Din sökning på "*" gav 533532 sökträffar
Energy Patents, CO2 Emissions, CO2 Intensity and Economic Growth: Denmark and the Netherlands, 1976-2007
Denmark and the Netherlands had different approaches to deal with the repercussions of the oil crisis of 1973: Denmark focused on the development of renewables, and the Netherlands developed their natural gas sector. The varying approaches create the possibility to measure and generalize the dynamics of energy innovations on CO2 output in small developed countries. This thesis relates the energy p
Skydda förpackningen - En uppsats om förpackningsutstyrselskyddet inom varumärkesrätten och marknadsrätten
I uppsatsen behandlas hur skyddet för förpackningsutstyrslar ser ut idag i varumärkesrätten och marknadsföringsrätten. Genom rättsdogmatisk metod redogörs för hur skyddet ser ut i dagsläget och vilka avväganden som behöver klargöras avseende rättskraft med hänsyn till den nya domstolsordningen. Med belysning i praxis är det tydligt att element så som ord- och figurmärken, färg och form tas in i bThrough research in legal acts, legislative history, judgments, and doctrine this paper presents the requirements protection for product trough trademark laws and through the Swedish Marketing Act. The thesis also raises the matter of the complication of legal force which might arise from the new possibility of petitioning for another product packaging to be banned from the market and action for d
Methods for Finding Structural Variations in DNA Barcodes
Att gå till doktorn och få antibiotika för behandling av exempelvis sin halsfluss eller öroninflammation är idag en självklarhet för många. Huvudparten av befolkningen tar förmodligen detta privilegium för givet, men faktum är att en post-antibiotisk era, d.v.s. en framtid helt utan verksam antibiotika, kan vara bortom hörnet. The World Health Organization (WHO) har nämligen utropat antibiotikaresRapid spread of antibiotic resistance is currently one of the greatest threats to human health according to the World Health Organization [1] [2]. It is directly connected to horizontal gene transfer of plasmids, wherein resistance-coding genes often appear as structural variations (SVs). Therefore, developing comprehensive and rapid tools for detecting SVs is of great importance in both clinical
The battle for reparation for cholera victims in Haiti
In 2010, an explosive cholera epidemic erupted in Haiti, killing close to 10.000 people and injuring some 800.000. Several scientific reports have traced the spread of the bacterium back to the United Nations base in the Mirebalais in Haiti, which hosted the Nepalese peacekeeping contingent. Subsequent claims for reparation filed by cholera victims have been rejected by the United Nations which de
Evaluation of right turn on red at signalized intersections with VISSIM - A pilot study for a more mobile Lund
Allvarlighetsgradering av konflikter - En metod för att objektivt bedöma allvarligheten i trafiksituationer med hjälp av videoanalys
Interregional inequality and ethnicity
This paper investigates the role of ethnicity in regional economic divergence across the Mexican states based on each state’s overall access to government services such as education, public infrastructure and healthcare based on the latest available data. The paper uses Mexico as a case study using the country’s three main ethnicities (Indigenous, Mestizo and European) as dependent variables for r
Implications of encampment for the potential of Cash Based Transfer assistance
This study explores the implications of an encampment policy - criminalising refugees’ mobility beyond the borders of a camp - for the potential of Cash Based Transfer assistance in protracted refugee situations. As the success of Cash Based Transfer assistance implies market availability and access to commodities, and certain interaction between the host community and refugee population, it is ar
Universell utformning som planeringsprincip för optimering av bytespunkter En detaljstudie av Majorstuens knutpunkt i Oslo
Online Communication of Ecotourism: A Multiple Case Study of NTOs’ Websites
Specialised Enterprise Software Vendors and their Development Process of Pricing Models - An empirical Case Study of a German Software Vendor
Authors: Florian Drechsler and Frederik Mante Advisors: Martin Blom Keywords: Pricing Models, Software Vendors, Pricing Model Development, Pricing Theories Purpose: To investigate the development process of software pricing models with special regard to the enterprise software market. Further, we looked at existing pricing theories in order to assess their applicability on the market of special
Abelian gauge symmetries in the two-Higgs-doublet model
The two-Higgs-doublet model is a promising extension of the Standard Model of particle physics, but it contains a large number of free parameters. With the intention to constrain this freedom, the model has been studied under different symmetries. In particular, a full classification of Abelian global symmetries has been presented in 2011. However, breaking global symmetries spontaneously leads to u
"Sätt guldkant på vardagen!" En studie om kvinnors konsumtion av weekendresor
Fenomenet weekendresor har blivit en växande nisch inom dagens turismsektor och utifrån det väcktes vårt intresse. Syftet med studien är att analysera och skapa en djupare förståelse för kvinnors konsumtion av weekendresor genom att se på vilken betydelse olika drivkrafter har. Utifrån syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats, vad är det som bidrar till att kvinnor väljer att åka på weekendreso
Säkra gång- och cykelkorsningar på landsbygden
This thesis is about how to design a secure intersection for pedestrian and cyclists. There are many people that take the car to the work instead of cycling because they don´t feel safe on the way to work cycling. This thesis strives to show which measures there are to make both the intersection and bicycle path safer and with a better comfort. This thesis also evaluates the studies in the literat
Atelier Transylvania - An ethical fashion production through architecture
The author of this work has launched a Swedish brand producing fine quality leather goods and acquired an atelier operating in the heart of Transylvania, Romania, with the manufacturing of leather goods since 1991. The production house now needs a new building in Cluj in order to grow and meet the new work ethics. As a response to the collapse of a sewing factory building in Bangladesh 2013, kill
Deliberation och politikproffs i samhällsdebatten
This thesis studies the occurence of deliberative democracy and policy professionals in the Swedish public debate. To analyse deliberative democracy, a framework based on theories by political scientists Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson is created. Correspondingly, a theoretical framework based on research by social anthropologist Christina Garsten, political scientist Bo Rothstein and sociologist
Effekter av ett kartläggningsbesök för individer med betydande hörselnedsättning
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekten av ett kartläggningsbesök med efterföljande telefonuppföljning på användande av kommunikationsstrategier och hörselrelaterad livskvalitet för individer med betydande hörselnedsättning (TMV4 60-69 dB HL på bättre örat). Metod: Ett kartläggningsbesök utformades där fokus låg på individen och dennes upplevda besvär kring den egna hörselnedsättningen
Development of a digitalization tool for linking thematic data to a background map
Cartographic mashups present geographic data from various sources. A typical example is adding thematic data on top of a multi-scales background map. Currently, thematic data and multi-scales background data are not linked together in cartographic mashups which may have potential problems such as inconsistency of scale ranges. However, in some cases, thematic data and background data have some ide
The Relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance and Corporate Financial Performance in Green Road Transportation
In times of climate change, companies face extreme pressure from external stakeholders to engage in environmental sustainability activities. Especially companies of industries that significantly contribute to the global carbon emissions are expected to change their behaviour. There, the road freight transportation business is known for its particularly heavy impact. Being forced to adapt to change