

Din sökning på "*" gav 535448 sökträffar

Erkännande av utländska förvaltningsbeslut

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ämnet för avhandlingen är verkningarna av utländska förvaltningsbeslut i svensk rätt. På många offentligrättsliga områden finns regler och principer som innebär att utländska beslut skall tillmätas rättsliga verkningar i Sverige. Hit hör exempelvis körkort, yrkeskvalifikationer och produktgodkännanden. Syftet med avhandlingen är att i svenskt förvaltningsrättsligt perspThis thesis investigates the effects of foreign administrative decisions in the Swedish legal system. In several fields of public law there exist rules and principles providing that decisions emanating from other States’ administrative bodies should be recognized in Sweden, e.g. driving licences, university degrees and product certifications. The thesis examines the function of such rules and prin

Energitillförselmodeller för övergång till förnybar och närgenererad energi: en studie över Tjörns kommuns möjlighet att göra en energiomställning

An energy system that relies on fossil fuel is not sustainable. Emissions, such as carbon dioxide, nitric oxide and corpuscles, affect the climate and pollute the air. Furthermore, the supply of oil, coal and natural gas is located a few places worldwide, which can give rise to geopolitical conflicts for access to these areas. This is not a local issue for Tjörn, nor even a national issue for Swed

Cultural (In)Sensitivity in International Management Textbooks: A Postcolonial Reading

The aim of this paper is to analyze, with a broadly postcolonial sensibility, the discourses on culture found in some of the international management books that: 1) especially claim to emphasize the cultural factor, and 2) claim to be ‘international’, supposedly appropriate for reading in all parts of the globe. We intend to show that very similar discursive patterns characterize the conceptualiza

An Ultra-Low-Power Application-Specific Processor for Compressed Sensing

Compressed sensing (CS) is a universal low-complexity data compression technique for signals that have a sparse representation in some domain. While CS data compression can be done both in the analog- and digital domain, digital implementations are often used on low-power sensor nodes, where an ultra-low-power (ULP) processor carries out the algorithm on Nyquist-rate sampled data. In such systems

Detection of HCl in a Premixed CH4/O-2/Ar Flame Seeded with CHCl3 Using Mid-IR Polarization Spectroscopy

Mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy (IRPS) was applied to detect HCl in flames. For the first time, sensitive and nonin trusive HCl detection with a manner of high spatial- and temporal-resolution in harsh reactive gas flow has been demonstrated in this work. In an atmospheric pressure premixed CH4/O-2/Ar flat flame, trace level HCl was prepared by seeding small amount chloroform through the Ar