Din sökning på "*" gav 534088 sökträffar
Constructing a neural system for surface inspection
Visual quality assurance techniques focus on the detection and qualification of abnormal structures in the image of an object. The features of abnormality are extracted through image mining, whereupon classification is performed on characteristic combinations. Many techniques for feature extraction have been proposed, but the feed-forward neural network is seldom utilized despite its popularity in
Lerbottnarna och det tidigmedeltida samhället
Physics of Viral Infectivity: Energetics of Genome Ejection
Popular Abstract in Swedish Virala infektioner är och har varit ett stort hälsoproblem för mänskligheten. Många av de sjukdomar som förorsakas av virus är obotliga och spridningen är oftast snabb (ett exempel är HIV). Förutom att direkt förorsaka olika sjukdomstillstånd har virus också påvisats vara orsak till olika former av cancer. Under de senaste åren har dock forskare försökt att börja använAll viruses that infect bacteria, plant, or animal cells involve a genome (RNA or DNA) that is encapsidated by a rigid protein shell. After delivery of the viral genome into the host cell, new capsid proteins, which are encoded by viral DNA or RNA, are expressed and self-assembled into new viral capsids. The main objective of my research was to study the key physical factors of genome ejection tha
Creep of Heat-cured High-Performance Concrete Subjected to Freezing or Elevated Temperatures
This article outlines an experimental and numerical study of the short-term creep of High-Performance Concrete, HPC, with sealed curing and temperature under freezing point, which is compared with the creep of HPC at normal and elevated temperatures. For this purpose one quality of HPC was studied at 6 different temperatures (-15, -1, 20, 30, 40 and 60 °C) over a period of 66 hours. Parallel studi
Nyantagna lärarstudenters motiv, motivation, självtillit och akademiska engagemang.
PIXE-metoden för analys av arbetsmiljöaerosoler
Svenska jurister och unionsupplösningen
Inledning: Arthur Asa Berger - Kulturstudier. Nyckelbegrepp för nybörjare
Papermaking : Adaptive Control
Cognitive Therapy for PTSD in Children and Adolescents
Passive as an activity aspect. On the relation between aspectuality and passive: a comparative study of German and Swedish.
Abstract not available
Scoping study for partner driven cooperation in disaster risk management between Sweden and Botswana
Med glorian stadigt på plats
Europaperspektiv 1999
Two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy combined with spectral and time-resolved measurements for fluorophore identification
Understanding factors that shape consumption
Interactions between climate, natural disturbances, and regeneration in boreal and hemi-boreal forests
Popular Abstract in Swedish Naturliga störningsregimer är viktiga drivkrafter i vegetationsdynamiken hos de flesta skogstyper jorden runt. Att förstå de rumsliga och tidsmässiga egenskaperna i störningarna, såväl i nutid som i förfluten tid, är viktigt bl a vid utformningen av strategier för naturvård, likväl som för att kunna modellera inflytandet av klimat och människans påverkan. I denna avhandNatural disturbance is an important driving force of community dynamics in many forest types around the globe. Understanding spatial and temporal properties of disturbance events in the present and in the past is important in formulating the nature conservation strategies as well as for the modeling of climate and human impacts on forest vegetation. In this thesis I studied wind and fire disturban