative test situation. Forty-nine students (9-10 years old) performed a digital pretest of math skills, then played a TA-based educational math game in school over a period of eight weeks. Thereafter, the students were divided into two grou

Voice use in teaching environments: Speakers' comfort

Popular Abstract in Swedish Undervisning ställer stora krav på lärares röster. Rösten behövs som ett pedagogiskt verktyg, i kommunikation med eleverna, i allt ifrån högläsning till instruktioner i idrottshallen. I en studie från 1996 beskrev Fritzell (1996) att lärare är överrepresenterade i väntrummen på röstmottagningarna. Flera studier om förekomsten av röstproblem hos lärare har genomförts i oTeachers have high occupational voice demands and is a group frequently presented at voice clinics. Little is known about the teachers’ own view of the contribution from the environment and about the teachers’ voice use at their work-place. The purpose of the present thesis was ; to develop and assess a self-rating instrument for the rating of throat-related problems in relation to voice, to inve

The Right to Water: An inquery into legal empowerment and property rights formation in Tanzania

In 2008 the Commission for the Legal Empowerment of the Poor, CLEP, put forward a grand policy proposition claiming that comprehensive legal, political, social and economic reforms whereby the poor are legally empowered can put an end to perpetuating poverty in developing countries. A well functioning rule of law is considered the foundation on which all institutional structures promoting economic

The Effects of ATT and Non-ATT Systems and Treatments on Driver Speed Behaviour

MASTER (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) aims to provide re-commendations for speed management strategies and policies and develop guidelines for the development of innovative speed management tools. This document reviews the relevant literature and various Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) and traditional (non-ATT) methods of reducing driver speed are evaluated. It is concluded tha

A Contextual Framework for Computerized Information Systems. An exploratory study of computerized information systems in nine manufacturing organizations with regard to technological and environmental factors

Research within contingency theory recognizes and postulates the relevance of contextual factors to the design of organizations. Thus organizations are dependent on the environments in which they operate and on the technologies they utilize. Organizations therefore need to process information about their environments and technologies. Information systems, including computerized information sytems,