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Monovalerin and trivalerin increase brain acetic acid, decrease liver succinic acid, and alter gut microbiota in rats fed high-fat diets

Purpose Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and may also prevent against the development of metabolic diseases. This study investigated possible effects of two valeric acid esters, monovalerin (MV) and trivalerin (TV) in rats fed high-fat diets. Methods Four groups of rats were given a low-fat diet (LF) or a high-fat control diet (HFC) with or without su

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Actinomycosis is an infectious disease that has been known since the late nineteenth century. In the pre-antibiotic era it was thought to be rather common but with increased use of antimicrobial agents its incidence has decreased significantly. The causative agent, most commonly Actinomyces israelii, is part of the commensal bacterial flora. It can infect any tissue, respects no tissue boundaries

Experimental studies of ion transport in cementitious materials under partially saturated conditions

Cementproduktion står idag för en ansenlig andel av världens koldioxidutsläpp, vilket driver utvecklingen av bindemedel med lägre koldioxidutsläpp. För utsläppen i ett längre perspektiv är dock de nya bindemedlens beständighet absolut avgörande. De flesta nedbrytningsmekanismer är direkt relaterade till både fukt- och jontransport. Dessa processer har undersökts i många studier, men huvudsakligen Cement production is responsible for a significant portion of manmade CO2 emissions. This motivates the development of cementitious binders with a lower carbon footprint. Considering the emissions in a longer perspective, the durability of concrete structures is absolutely essential. Most degradation of concrete structures is closely related to both moisture transport and ion transport. Many studi

Analyzing Electromagnetic Systems on Electrically Large Platform Using a GTM-PO Hybrid Method with Synthetic Basis Functions

A hybrid method of generalized transition matrix (GTM) and physical optics (PO) with synthetic basis functions (SBF) is proposed to analyze electromagnetic systems on electrically large platforms. Based on domain decomposition method (DDM), the proposed approach is to divide the whole problem into a GTM region and a PO region. The GTM algorithm can simulate antennas and scatterers accurately, and

Vision : Rods See in Bright Light

Rods, usually associated with highly sensitive dim-light vision, contribute to vision even in bright photopic intensities. New results in mice have important implications for vision of animals with rod-dominated or pure rod retinae. Rods, usually associated with highly sensitive dim-light vision, contribute to vision even in bright photopic intensities. New results in mice have important implicati

Stent thrombosis rates the first year and beyond with new- and old-generation drug-eluting stents compared to bare metal stents

Objectives: Old-generation drug-eluting coronary stents (o-DES) have despite being safe and effective been associated with an increased propensity of late stent thrombosis (ST). We evaluated ST rates in o-DES, new-generation DES (n-DES) and bare metal stents (BMS) the first year (< 1 year) and beyond 1 year (> 1 year). Methods: We evaluated all implantations with BMS, o-DES (Cordis Cypher, Boston

Application of GTM method combined with local-PO algorithm

In this paper, a hybrid method of generalized transition matrix (GTM) and local physical optics (PO) is proposed. The GTM of a scatterer is defined uniquely to describe the relationship between the out-going fields and the incident fields on a specified reference surface. The PO algorithm is applied to obtain current distribution on the electrically large platform. Due to the locality principle, F

Research on the equivalent model for antenna element based on generalized transition matrix

In this paper a generalized transition matrix method is utilized to analyze the equivalent model for antenna element.The characteristics of antenna element can be extracted from the internal complex structure of the antenna element to an external reference surface through generalized transition matrix and mapping vectors.The generalized transition matrix module contains three parts:a generalized t

The Swedish general public’s attitudes towards the use of surveillance cameras (CCTV) in public spaces, April 2018

During the first week of April, 1,000 Swedes were asked via telephone about their opinions on the use of surveillance cameras in public spaces. Ninety percent (90%) of the public were positive when asked the question “What do you think about surveillance cameras in public spaces?” – 49% stating that they are “very positive” and 41% “quite positive”. Furthermore, 72% of the respond- ents stated tha

Interferon-β deficiency at asthma exacerbation promotes MLKL mediated necroptosis

Defective production of antiviral interferon (IFN)-β is thought to contribute to rhinovirus-induced asthma exacerbations. These exacerbations are associated with elevated lung levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), indicating occurrence of cell necrosis. We thus hypothesized that reduced lung IFN-β could contribute to necrotic cell death in a model of asthma exacerbations. Wild-type and IFN-β-/- m

Antikvarisk rapport gällande undersökningen av biskop Peder Winstrups kista och mumifierade kvarlevor

Bakgrund till projektet kring Winstrups mumie tog sin början i och med det beslut som fattades av Länsstyrelsen 2012-03-21 (Dnr 433-1675-12) som svar på en ansökan av Lunds domkyrkoförsamling om flytt av Peder Winstrups kista till Domkyrkomuseet i Lund. I denna rapport redovisas, förutom bakgrunden och resultatet, följande bilagor:Bilaga 1: Vetenskapliga undersökningar av Peder Winstrups mumie av

Ethical struggles: Living stories from the frontline of retail banking

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the financial sector globally has become much more reg-ulated to ensure ’ethical’ conduct, yet we have still to understand how the banks has worked to ensure a more cultural shift towards ethical conduct. The purpose of our paper is to examine the cultural changes in three different retail banks, focusing specifically on ethical sales and advising a

Starch digestibility and predicted glycaemic index (pGI) in starchy foods consumed in Mexico

Different starchy foods are frequently consumed in the Mexican diet. Some of them were developed by Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations. Until today, common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), tortillas made with maize (Zea mays) and related maize-based products are some of the main staple foods. Additionally, wheat-based foods are also important starch sources, incorporated in different dishes. This

Composition and characteristics of oil extracted from flaxseed-added corn tortilla

Flaxseed has recently gained attention as a functional food, and the effect of adding flaxseed (10%, 15%, and 20%) to tortillas was evaluated. The physicochemical characteristics and the free fatty-acid (FFA) content of the oil extracted from flaxseed-added corn tortilla were determined. The results showed that the lipid (4.27%) and protein content (9.10%) of the control sample was statistically l