

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Märkesorientering - Utveckling av varumärken som strategiska resurser och skydd mot varumärkesdegeneration

Popular Abstract in Swedish Märkesorientering är ett nytt förhållningssätt till varumärken. Inom företag som Nestlé, Pharmacia & Upjohn Nicorette och Volvo utgör varumärkena det nav kring vilket strategierna kretsar. Varumärkesfrågor behandlas inte längre som taktiska spörsmål utan är ledningsfrågor. Målsättningen inom märkesorienterade företag är ytterst att skapa, utveckla och skydda varumärThe aim of this study was to examine how an organisation’s approach to brands can, in the building up of a brand competence, prevent trademark degeneration and develop and protect brands as strategic resources. A line of argument is put forward for adopting a new corporate approach (mind-set) to brands. The starting-point is the concept of trademark degeneration (genericness), which is both the ke

Extracellular phospholipase A2 expression in sarcoidosis

This study was conducted in order to focus upon the Ca2- dependent secretory non-pancreatic phospholipase A2 (npPLA2) enzyme and its possible role in the pathophysiology of sarcoidosis. Serum samples were taken from 24 patients with sarcoidosis to determine the levels of npPLA2. Moreover, in another group of patients with active chest x-ray stage II and III sarcoidosis, bronchoscopy with bronchoal

A prospective study of different types of hormone replacement therapy use and the risk of subsequent breast cancer: the women's health in the Lund area (WHILA) study (Sweden)

Objectives: Reports suggest that combined estrogen plus progestin hormone replacement therapy (HRT) confers a higher breast cancer risk than estrogen alone. We aimed to establish whether breast cancer risk depends on the type of HRT formula. Methods: The cohort consisted of 6586 women, aged 50 - 64 years, from the Lund area, Sweden, with no reported breast cancer upon inclusion. We obtained inform

Isobaric Tagging-Based Quantification for Proteomic Analysis: A Comparative Study of Spared and Affected Muscles from mdx Mice at the Early Phase of Dystrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common childhood myopathy, characterized by muscle loss and cardiorespiratory failure. While the genetic basis of DMD is well established, secondary mechanisms associated with dystrophic pathophysiology are not fully clarified yet. In order to obtain new insights into the molecular mechanisms of muscle dystrophy during earlier stages of the disease, we

Energi, säkerhet och konflikt i ett framtidsperspektiv

Energifrågan berör många politikområden, inte minst säkerhetspolitiken. Föreställningar om framtida energisäkerhet, eller energi och säkerhet, baseras oundvikligen på underliggande antaganden och subjektiva perspektiv som gärna färgas av dagsaktuella problem. Detta kan innebära problem för dem som ägnar sig åt beslutsfattande i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Denna rapport har ett säkerhetspolitiskt

Cardiomyocyte Cell Cycle, Renewal and Isolation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtsjukdom som orsakas av skador på hjärtmuskelceller är en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna världen över. En framtida önskvärd behandling vore att kunna stimulera kroppens egna förmåga att återskapa hjärtmuskelceller, eller att isolera hjärtmuskelceller framställda i cellkultur. Arbete I är fokusera på studier rörande tillväxtmönstret hos hjärtmuskelceller under normaHeart disease results from the loss of cardiomyocytes following myocardial damage and is a leading cause of death worldwide. Stimulating the endogenous regeneration of cardiomyocytes or isolating them from in vitro culture is an attractive therapeutic strategy. In paper I, the focus is on the cellular growth patterns of murine cardiomyocytes under steady-state conditions. The turnover of cardiomyo

The fundamental definition of "radial velocity''

Accuracy levels of metres per second require the fundamental concept of``radial velocity'' for stars and other distant objects to be examined,both as a physical velocity, and as measured by spectroscopic andastrometric techniques. Already in a classical (non-relativistic)framework the line-of-sight velocity component is an ambiguous concept,depending on whether, e.g., the time of light emission (a


In an environment full of potential pathogens it is of importance for organisms to mount a fast and effective defence. Antimicrobial peptides are ancient and integral effector molecules of the innate immune system. They are found in all kinds of species from bacteria to plants and animals, indicating their importance during evolution. They possess a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and some p

The chronology of tooth development in wild boar - A guide to age determination of linear enamel hypoplasia in prehistoric and medieval pigs

Linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) is transverse lines or bands on the enamel of teeth caused by developmental stress during the formation of the tooth crown. LEH has shown to be useful as a stress marker in studies of health conditions in past populations of pigs. The chronology of LEH and the age at which animals of past populations where afflicted by metabolic stress can be determined based on toot

Domain-structure analysis of recombinant rat hormone-sensitive lipase

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) plays a key role in lipid metabolism and overall energy homoeostasis, by controlling the release of fatty acids from stored triglycerides in adipose tissue. Lipases and esterases form a protein superfamily with a common structural fold, called the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold, and a catalytic triad of serine, aspartic or glutamic acid and histidine. Previous alignments

Exploring a pioneering bioenergy system: The case of Enkoping in Sweden

In order to contribute to knowledge on how-to expand bioenergy this paper examines an example of success from Sweden. The idea is to identify factors that can explain the difference between success and failure of bioenergy systems. In the aftermath of the oil crises in the 1970s, the local government in the town of Enkoping in Sweden was cautioned by the local Swedish military regiment to shift to

Response factors of organochlorine compounds in the electrolytic conductivity detector

In our previous studies we have used electrolytic conductivity detection (ELCD) in the selective analysis of chlorinated fatty acids in marine samples. In order to determine the chlorinated fatty acids quantitatively, we studied the ELCD response factors (RFs) of chlorinated fatty acids and compared them with those of other chlorinated compounds. We also studied the effect of reactor temperature a

Real-time adaptive tracking of DC motor speed using U-model based IMC

A novel technique, involving U-model based IMC (internal model control), is proposed for the adaptive control of nonlinear dynamic plants such as the DC-motor. The proposed scheme combines the robustness of the IMC and the ability of neural networks to identify arbitrary nonlinear functions, with the control-oriented nature of the U-model to achieve adaptive tracking of stable nonlinear plants. Th

LIVSTILLFREDSSTÄLLELSE HOS ÄLDRE, SÄRSKILT MED NEDSATT FUNKTIONSFÖRMÅGA SAMT INFORMELLA VÅRDARE I relation till hälsa, självkänsla, sociala och ekonomiska resurser i ett svenskt och europeiskt perspektiv

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är skriven på svenskaI relation till hälsa, självkänsla, sociala och ekonomiska resurser i ett svenskt och europeiskt perspektiv. Knowledge of factors contributing to life satisfaction among older people is needed, both in the context of those with reduced self-care capacity and among healthy older people and those providing help to others. Such knowledge may be helpful in developing primary and secondary intervent