

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Effect of nocturnal Temperature-controlled Laminar Airflow on the reduction of severe exacerbations in patients with severe allergic asthma : a meta-analysis

Background: Allergen avoidance is important in allergic asthma management. Nocturnal treatment with Temperature-controlled Laminar Airflow (TLA) has been shown to provide a significant reduction in the exposure to allergens in the breathing zone, leading to a long-term reduction in airway inflammation and improvement in Quality of life (QoL). Allergic asthma patients symptomatic on Global Initiati

Use of microcalorimetry in analysing the kinetics of ADCC

Microcalorimetry was found to be a useful technique for the demonstration of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against human melanoma cells mediated by a heterologous rabbit antiserum and two monoclonal antibodies in combination with human peripheral blood lymphocytes as effector cells. The rabbit antiserum and the monoclonal IgG3 antibody 2B2 directed against the GD3 ganglioside exp

Deconstructing accessibility–discursive barriers for increased cycling in Sweden

Society’s planning for and dependence on automobility has created several major problems and calls for a shift away from car-based mobility are proliferating. There is a growing recognition of the positive effects of cycling and modal shares for cycling are on the rise in cities. Nevertheless, bicycling is still marginalised in national transport policies. In Sweden, cycling shares are decreasing

A comparative study on borehole heat exchanger size for direct ground coupled cooling systems using active chilled beams and TABS

Direct ground cooling is a method for cooling buildings whereby free cooling is provided by circulating water through borehole heat exchangers (BHEs). Since no refrigeration cooling is involved, supply water temperature to the building's cooling system is dependent mainly on BHE sizing. This study investigates the sizing of BHEs for direct ground cooling systems, with a particular focus on the inf

Putting relational thinking to work in sustainability science–reply to Raymond et al.

We welcome Raymond et al.’s invitation to further discuss the ‘pragmatics’ of relational thinking in sustainability science. We clarify that relational approaches provide distinct theoretical and methodological resources that may be adopted on their own, or used to enrich other approaches, including systems research. We situate Raymond et al.’s characterization of relational thinking in a broader

Antagonistic selection on body size and sword length in a wild population of the swordtail fish, Xiphophorus multilineatus : Potential for intralocus tactical conflict

Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) have provided valuable insights into how sexual selection and life history trade-offs can lead to variation within a sex. However, the possibility that tactics may constrain evolution through intralocus tactical conflict (IATC) is rarely considered. In addition, when IATC has been considered, the focus has often been on the genetic correlations between the A

Relativistic semiempirical-core-potential calculations in Ca+, Sr+, and Ba+ ions on Lagrange meshes

Relativistic atomic structure calculations are carried out in alkaline-earth-metal ions using a semiempirical-core-potential approach. The systems are partitioned into frozen-core electrons and an active valence electron. The core orbitals are defined by a Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculation using the GRASP2K package. The valence electron is described by a Dirac-like Hamiltonian involving a core-p

Risk factors for need of reoperation in bilateral chronic subdural haematomas

Background: Chronic subdural haematoma (CSDH) is one of the most common neurosurgical diseases. A subtype of CSDH is bilateral chronic subdural haematoma (bCSDH) which represents 20-25% of patients with CSDH and has a higher recurrence rate. There is no clear consensus on how bCSDH should be treated regarding upfront unilateral- or bilateral evacuation of both haematomas. The purpose of this study

The dark side of sustainability orientation for SME performance

This article examines how a firm's willingness to make trade-offs that favour sustainability over commercial goals attenuates the relationship between firm-level sustainability orientation and subsequent performance. The hypothesis development draws on stakeholder theory and the literature on mission and revenue drifts, while the empirical analysis is based on two waves of original survey data on

Guest editorial: EU agencies in transnational criminal enforcement: From a coordinated approach to an integrated EU criminal justice

The articles in this special issue consider the institutional foundations of the Union’s criminal policy – a highly critical question for the future development of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and the subsequent legal and political developments have entailed an unprecedented reinforcement of the powers of the EU’s criminal justice agencies Europo

Enhanced forensic DNA recovery with appropriate swabs and optimized swabbing technique

Efficient sampling with swabs is crucial for optimal forensic DNA analysis. The DNA recovery is determined by the skill of the practitioner and the compatibility between the applied swab and the surface. Here we investigate the impact of swabbing technique and swab type on the DNA yield. Thirteen different swabs from four categories (cotton, flocked nylon, small foam and large foam) provided equal

Vilken svensk författare motsvarar Knut Hamsun och Örnulf Tigerstedt? : Reflektioner om nazistiska diktare i Norden

”Vilken svensk författare motsvarar Japans Yukio Mishima, Tysklands Ernst Jünger och Frankrikes Louis Ferdinand Céline?”, frågar en svensk debattör och forskare i en artikel 2016. Till dessa om än famösa så välkända namn adderar frågeställaren Norges Knut Hamsun respektive Finlands Örnulf Tigerstedt. Med denna fråga som utgångspunkt granskas och prövas i artikeln såväl nazistiska partiledare och n"Which Swedish author could be compared to Yukio Mishima of Japan, Ernst Jünger of Germany and Louis-Ferdinand Céline of France?”, a Swedish debater and researcher asks in an article in 2016. To these well-known, even if infamous, authors, Knut Hamsun of Norway and Örnulf Tigerstedt of Finland are added. With the question raised, Nazi party leaders and Nazi followers as well as national poets of S

New Catalytic Systems for Light-driven Hydrogen Evolution

Solar-driven reduction of water to produce hydrogen is one of the most promising ways to develop sustainable cleanenergy for the future. The challenge in photocatalytic hydrogen evolution research is to design inexpensive catalystsand construct efficient hydrogen production systems. In this thesis, different photocatalytic hydrogen productionsystems consisting of catalysts, photosensitizers and sa

Air pollution measurements and land-use regression in urban sub-saharan Africa using low-cost sensors—possibilities and pitfalls

Air pollution is recognized as the most important environmental factor that adversely affects human and societal wellbeing. Due to rapid urbanization, air pollution levels are increasing in the Sub-Saharan region, but there is a shortage of air pollution monitoring. Hence, exposure data to use as a base for exposure modelling and health effect assessments is also lacking. In this study, low-cost s

The role of cortico-basal ganglia systems in the construction of movement: Action selection and sequencing

The cortico-basal ganglia system is instrumental in the construction of movement, through its involvement in aspects such as action selection, initiation/termination and sequencing, though the precise role of the different structures and how they collaborate on a network level to allow us to fluidly change from one behavior to another has long proven to be elusive.We have here recorded neuronal acti