

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

Pneumococcal carriage among children aged 4 – 12 years in Angola 4 years after the introduction of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

Children in Angola are affected by a high burden of disease caused by pneumococcal infections. The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) was introduced in the childhood immunization programme in 2013 but the serotype distribution of Streptococcus pneumoniae and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns are unknown. We did a cross-sectional nasopharyngeal carriage study in Luanda and Saurimo

Sourdough fermentation of wheat flour does not prevent the interaction of transglutaminase 2 with α2-gliadin or gluten

The enzyme transglutaminase 2 (TG2) plays a crucial role in the initiation of celiac disease by catalyzing the deamidation of gluten peptides. In susceptible individuals, the deamidated peptides initiate an immune response leading to celiac disease. Several studies have addressed lactic fermentation plus addition of enzymes as a means to degrade gluten in order to prevent adverse response in celia

Study of Ξ-Hadron Correlations in pp Collisions at √s = 13 TeV Using the ALICE Detector

Att vatten övergår till ånga när man hettar upp det är ett välkänt fenomen, men även materia som bygger upp atomkärnor kommer att genomgå en fasövergång om den hettas upp tillräckligt mycket. Det som då bildas är ett kvark-gluonplasma (QGP), en exotisk form av materia där atomkärnans minsta beståndsdelar - kvarkar och gluoner - mer eller mindre rör sig fritt, vilket radikalt skiljer sig från vanliBy colliding heavy nuclei at high energies, which is done at RHIC and the LHC, a strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is created. This manifests itself through several different signatures, which until recently was thought to uniquely probe the QGP. Recently, however, similar signatures have been observed also in small systems, such as pp collisions with high charged-particle multiplicity

Vad innebär digitalisering och autonoma teknologier för individer och samhälle?

Stefan Larssons kapitel placerar in dagens artificiella intelligens (AI) i sin digitala samtidshistoriska kontext — relationen till plattformar och internet som nätverk — och fördjupar därefter bilden av de mänskliga farhågorna med autonoma teknologier. Stefan visar på samspelet mellan databeroende AI och samhällets värderingar, och lyfter fram några av de demokratiska utmaningar som följer i kölv

KID Project : an internet-based digital video atlas of capsule endoscopy for research purposes

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Capsule endoscopy (CE) has revolutionized small-bowel (SB) investigation. Computational methods can enhance diagnostic yield (DY); however, incorporating machine learning algorithms (MLAs) into CE reading is difficult as large amounts of image annotations are required for training. Current databases lack graphic annotations of pathologies and cannot be used. A novel database,

Effects of traps in the gate stack on the small-signal RF response of III-V nanowire MOSFETs

We present a detailed study of the effect of gate-oxide-related defects (traps) on the small-signal radio frequency (RF) response of III-V nanowire MOSFETs and find that the effects are clearly identifiable in the measured admittance parameters and in important design parameters such as h21 (forward current gain) and MSG (maximum stable gain). We include the identified effects in a small-signal mo

A conceptual framework for an integrated lignin biorefinery-petroleum refinery

Co-feeding of renewable feedstocks in general, and lignin streams in particular, in petroleum refineries is an attractive means of increasing the proportion of renewable fuel. Four separate units in an integrated refinery can be envisioned using lignin as a feedstock: the hydrotreater, the fluidised catalytic cracker, the hydrocracker and the slurry hydrotreater. A conceptual process design study,

Prediction of power and energy use in dwellings : Addressing apects of thermal mass and occupant behaviour

Hushållen står för cirka 26 % av den årliga energianvändningen i EU. Som följd av EU:s direktiv om energiprestanda i byggnader har det genomförts internationella initiativ i Europa för att hjälpa länder att definiera och inkludera riktlinjer i sina egna byggregler, till exempel för att etablera konceptet nollenergibyggnader. Detta koncept inkluderar passiv-teknik for energibesparande byggande, eneHouseholds are responsible for approximately 26 % of the annual energy use in the EU. Following the EU-directives regarding energy performance in buildings, international initiatives have been taken in Europe to help countries to define and include guidelines in their own building codes, for example, to establish the concept of zero energy buildings, ZEBs. This concept includes passive building en

Higher- And lower-order personality traits and cluster subtypes in social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) can come in different forms, presenting problems for diagnostic classification. Here, we examined personality traits in a large sample of patients (N = 265) diagnosed with SAD in comparison to healthy controls (N = 164) by use of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP). In addition, we identified subtypes of SAD base

Cultural and Social Dimensions of a Clinical Intervention

Recension av den etnologiska avhandlingen Aldringsforsøg. Kliniske interventioner, aldrende kroppe og hverdagslivets domesticeringer av Marie Haulund OttoReview of the thesis Aldringsforsøg. Kliniske interventioner, aldrende kroppe og hverdagslivets domesticeringer by Marie Haulund Otto

Predictors of seasonal influenza vaccination among healthcare workers in hospitals : A descriptive meta-analysis

Objective: Vaccinating healthcare workers (HCWs) against influenza is one of the most important methods of decreasing influenza transmission among at-risk patients in healthcare facilities. However, despite recommendations, the rate of uptake of influenza vaccine among HCWs remains low. The objective of this metaanalysis was to determine the most important predictors of seasonal influenza vaccine

Seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza in 2012-2013 : A hospital-based case-control study in Lithuania

Background: Due to scarce information on seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness (SIVE) against severe clinical influenza outcomes in risk populations, we conducted a case-control study to assess its effects against laboratory-confirmed influenza in hospitalized patients during the 2012-2013 influenza season. Methods: We conducted a test-negative case-control study among ≥18 years old patients wi

Democratising the experience of learning to play a musical instrument

The purpose of this presentation/paper is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the infinite number of experiences of what it is to learn to play a musical instrument. By providing a theoretical platform to visualise and discuss these experiences, the aim is further to support the posing of questions regarding the future of teaching and learning music across all ages, genres and levels of exp