

Din sökning på "*" gav 532114 sökträffar

BRT i Helsingborg

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) är en benämning på ett högkvalitativt kollektivtrafiksystem som utvecklades under mitten av 1900 – talet och blev känt efter att det framgångsrikt implementerades i staden Curitiba i Brasilien. I Sverige används BRT som ett komplement till övrig kollektivtrafik medan det i stora städer runt om i världen fungerar som stommen i kollektivtrafiksystemet. För BRT i Sverige finnsBus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a name for a high – quality public transport system that was developed in the middle of the 19th century and became known after it was successfully implemented in the city of Curitiba in Brazil. In Sweden, BRT is used as a complement to other public transport, while in large cities around the world it functions as the frame of the public transport system. For BRT in Swed

PCB i inomhusluft i Sverige - Toxicitet, riktvärden och omfattning

Exponering av polyklorerade bifenyler (PCB) kan orsaka hälsoeffekter hos människor. PCB från byggnadsmaterial har visats kunna läcka ut i inomhusluften. Det finns dock inga riktvärden för PCB i inomhusluften i Sverige. Studiens första syfte är att sammanställa och analysera riktvärden från andra länder. Studiens andra syfte är att uppskatta av hur många byggnader i Sverige (magnitud) som kan ha ko

Sustainable Drainage Systems Assessment and Optimisation-A case study for Lussebäcken Catchment, Helsingborg

Increase of urbanization and climate change are one of the factors that have been highlighted to influence the change of urban runoff hydrograph. This is resulting in an increase in peak flow within an urban watershed. Downstream flooding is the main problem that arises. To solve this, the sustainable urban drainage system techniques are adopted for reducing peak flow and increase baseflow. This t

Modern ‘Land Girls’

Female entrepreneurs have been reported to choose self-employment for a variety of reasons, such as the flexibility of combining work and childcare. However, paradoxically female entrepreneurs may face double-bind situation where they are responsible for their business and are primary care givers of the family. Family farming is considered to be a very masculine occupation and the rural agricultur

Fitting the three loop pion mass and decay constant to lattice data

Kvantkromodynamik har blivit accepterad som den mest välfungerande teorin för den starka växelverkan. Vid höga energier kan kvarkarna i viss mån ses som fria partiklar och den starka kopplingskonstanten,αs, blir så pass liten att kvantkromodynamiken kan analyseras med en expansion i αs, en procedur känd som störningsteori. Denna metod fungerar inte längre vid låga energier då αs kan närma sig ett We perform a fit to three loop order (NNNLO) in Chiral perturbation theory of the pion mass and decay constant. In particular we investigate if the NNNLO fit is an improvement of the fit to two loop order (NNLO) to lattice QCD data, which was done in a lattice gauge group collaboration. We take several steps to improve our fits, one of them being the inclusion of finite volume corrections. They t

Pop- och jazzkör på riktigt - En kvalitativ studie om tre körledares repetitionsarbete och tillvägagångssätt

Denna studie syftar till att fördjupa kunskapen kring arbetet med körer inom genrerna pop och jazz samt redogöra för vilka arbetsområden några framstående körledare delar upp arbetet inom. Bakgrunden till studien är författarens egna upplevelser av körsång på universitetsnivå och den upplevda bristen på kunskap kring hur ett lämpligt repetitionsarbete arrangeras inom dessa genrer. Studien har gjorThis study aims to deepen the knowledge about the work regarding choirs within the pop and jazz genres as well highlighting which areas a few distinguished choir conductors divide their work into. The background to the study is the author's own experiences of choral singing at university level and the perceived lack of knowledge regarding a proper way of arranging rehearsals within these genre

Natural disasters, unnatural consequences? Characterizing the causes of natural disaster’s vulnerability in Chile

Reducing inequality in Chile has long been a priority of policymakers because of its negative impacts over political representation, spatial segregation and distribution of opportunities. Through the framework of vulnerability, this research suggests that an unexpected impact of inequality in Chile is an increased likelihood of experiencing losses due to natural disasters. By using logistic multil

The Effect of Foreign Aid on Gender Equality: A Study of sub-Saharan Africa

Foreign aid allocated to projects aimed at enhancing gender equality has grown rapidly and amounted to $45 billion in 2017, with the largest share allocated to countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the large amounts, the effectiveness of aid to gender equality aid has received little scholarly attention. This thesis studies the impact of foreign aid aimed at gender equality on a range of indica

Reassessing Emissions in the Lucky Country: Consumption, Production & Outsourcing in Australia (1995 – 2009)

Despite a small population, Australia is globally relevant as the largest per capita emitter of greenhouse gases in the OECD and the world’s largest exporter of coal. Australia is also uniquely positioned amongst developed nations as being both acutely exposed to climate change impacts and being without coherent energy and emissions policies. This study reassesses Australia’s emissions profile uti

Digital Inclusion in Kenya: Examining the Research Gap between ICT and Well-Being

Research on developing economies has largely ignored the possibilities for shifting the center of attention towards well-being instead of economic growth. Due to the deficiency of research on well-being, especially with regard to ICT, this study approaches the current research gap and attempts to integrate recent literature by proposing a combination of frameworks and indicators. Kenya is not only

Strategic Procurement in the German Automotive Industry

In the automotive sector purchasing plays a key role in strategic management, as most companies are pressured by constant innovation and cost pressure. Hence, most companies focus on lean management and outsource many of their business activities to stay competitive. The supplier selection is crucial to be able to efficiently and effectively carry out business operations. Therefore, in order to es

Artificial Neural Networks to Solve Inverse Problems in Quantum Physics

I detta arbete har det visats att artificiella neuronnät är lämpliga för att lösa svåra inversproblem inom kvantfysik. Relativt enkla program har använts för att räkna ut kvantmekaniska potentialer från antingen deras energispektrum, eller hur partiklar fördelar sig i dem. Vilket visar på att denna teknik skulle kunna vara lämplig för andra svårare problem i området. Det skulle också kunna användaInverse problems are important in quantum physics as their solutions are essential in order to describe a number of systems using measurable information, e.g. excitation energies or material properties. The problem with inverse problems is that they are usually very hard to solve. One method that could be useful in solving these problems is artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks ha

Bör trädgården rensas? En studie om avknoppningsbeslut och deras påverkan på moderbolags prestation

Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att framföra en uppdaterad analys av hur bolag presterar efter att en del av deras verksamheter avknoppats, samt att pröva om utfallets spridning beror på någon av fyra utvalda variabler. Metod: Studien är kvantitativ och använder CAR i syfte att kartlägga skillnaden i avkastning mellan bolagen och S&P 500. Ett t-test samt en multipel regression har utförts i s

Representation of migration in the Swedish nation branding: a qualitative analysis of the representation of migration in the photo exhibition ‘Portraits of Migration’ produced by the Swedish Institute

In this essay, practices of “nation branding” will be explored through the representations of migration, gender (and nation) of the exhibition Portraits of Migration, produced by the Swedish Institute and promoted through Swedish embassies and consulates worldwide. Theoretically, the essay is inspired by the tradition of British cultural studies and of feminist postcolonial exploration of nationho

Development of a Vegan, Protein-Rich, Probiotic Beverage

This project aimed to develop a vegan high-protein probiotic drink with two different tastes. The protein used should have similar quality as whey, amino acid score (AAS) 1.0. One aim was also to detect necessary processing steps. The protein sources studied for this application were oat, pea, pea+rice, hydrolyzed pea, soy, and potato. The protein sources were evaluated based on descriptive sensor

Decomposing the decoupling of road-based traffic emissions and economic growth: Regional disparities between the national and city-level in Germany during 1999-2013

The process of decoupling is often considered to fulfil the prediction by the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis that negative environmental externalities diminish with increasing income. Recent research has found many instances of delinking between economic growth and environmental harm on the national level across the globe. This study examines the development of the relationship between eco

Environmental, social and governance composite ratings and stock performance

This paper studies the effect of non-financial performance on the stock performance of companies. By using ESG ratings from the Thomson Reuters Eikon DataStream we were able to sort the companies into portfolios of high and low ESG performance. The study finds that low scoring ESG companies significantly outperformed their high scoring counterpart for the period 2010-2015 but that the difference c

Here to be Heard : Digital feminist engagement with #MeTooinChina

This study analyses Chinese people's engagement in #MeTooinChina against sexual assault and patriarchal norms in Chinese society by asking three main research questions: 1) Why and how do Chinese people engage with #MeTooinChina? 2) What challenges are they faced with in their engagement and how do these challenges influence their continuous engagement with #MeTooinChina? 3) How do they reflec

Increased traceability of recycled cardboard and containerboard packaging with the help of blockchain technology

Producers in the cardboard and containerboard packaging industry want to, and are sometimes forced to, increase the amount of recycled fibers in packaging, but there is no way to confirm the actual composition of fibers by examining the material optically or chemically. Blockchain technology is often seen as a promising technology for data storage and it is argued that it can help increase transpa