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Validity and reliability of the Swedish version of the Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease scale for individuals with systemic sclerosis
ObjectiveTo investigate aspects of validity and reliability of the Swedish version of the Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease (SEMCD-Swe) scale in systemic sclerosis (SSc).Method: A forward–backward translation procedure was used. Content validity was assessed through interviews with 11 people with SSc and 10 healthcare professionals. Construct validity, internal consistency, test–retest re
Transition-State Compressibility and Activation Volume of Transient Protein Conformational Fluctuations
Proteins are dynamic entities that intermittently depart from their ground-state structures and undergo conformational transitions as a critical part of their functions. Central to understanding such transitions are the structural rearrangements along the connecting pathway, where the transition state plays a special role. Using NMR relaxation at variable temperature and pressure to measure aromatProteins are dynamic entities that intermittently depart from their ground-state structures and undergo conformational transitions as a critical part of their functions. Central to understanding such transitions are the structural rearrangements along the connecting pathway, where the transition state plays a special role. Using NMR relaxation at variable temperature and pressure to measure aromat
Makaber gruvhistoria ett fynd för litteraturen
Evaluation of Iodine-123 and Iodine-131 SPECT activity quantification : a Monte Carlo study
Purpose: The quantitative accuracy of Nuclear Medicine images, acquired for both planar and SPECT studies, is influenced by the isotope-collimator combination as well as image corrections incorporated in the iterative reconstruction process. These factors can be investigated and optimised using Monte Carlo simulations. This study aimed to evaluate SPECT quantification accuracy for 123I with both t
The active component of ginseng, ginsenoside Rb1, improves erythropoiesis in models of Diamond–Blackfan anemia by targeting Nemo-like kinase
Nemo-like kinase (NLK) is a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family of kinases and shares a highly conserved kinase domain with other mitogen-activated protein kinase family members. The activation of NLK contributes to the pathogenesis of Diamond–Blackfan anemia (DBA), reducing c-myb expression and mechanistic target of rapamycin activity, and is therefore a potential therapeutic ta
Nature and Peace in Northern Uganda: using satellite data to assess environmental change in conflict and post-conflict areas
In this post we share a methodological reflection about the possibility to evaluate possible drivers of environmental conflict by using remote sensing. If we define nature as green resources, for instance, it is possible to assess how vulnerable peace might be, against environmental changes occurring on the ground by using satellite data. Satellite data can then be used, in combination with fieldw
Getting to Denmark : The dialectic of governance & development in the European periphery
Good institutions and high quality of governance are generally considered to be prerequisites for economic growth and other positive socio-economic outcomes. This is due to their role in framing decisions by agents, including policymakers, business owners or individuals. Despite the many theoretical and empirical contributions to their study, we argue that three elements deserve further attention.
Gas flow-assisted vacuum drying : Identification of a novel process for attaining high-quality perovskite films
Controlling the nucleation and crystal growth in solution-processed metal halide perovskite (MHP) thin films is the pivotal point in fabricating homogenous and pinhole-free films. Using scalable coating and printing techniques, vacuum and gas flow-assisted drying processes turn out to be the most promising methods to induce nucleation and crystallization. Yet, the exact interplay and nature of the
Det utdömda riket blev en förebild för EU
On the German empires through history.
Parental responsibility in the context of neuroscience and genetics
Should parents aim to make their children as normal as possible to increase their chances to "fit in"? Are neurological and mental health conditions a part of children's identity and if so, should parents aim to remove or treat these? Should they aim to instil self-control in their children? Should prospective parents take steps to insure that, of all the children they could have, they choose the
GBGT1 is allelically diverse but dispensible in humans and naturally-occurring anti-FORS1 shows an ABO-restricted pattern
cGMP-PKG dependent transcriptome in normal and degenerating retinas: Novel insights into the retinitis pigmentosa pathology
Retinitis Pigmentosa represents a group of genetic disorders that cause progressive vision loss via degeneration of pho8toreceptors, but there is in principle no treatment available. For any therapy development, a deeper comprehension of the dis9ease-leading mechanism(s) at the molecular level is needed. Here we focused on the cGMP-PKG system, which has been suggested10 to be a driver in several m
Documentary Imaginary : Production and audience research of The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence
Oppenheimer describes The Act of Killing as a ‘documentary about the imagination. We are documenting the ways we imagine ourselves, the ways we know ourselves’. This research analyses the documentary films The Act of Killing (Director Oppenheimer, co-directors Christine Cynn and anonymous 2012) and The Look of Silence (director Oppenheimer 2014), and the documentary imaginary. The research combine
Agricultural breadbaskets shift poleward given adaptive farmer behavior under climate change
Modern food production is spatially concentrated in global "breadbaskets". A major unresolved question is whether these peak production regions will shift poleward as the climate warms, allowing some recovery of potential climaterelated losses. While agricultural impacts studies to date have focused on currently cultivated land, the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison Project (GGCMI) Phase 2
Iscensatt inkludering. : Gemenskap som mål och utmaning på socionomutbildningen
Konflikter mellan olika samhällsgrupper och människors fördomar har länge intresserat samhällsvetenskapliga forskare. Många har också sökt svar på frågan om vad som kan göras för att överbrygga och minska dessa klyftor, splittringar och fördomar. Denna avhandling relaterar till denna diskussion och forskningsprocessen har ägt rum i flera steg. Först har en experimentell praxis utvecklats för att mConflicts between different social groups and people's prejudices have interested social science researchers for a long time. Many have also sought answers to the question of what can be done to bridge and reduce these gaps, divisions and prejudices. This dissertation relates to these discussions and the research process has taken place in several stages. First, an experimental practice has been d
Editorial: Fetal/Embryonic Hematopoietic Progenitors and Their Impact on Adult Diseases
TLR7 ligation augments hematopoiesis in Rps14 (uS11) deficiency via paradoxical suppression of inflammatory signalling
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a haematological malignancy characterised by blood cytopenias and predisposition to acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Therapies for MDS are lacking, particularly those that impact the early stages of disease. We developed a model of MDS using zebrafish using knockout of Rps14,the primary mediator of the anaemia associated with del (5q) MDS. These mutant animals displ
The Ghost in the Machine : Saraband
Analysis of the film Saraband (2003) by Swedish film director Ingmar Bergman (1918- 2007).