

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Proinflammatory Role of Sphingolipids and Glycosphingolipids in the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque

OBJECTIVE: Lipids are central to the development of atherosclerotic plaques. Specifically, which lipids are culprits remains controversial, and promising targets have failed in clinical studies. Sphingolipids are bioactive lipids present in atherosclerotic plaques, and they have been suggested to have both proatherogenic and antiatherogenic. However, the biological effects of these lipids remain u

Robust Algorithms for Multiple View Geometry: Outliers and Optimality

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur kan man skapa en tredimensionell modell av ett objekt eller en plats från tvådimensionella bilder? Det är den centrala frågan i den här avhandlingen och en viktig fråga i datorseende generellt. Normalt delar man upp problemet i en serie basproblem. Ett basproblem kan till exempel vara att skatta kamerans rörelse mellan två bilder eller kamerapositionen för en ny bilThis thesis is concerned with the geometrical parts of computer vision, or more precisely, with the three-dimensional geometry. The overall aim is to extract geometric information from a set of images. Most methods for estimating the geometry of multiple views rely on the existence of robust solvers for a set of basic problems. Such a basic problem can be estimating the relative orientation of two

Software Configuration Management Problems and Solutions to Software Variability Management

These days more and more software is produced as product families. Products that have a lot in common, but all the same vary slightly in one or more aspects. Developing and maintaining these product families is a complex task. Software configuration management (SCM) can, in general, support the development and evolution of one single software product and to some degree also supports the concept of

Electric interactions: A study of cellulose

Detta arbete har haft som målsättning att fördjupa vår kunskap om cellulosa och hur denna polymer reagerar i olika miljöer. Cellulosa är det vanligaste organiska materialet på jorden vilket gör att det är relativt lätttillgängligt, billigt, och miljövänligt. Genom att öka vår förståelse av de egenskaper som cellulosa besitter kan det bli möjligt att utveckla nya användningsområden, men också kvaliThis work is primary about development and application of electrostatic theory within the atomistic domain. The resulting procedures were implemented to eventually describe systems involving the cellulose molecule. A concluding remark about electrostatic interactions is the importance of moment cancellation. By inducing image moments which cancels the totality of the collective system moments, and

Development of Novel Diffusion NMR Methods : Preclinical Applications in Colloidal Model Systems

Kärnmagnetisk resonans, NMR, är en teknik som har många användningsområden, inte minst används NMR som en bildgivande teknik för diagnostisering av skador och sjuk- domar, vilket görs med så kallade MR-kameror. Med hjälp av diffusions-NMR kan man mäta vattenmolekylers rörelse, d.v.s. vattnets diffusion. Diffusions-NMR gör det möjligt att mäta hur långt vattenmolekylerna rör sig i olika riktningar.NMR is a powerful non-invasive technique utilizing radiofrequency and gradient pulses to manipulate the spinsof atomic nuclei. In particular, diffusion NMR uses strong magnetic field gradients to label the positions of spins allowing for the measurement of translational motion of molecules in liquids. The average displacement of water molecules can give information on the pore microstructure in va

Efficient simulations of tubulin-driven axonal growth

This work concerns efficient and reliable numerical simulations of the dynamic behaviour of a moving-boundary model for tubulin-driven axonal growth. The model is nonlinear and consists of a coupled set of a partial differential equation (PDE) and two ordinary differential equations. The PDE is defined on a computational domain with a moving boundary, which is part of the solution. Numerical simul

Stress-induced ST elevation with or without concomitant ST depression is predictive of presence, location and amount of myocardial ischemia assessed by myocardial perfusion SPECT, whereas isolated stress-induced ST depression is not

BACKGROUND: Evaluation of stress-induced ST deviations constitutes a central part when interpreting the findings from an exercise test. The aim of this analysis was to assess the pathophysiologic correlate of stress-induced ST elevation and ST depression with regard to presence, amount and location of myocardial ischemia as assessed by myocardial perfusion SPECT (MPS) in patients with suspected co

Factors contributing to the perpetration of workplace incivility: the importance of organizational aspects and experiencing incivility from others

In recent years a growing amount of research has been conducted in the area of workplace incivility. Whereas many studies have focused on the victims and the consequences of incivility, little attention has been paid to the perpetrators and antecedents of workplace incivility. This study aims to identify possible antecedents of workplace incivility, by investigating organizational aspects as well In recent years a growing amount of research has been conductedin the area of workplace incivility. Whereas many studies havefocused on the victims and the consequences of incivility, littleattention has been paid to the perpetrators and antecedents ofworkplace incivility. This study aims to identify possibleantecedents of workplace incivility, by investigating organizationalaspects as well as the