

Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar

Healing below the ankle is possible in patients with diabetes mellitus and a forefoot gangrene

BACKGROUND: Forefoot gangrene in patients with diabetes is a severe form of foot ulcers with risk of progress and major amputation. No large cohort studies have examined clinical characteristics and outcome of forefoot gangrene in patients with diabetes. The aim was to examine clinical characteristics and outcome of forefoot gangrene in patients with diabetes admitted to a diabetic foot centre.MET

Shear bond and compressive strength of clay stabilised with lime/cement jet grouting and deep mixing : A case of Norvik, Nynäshamn

The strength of soil can significantly increase by stabilisation with binders. Adding binders in correct proportions to improve soil parameters is of paramount importance for earthworks. In this article, we presented a framework to explore strength characteristics of soil stabilised by several binders and evaluated using applied geophysical methods by estimated P-wave velocities. The core of our w

Remissyttrande: En långsiktigt hållbar migrationspolitik (SOU 2020:54)

Institutionen för kultur och samhälle vid Linköpings universitet får härmed avge yttrande som utarbetats av professorerna Anna Lundberg och Anders Neergaard.En övergripande utgångspunkt för utredningen har varit att migrationspolitiken ska vara långsiktigt hållbar, human, rättssäker och effektiv. I det följande lämnar vi synpunkter utifrån denna utgångspunkt. Vi menar sammantaget att kommittén int

Chefskap och ledarskap - En kvalitativ studie om chefsprogrammet vid Primärvården Region Skåne

Being a manager and being defined as a good leader can differ in various organizations depending on the sector, profession, values and attitudes. The purpose of this thesis is to study management programs and how organizations work to implement leadership criteria and values into future managers. The purpose is fulfilled by studying the case of Primärvården Skåne and examining the essence of their

Performing Enriched Environment Studies to Improve Functional Recovery

Physical therapy and social interactions between the stroke patient and healthcare professionals or relatives facilitate the process of recovery and promote improvement of lost neurological function after stroke. These observations can be mimicked in an experimental setting by multimodal stimulation provided in the concept of enriched environment. The enriched environment is a housing condition co

Jungfraujoch : hardware-accelerated data-acquisition system for kilohertz pixel-array X-ray detectors

The JUNGFRAU 4-megapixel (4M) charge-integrating pixel-array detector, when operated at a full 2 kHz frame rate, streams data at a rate of 17 GB s-1. To operate this detector for macromolecular crystallography beamlines, a data-acquisition system called Jungfraujoch was developed. The system, running on a single server with field-programmable gate arrays and general-purpose graphics processing uni

Machinability study on GCI brake discs - Effects of material variations and process behavior on tool life

Grey cast iron is one of the most used materials in the automotive industry. The material has a range of properties that makes it suitable for machining applications, but manufacturers still experience machinability problems. Automotive Components Floby (ACF), who currently experience machinability issues with brake discs, initiated this study to gain further understanding of tool deterioration in

Etisk konsumtion - ett krav eller en bluff? : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kritikstormen mot Nakd i en tid präglad av ett politiserat konsumtionssamhälle

Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur en protest mot ett företags socialt ohållbara arbetsvillkor framställs av anställda, influencers, följare och journalister i media och skapar en diskussion om konsumentmakt i en samtid präglad av en socialt hållbar konsumtion. I den samtida debatten om en socialt hållbar konsumtion växer en diskurs om etisk konsumtion, det vill säga att enskilda individer kan skapa

Betydelsen av Bloggbevakning som granskande Instagram-konto

Mathilda Wahlgren och Olga Berg Gorgén “Betydelsen av Bloggbevakning som granskande Instagram-konto”. B-uppsats, Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds Universitet. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka vad Bloggbevakning som granskande Instagram-konto spelar för roll som makthavande aktör i dagens mediesamhälle. För att undersöka detta kommer

Olfactory fMRI : Implications of Stimulation Length and Repetition Time

Studying olfaction with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) poses various methodological challenges. This study aimed to investigate the effects of stimulation length and repetition time (TR) on the activation pattern of 4 olfactory brain regions: the anterior and the posterior piriform cortex, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the insula. Twenty-two healthy participants with normal olfaction

Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. III. Details on experiment, analysis, 282Cn, and spontaneous fission branches

Flerovium isotopes (element Z = 114) were produced in the fusion-evaporation reactions 48Ca+242,244Pu and studied with an upgraded TASISpec decay station placed in the focal plane of the gas-filled separator TASCA at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany. Twenty-nine flerovium decay chains were identified by means of correlated implantation, α decay, and spontaneo

A Techno-Economic Case Study of the Implementation of Hydrogen Technology in Connection to a CHP Plant

Till följd av den pågående energikrisen har vi under 2022 upplevt skenande elpriser och hot om bortkoppling av kunder från elnätet. Nya lösningar som säkerställer tillgång på el och balans i elnätet är nödvändiga. En lösning som visar stor potential är lagring av energi i vätgas. En av utmaningarna som Sveriges elnät står inför, och som det pratats mycket om den senaste tiden, är effektbrist. EffWith climate change as the main driving force, the energy system is currently undergoing changes. Both the share of renewable resources used to produce electricity and the overall electrification is increasing. A way to handle the resulting challenges from more intermittent electricity production is by the implementation hydrogen technology. Hydrogen technology can help balance the electricity net

Understandable multifunctionality measures using Hill numbers

In ecology, multifunctionality metrics measure the simultaneous performance of multiple ecosystem functions. If species diversity describes the variety of species that together build the ecosystem, multifunctionality attempts to describe the variety of functions these species perform. A range of methods have been proposed to quantify multifunctionality, successively attempting to alleviate problem

2022 EULAR recommendations for screening and prophylaxis of chronic and opportunistic infections in adults with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases

Objectives: To develop EULAR recommendations for screening and prophylaxis of chronic and opportunistic infections in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases (AIIRD). Methods: An international Task Force (TF) (22 members/15 countries) formulated recommendations, supported by systematic literature review findings. Level of evidence and grade of recommendation were assigned for each