Din sökning på "*" gav 527966 sökträffar
Kristendomens hellenisering – ett märkligt missförstånd
Improved channel estimation for iterative receivers
In iterative receiver structures, soft information becomes available after the decoding stage in the first iteration. This information is used to enhance the quality of the channel estimates for the next iteration. Channel estimation plays a crucial role in multi-user detection because the effective identification sequence for each user strongly depends on the channel characteristics. To combine d
Systematisk teologi : en introduktion
Olika religioners närvaro i det svenska samhället ökar och därmed växer också behovet av en konstruktiv och kritiskt reflektion kring religiösa idéer. Den här boken riktar sig till läsare som vill få en uppfattning om vad kristna teologer traditionellt har diskuterat, samt vilka teologer i kristendomens historia och traditioner som haft särskild betydelse. Boken ger också en uppfattning om vilka i
A new Source for the History of Medicine: an Arabic Medical Handbook from the 10th Century
Clustering and Upgrading - a Case Study of the Sugar Inudstries in Brazil and Cuba, Paper presented at Globelics 6th International Conference 2008, 22 – 24 September, Mexico City
Clusters have received much interest as a strategy and a policy tool in order to enhance the capabilities of firms and to stimulate innovation. There are many indications that clusters and cluster initiatives, as frameworks and co-operative processes, can serve this purpose, not only for high-tech sectors, but also low- and medium-tech ones. By enhancing linkages between firms, firms and governmen
Hearing and Cognitive Development in Deaf and Hearing-impaired Children: Effects of Therapeutic Intervention
Physiological and biochemical aspects of vegetable processing. A case study on carrots
The aim of the present study was to enhance our understanding of vegetables as living organisms, interacting dynamically with the environment, and to explore the possible influence of metabolic changes on subsequent processing operations. Growing conditions, harvesting and handling in the packing house and storage conditions are key events leading to a defined “physiological status” of the vegetab
Per Gunnar Evander, bilden och berättandet
Corporate innovation and competitive environment
Empirical studies have shown that the characteristics of the competitive environment influence the corporate innovation activities of U.S. firms. This study attempts to internationalize these studies in two ways. First, it examines the environment-corporate innovation relationship in Norwegian manufacturing firms. Second, it examines how the firms’ corporate innovation activities are influenced by
Nutritionella effekter av ändrad måltidsmiljö inom långvårdsmedicinen
Lead in blood. ICP-MS studies of lead in plasma, blood and erythrocyte proteins
Popular Abstract in Swedish BLY I BLOD. ICP-MS-studier av bly i plasma, blod och erythrocyt-proteiner De flesta studier som har gjorts av blys giftighet är grundade på blyhalten i blod, och man vet idag mycket om vilka halter som är förknippade med olika skador. Cirka 99% av blyet i blod finns i de röda blodkropparna, medan plasma vanligen innehåller mindre än 1%. Man har länge trott att anledninAn inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method for the determination of lead in blood plasma has been developed. The detection limit was below 0.1 microgram/liter, and the precision 5%. There was no significant difference between levels in plasma and serum. Studies of individuals with varying lead exposure showed that in the general population the plasma concentrations were less t
Svensk diplomati och dansk passion: om radiochefen Hjalmar Gullberg och samarbetet med Kaj Munk under danska ockupationen
Respiratory NAD(P)H dehydrogenases of plants - Gene identity and expression in response to light and cold
Popular Abstract in Swedish Respirationen i både växter och djur kan delas upp i tre delar: glykolysen, citronsyracykeln och elektrontransportkedjan. Glykolysen sker i cytoplasman (cellvätskan), medan citronsyracykeln och elektrontransportkedjan verkar i mitokondrierna. Mitokondrier fungerar som cellernas motorer. De är ungefär lika viktiga för cellen som motorn är för en bil. Mitokondrierna är smThe respiratory chain of plants contains class 2 NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, not present in animals. The functional roles of these enzymes have been elusive for a long time. Two cDNAs, homologous to class 2 NADH dehydrogenase genes of yeast and E. coli, were isolated from potato leaves. The gene products, NDA1 and NDB1, were shown to reside on the internal and external sides of the inner mitochondrial
Världsmaskinen. Emanuel Swedenborgs naturfilosofi
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inledningen syftar till att ge en översikt över Swedenborgs levnadslopp och ge en viss orientering i litteraturen kring honom. Det visar sig att det saknas en grundlig idéhistorisk studie över hans tidiga mekanistiska naturfilosofi. Föreliggande bok kan sägas vara en kognitiv idéhistoria som har siktet inställt på hur han tänkte. I arbetet med Swedenborgs naturfilosofi The Swedish natural philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) thought in his early scientific career that the world was like a gigantic machine, following the laws of mechanics and geometry. The work presented here is a study of his mechanistic worldview and metaphorical way of thinking up to the year 1734, examining most of his fields of interest, from geometry and metaphysics to technology and
Core components of the international forest regime complex
From the existing full set of international policy instruments on forests, eight core components are identified and submitted to two differing assessments. The first (consistency assessment) uses a policy design approach to match the core components with their goals, policy tools, target group preferences and justifications for the choice of goals and policy tools. The second (compatibility assess
Electron microscopy of oxide catalysis
The accessibility and chemical activity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil
Popular Abstract in Swedish Häri avhandlas tesen att bättre insikt i kemisk jordförorening med tjärämnen kan erhållas genom två analytiska begrepp: tillgänglighet och kemisk aktivitet. Tillgänglighet syftar på andelen av den totala mängden PAH som är tillgänglig för processer vilka sker utanför jordpartiklarna. Det andra begreppet, kemisk aktivitet, är termodynamiskt. Den kemiska aktiviteten är häThis thesis proposes the use of two concepts: accessibility and chemical activity. Accessibility describes the mass quantity of PAHs that is or can become available within a given time span and under given conditions. Chemical activity quantifies the energetic state of the PAHs that determines the potential for spontaneous physicochemical processes, such as diffusion and partitioning. Chemical act