

Din sökning på "*" gav 531896 sökträffar

Tangible participation

This rapport consists of a seminar paper from a 2012 CERTEC seminar with Per Linde from MEDEA/MU as invited opponent. It presents an exploration into program-based constructive de-sign research elaborating on the dynamics between a programme at large and its design experiments. As such it suggests ways for a programme to connect designerly actions suitable for the field with a take on the world; i

Transformation to a Market Economy and Changing Social Values in China, Russia, and Eastern Germany

As a social change, the sudden collapse of communism1 should well be remembered as one of the most formative events of the 20th century. As a political transformation, it caused an initial rush of euphoria within the 'victorious' West and a wave of hope followed by disillusionment for hundreds of millions in the newly ‘democratic’ sphere. As an economic transformation, its effects were even more t

The spatial structure of genetic and morphometric variation in Corylus avellana (Betulaceae): pattern and scale

Popular Abstract in Swedish Spatiell struktur hos Corylus avellana (Betulaceae), hassel, med avseende på genetisk och morfometrisk variation Hassel, (Corylus avellana) är en vindpollinerad perenn buske som förekommer i mer eller mindre sammanhängande bestånd i stora delar av Europa. I denna avhandling har jag undersökt den genetiska och morfometriska variationen på olika hierarkiska nivåer hos haIn the present thesis, I investigated the spatial structure of genetic and morphometric variation in the widespread wind-pollinated shrub Corylus avellana (L.) Betulaceae, hazel, and related the variation to geographic distribution and different spatial scales. The plant material derived from natural populations in Europe, with special emphasis on the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. Genetic and mo

Thermoelectric phenomena in low-dimensional semiconductor systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar termoelektriska effekter, framförallt i lågdimensionella halvledarsystem. Åtskilliga nya fenomen diskuteras, undersöks och förklaras. Introduktionsdelen innehåller en sammanfattning för allmänheten på svenska samt en introduktion till termoelektriska effekter på engelska. Detta görs dels med hjälp av en semi-klassisk teoretisk modell, men äveThis thesis investigates thermoelectric effects, predominantly in low-dimensional semiconductors. Various novel phenomena are predicted, investigated and discussed. The introductory part of the thesis contains a summary in Swedish for the general public as well as a general introduction to thermoelectric effects using both a semi-classical theory valid for diffusive electron transport, as well as

The creative place: the impact of different environmental factors on creativity

In this chapter, different perspectives of the creative place are presented. A main division between cultural and psychosocial factors on the one side and physical aspects on the other side is outlined. Among the cultural and psychosocial factors, there are individual, organizational and cultural sources of impact that may affect the possibilities for creativity and among physical factors, the arc

Studies of chlorophyll-a levels in the North Aegean Sea using SeaWiFS data

The hydrographical characteristics of the North Aegean Sea (NAS) have been studied using in-situ data and thermal NOAA AVHRR data. Lately, efforts to simulate the circulation patterns in the NAS have also been performed. Thus, it has been found that the discharge of water of Black Sea origin (BSW) affects extensive areas of the NAS surface waters. Another meso-scale phenomenon is the extensive upw

The Bioeconomy: An Introduction to the World of Bioenergy

Bioenergy is booming around the world and with the expansion comes exciting opportunities and some disturbing risks. Learning about bioenergy – from technologies, to resources, to policies – is important to the success and sustainability of the bioeconomy. This interactive guide opens the door to understanding and engaging in the transition from the fossil-based economy to a bio-based economy. The

SMQT-based Tone Mapping Operators for High Dynamic Range Images

In this paper, tone mapping operations based on the nonlinear successive Mean Quantization Transform (SMQT) are proposed in order to convert high dynamic range images to low dynamic range images. A SMQTbased tone mapping applied on the luminance channel is derived as well as a SMQT-based method working directly on all RGB channels. Both methods are compared to other state-of-the-art methods and pr

On Signal Dependent Basis Functions, Estimation of Event Related Potentials and Multiple Window Spectrum Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av tre delar. Gemensamt för de tre delarna är användningen av signalberoende basfunktioner och skattning av händelserelaterade signaler från hjärnan. Händelserelaterade signaler uppkommer i hjärnan som svar på ett yttre stimulus, t.ex., ett ljud eller en ljusblixt. Svaret från hjärnan kan mätas med elektroder på huvudet men är kraftigt stört av den sThe three parts of this thesis are different examples of utilization of signal dependent basis functions in the estimation procedure. The first part surveys a number of parametric methods applied to estimation of single ERP (P300). The basis functions of the sERP are the damped sinusoids where the frequency and damping factor are estimated from the signal. The algorithms for white noise disturban

Gnistornas bok, kap. 1 och 10

A Swedish translation of chapters 1 and 10 from Liber Scintillarum ("The Book of Sparks") by Defensor of Ligugé, with brief notes.

Determinant Factors for Memory Performance in Human Aging: A Study of Environmental, Person-Based, and Non-Cognitive Predictors Contributing to Memory Performance in old Adults

Popular Abstract in Swedish En populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Det faktum att vårt minne förändra's med åldern är ett välkänt och väldokumenterat fenomen. Vilka faktorer som bidrar till denna förändring och hur de samverkar för att påverka vårt minne är däremot till stora delar forfarande ett mysterium. Minnesforskare delar vanligtvi's upp vårt minne i flera olika minnessystem. Dessa dela's upThe aim of this thesis was to examine the importance of environmental, non-cognitive, and person-based variables for memory performance in old adults. Study I was conducted in cooperation with the Gerontology Research Centre and the Department of Psychology in Lund. The investigation included 69 people with an age-range from 55-94 years and examined if certain personality factors could explain th