

Din sökning på "*" gav 534977 sökträffar

The relationship between obstructed and unobstructed walking speed: Results from an evacuation experiment in a smoke filled tunnel

In order to increase the knowledge on human behavior in smoke, an evacuation experiment was performed in a road tunnel in Stockholm in July, 2014. The experiment included 66 participants, who individually were instructed to evacuate a smoke-filled tunnel. The experiment focused on measuring the participants’ walking speed in smoke-filled, as well as smoke-free parts of the tunnel. In addition, exi

Den matematiska punkten

THE POINT has its point of departure in the indivisible point of mathematics. In Swedenborg's Principia rerum naturalium (1734) the mathematical points are given an ontological significance. The world appears when God, like an artist drawing with his pencil, gives motion to the point. The world consists of circulating points. With spider metaphors Swedenborg postulated that the world is built on m

Citytunnelprojektet i Malmö - en utvärdering

Rapporten är en utvärdering av Citytunnelprojektet i Malmö 2000-2007, både vad gäller organisationsstruktur, publiceringsplanering och vetenskapliga innehåll. Rapporten har skrivits av projektets referensgrupp.


Granskning av ett antal biblioteksundersökningar som genomförts vid forsknings- och högskolebibliotek i Sverige och Danmark. Tonvikten ligger på studer av användarnas synpunkter på och bedömningar av bibliotek och bibliotekstjänster.

On the solvability of pseudodifferential operators

We give a new proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture: that local solvability of principal type pseudodifferential operators is equivalent to condition (Psi). This condition rules out sign changes from - to + of the imaginary part of the principal symbol along the oriented bicharacteristics of the real part. We obtain local solvability by proving a localizable a priori estimate for the adjoint op

Nucleic Acids as Drug Targets - Influence of Platinum Complexes on Duplex Stability and Binding Kinetics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att få en övergripande förståelse för hur mänskliga celler påverkas av metallbaserade läkemedel är viktigt, eftersom de har visat sig vara väldigt effektiva för behandling av exempelvis testikel- och äggstockscancer. För att utforska bakomliggande orsaker har forskningsprojektets utgångspunkt varit att studera kliniskt välkarakteriserade metallbaserade läkemedel som exeGaining a detailed understanding of how human cells are affected by metal-based drugs is crucial, since these drugs have shown great potential in cancer treatment. Cisplatin is used to treat many different types of cancer, e.g. testicular, ovarian, melanoma, bladder, non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer, myelomas and lymphomas. The miRNA expression profiles in different human cancers

Learning of agents with limited resources

In our research we investigate rational agent which consciously balances deliberation and acting, and uses learning to augment its reasoning. It creates several partial plans, uses past experience to choose the best one and, by executing it, gains new knowledge about the world. We analyse a possible application of Inductive Logic Programming to learn how to evaluate partial plans in a resource-con

Könsmakt eller häxjakt? : Antagonistiska föreställningar om mäns våld mot kvinnor.

This dissertation is about the antagonistic conceptions of men’s violence against women – rape, incest and physical assault – as has been expressed by different actors in Sweden from 1975 – 2000. Mainly, my interest lies in how and why these conceptions have been articulated. During the studied period the attention to men’s violence against women as a question of gender, has grown remarkably. For

A 7.5 mW 9 MHz CT Delta-Sigma Modulator in 65 nm CMOS with 69 dB SNDR and Reduced Sensitivity to Loop Delay Variations

This paper presents a 3rd-order, 3-bit continuous time (CT) Delta-Sigma modulator for an LTE radio receiver. By adopting a return-to-zero (RZ) pulse in the innermost DAC, the modulator shows a reduced sensitivity to loop-delay variations, and the additional loop delay compensation usually needed in CT modulators can be omitted. The modulator has been implemented in a 65nm CMOS process, where it oc