

Din sökning på "*" gav 532871 sökträffar

Genetically modified animals in research : an analysis of applications submitted to ethics committees on animal experimentation in Sweden

The use of genetically modified animals in biomedical research has increased during recent years and its ethical aspects have been subject to academic discussion. In order to make this discussion more concrete, we analyzed applications submitted to animal ethics committees in Sweden in 2002. The aim was to investigate the researchers’ statements concerning the production and use of genetically mod

Developing Methods for Modelling Procedures in System Analysis and System Dynamics

System Thinking is the mindset of defining and confining a problem and its symptoms as well as a method for communicating system understanding. System Analysis is taking that problem apart to understand its causalities and structural arrangement. System Dynamics is the use of the results of System Analysis in order to reconstruct the system of causalities. Modelling is used for understanding comp

On the appearance of bile in clinical MR cholangiopancreatography

Purpose: To study the appearance of bile in clinical MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with special reference to its chemical and physical properties. Material and Methods: Gallbladder bile was collected during surgery from 38 patients and studied with respect to chemical constituents. The relaxation rates 1/T1 and 1/T2 of bile were also determined in vitro . In 16 of these 38 patients, abdominal

A modified definition of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian in multiconfigurational perturbation theory (CASPT2)

A new shifted zeroth-order Hamiltonian is presented, which will be used in second-order multiconfigurational perturbation theory (CASPT2). The new approximation corrects for the systematic error of the original formulation, which led to an relative overestimate of the correlation energy for open shell system, resulting in too small dissociation and excitation energies. Errors in the D, values for

Självet och subjektets svårgripbara nödvändighet: utkast till en socialpsykologisk kritik av Judith Butler

In her widely cited and criticised Gender trouble, Judith Butler (1990) elaborated the thought that gender needs to be understood as performative – a certain kind of doing behind the bars of a hegemonic heterosexual imperative that governs intelligible bodily configurations. Drawing mainly on psychoanalytical and foucauldian arguments, Butler dwells upon numerous important questions concerning pow

Globaliseringsrörelsen – en ny social rörelse eller en klassisk konfliktdimension i nytt sammanhang?

Allt sedan demonstrationerna mot WTO i Seattle har den globala rättviserörelsen uppmärksammats för att den har sammanfört aktivister från disparata rörelsemiljöer, i gemensamma protester mot den ekonomiska globaliseringens effekter och de globala organ som anses driva fram denna utveckling. I denna artikel diskuteras hur dessa mobiliseringar kan förstås utifrån gängse teorier om "nya sociala rörel

Comparing two microarray platforms for identifying mutated genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

We have previously described the evaluation of a cDNA microarray platform to identify and clone mutated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genes, using their transcriptionally defective mutant alleles (S. Zakhrabekova, C.G. Karmangara, D. von Wettstein, M. Hansson, A microarray approach for identification of mutated genes, Plant Physiol. Biochem. 40 (2002) 189-197). It was concluded that competitive hybr

Net sulphur mineralization in forest soils as influenced by different lime application rates

Long-term effects of liming on net sulphur mineralization in coniferous forest 0 horizons were studied in three laboratory experiments by an open incubation technique, in which net sulphur mineralization was estimated from the accumulated SO42- leaching during the incubation period. Soil from two Swedish field experiments was used; Hasslov (56degrees24'N, 13degrees00'E) and Nordiden (64degrees21'N

Staples, Institutions and Growth. Competitiveness of Guatemalan Exports 1524-1945

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen analyserar Guatemalas råvaruexport under perioden 1524-1945.In the integrated institutional-staples-‘vent for surplus’ approach, the opening of trade occurs because of initial demand. Once demand is determined, competitiveness is a function of transportation costs, entrepreneurship, capital, land and labour costs, as well as the role played by the State. When all these factors promote competitiveness within an institutional framework that decreased transac

alpha-Trinositol: a functional (non-receptor) neuropeptide Y antagonist in vasculature

Neuropeptide Y is a sympathetic co-neurotransmitter released with noradrenaline upon sympathetic nerve stimulation. This study describes the ability of a synthetic inositol phosphate, alpha-trinositol(D-myo-inositol 1,2,6-triphosphate; PP 56) to antagonize vasoconstrictor responses to neuropeptide Y in-vitro as well as in-vivo. In human and guinea-pig isolated arteries alpha-trinositol potently (1

Konstruktion av förnyelse i organisationer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Strävan efter förnyelse präglar det moderna samhället och dess organisationer. Överlevnad och framgång anses vara förknippad med förmågan att förändra och ompröva befintliga förhållanden. Det gäller snart sagt alla typer av verksamheter. Vi vet samtidigt att organisationer inte enbart utmärks av sin förmåga att ständigt förnyas. Etablerade arbetssätt, organiseringsformeThe aim of this thesis is to generate a theory of renewal in organizations. In modern society, characterized by the idea of progress, renewal has become an axiomatic assumption behind organizational existence. From an institutional perspective, the continuous search for new organizational forms and practises can be described as a process of imitation. The thesis acknowledges renewal as a process o

A chemotaxonomic method for classification of asymmetric Penicillia by means of cross-partition in aqueous 2-phase systems combined with simca pattern-recognition analysis

A chemotaxonomic method for classification of asymmetric penicillia by means of cross-partition in aqueous two-phase systems combined with SIMCA pattern recognition analysis. Conidia of three strains each of three closely related Penicillium species in the P. oiridicatum group were subjected to cross-partition in aqueous polymer two-phase systems. The cross-point values, the percentage of conidia

Accurate sample-and-hold circuit model

An accurate circuit model is presented for the general sample-and-hold circuit with a finite sampling duration. The applications of the model, such as to design a direct down-conversion sampler (RF sampler) and to calculate the thermal noise and output SNR of the general sample-and-hold circuit, are discussed. The results provide a theoretical basis for understanding and designing a sample-and-hol