

Din sökning på "*" gav 532197 sökträffar

An Algorithm for Smarter Heating

Examensarbetet ämnar att utvärdera användning samt utveckling av en "intelligent uppvärmning" för ett hus. Genom att kontrollera strömbrytare, kopplade till en säkring, kan olika tekniker som kan användas för en självlärande algoritm utvärderas. För tillfället måste användarna själva försöka förutsäga hur lång tid en uppvärmning kommer att ta. Den utvecklade algoritmen ska hjälpa användaThis report aims to examine the use and development of a more intelligent heating process in a house. By controlling switches integrated into a fuse, the techniques that can be used to allow an algorithm to predict how long the heating process would take are evaluated. Currently users have to, themselves, estimate how long the heating process will take. The algorithm developed aims to alleviate th

BEHIND THE WORDS: RISING SEAS, DROWNING VOICES - a critical discourse analysis of Swedish press narratives on environmental migration & displacement

As the physical consequences of climate change continues to augment, possibly millions of people might be forced to migrate. Those most likely to be forced to move are people living in poor countries in the Global South where vulnerability levels are generally high and the capacity to adapt is often low due to socio-economic difficulties and political insecurity. In contrast, the countries most re

”Timing - Vad är det och hur blir jag bra på det?" - En intervjustudie om begreppet timing i afroamerikanska musikstilar

Timing är ett begrepp som är vanligt förekommande och högt värdesatt inom den afroamerikanska musiken. Trots det tycks det inte finnas en klar gemensam uppfattning kring vad begreppet egentligen innebär och i jämförelse med andra musikaliska element tycks även undervisningsmetodik i ämnet vara eftersatt. Denna studie syftar främst till att tydliggöra begreppet timing men också begreppet sväng som The term timing is often used and is highly regarded within the context of Afro-American music. Even so, there does not seem to be a clear common understanding of what the concept really means and also, in comparison with other musical elements, teaching methodology on the subject seems to be neglected. This study primarily aims to clarify the concept of timing, but also that of the term groove wh

Autonoma fordon som en del av verksamheters transporttjänster

I denna studie har fenomenet autonoma fordon som en del av framtidens transporttjänster diskuterats och avhandlats. Autonoma fordon är en relativt ny och växande teknik inom transporttjänster, vilket ger fenomenet upphov till många intressanta och relevanta forskningsområden. Följande studie har utgått ifrån ett samhällsvetenskapligt perspektiv vad gällande implementeringen av autonoma fordon, då

Min lilla vrå bland bergen

Hidden on the plot of my summerhouse is a mountain glace overlooking the ocean. It is an enthralling place - a rock wall in the north and views towards the ocean in the south. A World War II trench is blasted into the rock, holding intimate rooms and layer upon layer of history. Here is narrow inclosure and vast openness, all at once. This mountain glace has been unused and forgotten during my who

Developing a prototype using IMUs to do 24 hours measurement of knee joint mobility in children with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a disorder of movement that is caused before, during or soon after birth. CP affects movement and co-ordination caused by lack of muscle control by the brain [1], [2]. Stiff muscles, weak muscles, tremors and seizures as well as difficulties with swallowing are examples of symptoms in children with CP. Every year there are approximately 200 children born in Sweden that are a

Studenternas representanter : En kvantitativ studie av samband mellan socioekonomisk bakgrund och engagemang i studentkåren

In Swedish higher education, the students have a right by law to partake in the decisions that concern them and the education. The participation in such decisions is organized through student representatives elected by the student unions. Previous studies on representation in student unions and politics suggested that a certain socioeconomic background might be overrepresented among the student un

Applying Technical Trading Rules to Evaluate Weak-form Efficiency on the Swedish Stock Market

Under the theory of weak-form market efficiency, present day stock prices reflect all historical data. As a result, the use of technical analysis should not be able to outperform a buy-and-hold strategy of a general market index. This study examines weak-form efficiency on the Swedish stock market by applying technical trading rules to 33 years of historical price data of the OMXS30 index. Variati

Utåtriktad och motståndskraftig: En undersökning av extroverta individers nivå av resilience och emotionsregleringsstrategier.

Den föreliggande studien undersökte förhållandet mellan extraversion och resilience, resilience och emotionsreglering, extraversion och emotionsreglering, samt emotionsregleringens mediering av förhållandet mellan extraversion och resilience. Urvalsgruppen var studenter vid Lunds Universitet i Sverige, en population som tidigare inte undersökts i detta sammanhang. Deltagarna (n = 253) svarade på eThis study investigated the relationship between extraversion and resilience, resilience and emotion regulation, extraversion and emotion regulation, and the possibility of emotion regulation as a mediator in the relationship between extraversion and resilience. The researched population in this study consisted of students from Lund’s University in Sweden. This population has not been researched i

Exploring efficient land-use and densification through architectural synthesis

This Thesis will limit itself to exercising architectural interventions based on a set of identified locations with the aim of creating a framework for new housing units. The architectural intervention will form round these sites, social groups and economical building methods with ambition of being integrated in the urban framework limiting need to travel and utilising existing infrastructure. Mat

“Close Enough”: A Cultural Analysis of Plant-Based Meat Consumption in Everyday Food Practices

Kött har varit ett av de vanligaste livsmedlen för mänskligheten i årtusenden och en viktig del av minnen kopplade till mat i olika kulturer, i förhållande till vardagliga livsmedelspraktiker. Numera har växtbaserat kött (PBM), som substitut för animaliskt kött (ABM), blivit populärt och vanligt bland konsumenter som bor i Nordeuropa. Detta av olika anledningar, däribland miljöproblem, djurskydd oMeat has been one of the common foods for humankind for many millenniums and an important part of food memory in different cultures in relation to everyday food practices. Nowadays, plant-based meat (PBM), as substitution of animal-based meat (ABM), has become popular and common among consumers living in Northern Europe with various motivations including environmental problems, animal welfare, and

"No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and just leave them there" : Examining the hegemony of fossil fuels in the Trudeau government's discourse on the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project

As the world’s fifth largest oil producer, and holder of the third largest proven oil reserves, Canada is poised to significantly impact future global carbon emissions. The present government, under the leadership of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is seeking to simultaneously position itself as a global climate leader while supporting the exploitation of Canada’s extensive bitumen oil rese

Krisberedskapssamordnares syn på hushålls beredskap inför stora samhällsstörningar – Med utgångspunkt i effektiv riskkommunikation mellan offentliga aktörer och medborgare

There has been an increase in emergency preparedness measures aimed at individual households in the recent years in Sweden. The reason for this is that the Swedish government have deemed Swedish households' preparedness to be deficient and in need of improvement in order to better meet the risks of the modern society. It has been done through a number preparedness-raising campaigns. Risk commu

Life cycle assessment of a CAV, a VAV, and an ACB system in a modern Swedish office building

Energy use in buildings contributes significantly to the global energy demand and environmental impacts. Among all building services, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems consume the most energy. HVAC systems are as well one of the largest consumers of natural resources and materials in the building sector. Studies have shown that the manufacturing and operation of HVAC system

Omplacera för att lösa samarbetssvårigheter?

Att omplacera en arbetstagare kan vara ett sätt för en arbetsgivare att komma till rätta med samarbetssvårigheter på en arbetsplats. Omplaceringsrätten är en del av arbetsgivarens bestämmanderätt, som utgör ett viktigt fundament i svensk arbetsrätt, men begränsas bland annat av gränsen för arbetstagarens arbetsskyldighet. Till följd av Arbetsdomstolens avgörande i mål AD 1978 nr 89 kom arbetsgivarThe employer´s right to direct and allocate work lie as a significant foundation for Swedish labour law. This essay, however, aims to discuss one aspect of this right, namely the right to transfer an employee due to a lack of cooperation. The employer´s right to transfer an employee is partly limited to act within the boundaries of the employee´s obligation to work. Furthermore, a case from 1978 m

Sense of Belonging among First-Generation Migrants: Educational Reproduction of Inequality in Sweden

In a globalized world, schools are becoming more diverse. Research has shown that feelings of belonging are important for the success of migrants in school. Mostly quantitative research has been carried out, however, and it has shown a relationship between belonging and educational achievement, academic motivation, and health-related issues. For this thesis, I use previous research as a stepping s

Constraining double neutron star binary evolution from the spatial distribution of short gamma-ray bursts

Bland de mest kraftfulla händelser som människor har observerat är gammablixtar. Blixtarna är korta utbrott av gammastråalning som ibland dyker upp i rymden. Forskare har länge misstänkt att kollisioner mellan neutronstjärnor ligger bakom en kategori av blixtar, de korta gammablixtarna. För några år sedan bekräftades forskarnas misstankar. De kunde då, med det nya LIGO-observatoriet, observera graShort gamma-ray bursts are often observed at large spatial offsets from their host galaxies. Neutron star mergers in double neutron star binaries have also recently been confirmed as a progenitor of short gamma-ray bursts (Abbott et al. 2017). We attempt to constrain uncertainties in the evolution of burst-producing neutron star binaries by generating a distribution of burst offsets from the neutr

Bacterial and fungal responses to drying and rewetting using bronopol or cycloheximide as inhibitors

Microbial decomposers breakdown soil organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere. This release of CO2 could therefore contribute to future climate change. However, microbial decomposers might also be affected by climate change, as for example the intensity and frequency of drought and rainfall events are expected to increase, resulting in more drying-rewetting (D/RW) events in