

Din sökning på "*" gav 529159 sökträffar

In-hospital medication reviews reduce unidentified drug-related problems

Purpose To examine the impact of a new model of care, in which a clinical pharmacist conducts structured medication reviews and a multi-professional team collates systematic medication care plans, on the number of unidentified DRPs in a hospital setting. Methods In a prospective two-period study, patients admitted to an internal medicine ward at the University Hospital of Lund, Sweden, were includ

Size dependence of the Poisson's ratio in single-crystal fcc copper nanobeams

Elastic simulations of single-crystal copper nanobeams, of different cross section sizes and with crystallographic orientations [100] and [110] along their length directions, have been performed applying tensile mechanical loading. The molecular dynamics code LAMMPS was employed for the simulations. The Poisson's ratio, which is one of the fundamental measures of the elastic deformation behaviour

Project Turnstone: Successful Collaboration and Collaboration Obstacles in Police, Border, and Coast Guard Cooperation

Projekt Turnstone är ett samverkansprojekt delvis finansierat av Europeiska kommissionen. Projektet är ett initiativ av Stockholmspolisens gränsbevakningsenhet. Samverkanspartners i projektet är Svenska Kustbevakningen, Region Nord öst; Helsingforspolisen; Gränsbevakningsväsendet, Finland; Polis och Gränsbevakningen i Estland; Statliga Gränsbevakningen, Lettiska republiken; och den Statliga GränssProject Turnstone is a collaborative project funded in part by the European Commission. The project is an initiative by the Stockholm Police. Collaborating partners in the project are the Swedish Coast Guard, Region Northeast; the Helsinki Police; the Gulf of Finland Coast Guard District; the Police and Border Guard Board in Estonia; the State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia; and the State

Pulsed electric field in combination with vacuum impregnation with trehalose improves the freezing tolerance of spinach leaves

Pulsed electric fields in combination with vacuum infusion have been utilized to impregnate cells with trehalose, aiming at substantially improving the freezing tolerance of spinach leaves. Spinach samples were first treated with ten trains of bi-polar, rectangular electric field pulses with a nominal electric field strength of 580 V/cm and immediately immersed in a 40% (w/w) solution of trehalose

The role of policy instruments in supporting the development of mineral wool insulation in Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom

The objective of this study has been to analyze the introduction and development of mineral wool building insulation in Germany, Sweden and the UK, and to examine the policy instruments that support these processes. The aim has been to improve our understanding of the role of the policy instruments. The analysis focuses on the development of the policy framework, the development of technology, the

Är detta seriöst? : En studie av anhöriginvandring till Sverige

I avhandlingen studeras migration i form av anhöriginvandring till Sverige. I fokus ställs parförhållande där parets seriositet prövas av Migrationsverket. Parets väg genom ansökningsprocessen beskrivs liksom den legala ramen kring anhöriginvandring. Vidare tar avhandlingen upp handläggning av anhöriginvandring och vilka föreställningar om anhöriginvandring och seriösa parförhållanden som finns, dImmigration for family reunion makes up about 30-50 per cent of all immigration to Sweden. The present thesis deals with the handling of applications for reunion immigration and with the comprehension of the concept of reunion immigration and of a “serious relationship”, partly by the executing officer/decision maker who apply the law, partly by the individual who is part of the couple relationshi

Early Jurassic (late Pliensbachian) CO2 concentrations based on stomatal analysis of fossil conifer leaves from eastern Australia

The stomatal index (a measure of stomatal density) of an extinct Australian Early Jurassic araucariacean conifer species, Allocladus helgei Jansson, is used to reconstruct the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (pCO(2)) in the Early Jurassic. The fossil leaves are preserved in a single bed, palynologically dated to late Pliensbachian (similar to 185-183 Mya). Atmospheric pCO(2) is estimated

The ATLAS Inner Detector commissioning and calibration

The ATLAS Inner Detector is a composite tracking system consisting of silicon pixels, silicon strips and straw tubes in a 2 T magnetic field. Its installation was completed in August 2008 and the detector took part in data-taking with single LHC beams and cosmic rays. The initial detector operation, hardware commissioning and in-situ calibrations are described. Tracking performance has been measur

Physical activity on prescription (PAP) from the general practitioner's perspective - a qualitative study

Background: Physical activity on prescription (PAP) is a successful intervention for increasing physical activity among patients with a sedentary lifestyle. The method seems to be sparsely used by general practitioners (GPs) and there is limited information about GPs' attitudes to counselling using PAP as a tool. The aim of the study was to explore and understand the meaning of prescribing physica

Older people´s public health care and social services. Functional ability, health complaints, agreement in needs assessment and care satisfaction

The overall aim was to describe and compare functional ability and health complaints of older people receiving municipal care in relation to housing and informal care, and factors associated with medical health care, municipal care and informal care. Further, the aim was to investigate agreement in needs assessments between personnel and older people and to investigate care satisfaction and health

Vilka exportföretag prisdiskriminerar?

Denna studie undersöker företags prisvariation mellan olika exportmarknader. Tidigare studier betonar kvalitetsskillnader som en viktig orsak till variationer i exportpriser. Vi utgår i stället från en alternativ förklaringsmodell som baseras på marknadssegmentering och studerar relationen mellan företagens prisvariation och deras markup. Vi använder detaljerad företags- och produktdata för en hel

Upregulated insulin secretion in insulin-resistant mice: evidence of increased islet GLP1 receptor levels and GPR119-activated GLP1 secretion.

We previously demonstrated that the overall incretin effect and the β-cell responsiveness to glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP1) are increased in insulin-resistant mice and may contribute to the upregulated β-cell function. Now we examined whether this could, first, be explained by increased islet GLP1 receptor (GLP1R) protein levels and, secondly, be leveraged by G-protein-coupled receptor 119 (GPR119

Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Mesenchymal Stroma Cells (hES-MSCs) Engraft In Vivo and Support Hematopoiesis without Suppressing Immune Function: Implications for Off-The Shelf ES-MSC Therapies.

Mesenchymal stroma cells (MSCs) have a high potential for novel cell therapy approaches in clinical transplantation. Commonly used bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs), however, have a restricted proliferative capacity and cultures are difficult to standardize. Recently developed human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stroma cells (hES-MSCs) might represent an alternative and unlimited source

Multiterminal multimode spin-dependent scattering matrix formalism: Electron and hole quantum spin transport in multiterminal junctions

We present a derivation of a scattering matrix method providing an exact multimode solution to spin-dependent quantum transport in multiterminal structures. The method is formulated in a general language such that it can readily be applied to any spin-S system with spin interactions. We apply the formalism to spin-1/2 electron and spin-3/2 hole transport in three- and four-terminal structures. It

The implementation of organic principles and values in the European Regulation for organic food

Abstract in Undeterminedhe paper is based on selected findings of the research project EEC 2092/91 (Organic) revision. It contributes to an improved understanding of the core ethical values associated with and principles of organic farming, analyses reference to such values in the European Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 and its ongoing revision, and contrasts them with current practice of organic agricu

Stable operation during pilot-scale anaerobic digestion of nutrient-supplemented maize/sugar beet silage.

Biogas production from maize/sugar beet silage was studied under mesophilic conditions in a continuous stirred tank reactor pilot-scale process. While energy crop mono-digestion is often performed with very long hydraulic retention times (HRTs), the present study demonstrated an efficient process operating with a 50-day HRT and a corrected total solids (TS(corr)) based organic loading rate of 3.4k

Three-dimensional structures of Plasmodium falciparum spermidine synthase with bound inhibitors suggest new strategies for drug design.

The enzymes of the polyamine-biosynthesis pathway have been proposed to be promising drug targets in the treatment of malaria. Spermidine synthase (SpdS; putrescine aminopropyltransferase) catalyzes the transfer of the aminopropyl moiety from decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine to putrescine, leading to the formation of spermidine and 5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA). In this work, X-ray crystallograp