

Din sökning på "*" gav 533532 sökträffar

Medborgardialog - Dragörkajen i Malmö

The aim with this study to study is how the public participation has been in a planning process in Malmö by doing a case study of the public participation in the planning of Dragörkajen. The methods in this study are analyses of official document by Malmö stad of the project Dragörkajen and interviews with a municipally official and with an association in Limhamn. The municipally official has been

The automation of abilities, not jobs

Automation is one of the key topics of the 21st century with many workers concerned about their jobs being replaced by machines. This has led to an ongoing debate to determine to what degree automation is occurring, and which occupations are going to be affected by it. This paper attempts to take a different approach which differs from mainstream authors by focusing on the tasks that each occupati

Jämförelsestudie av strategiska stationsplaceringar på Höghastighetsbanan - Värnamo station

The Swedish railway system has a lack of capacity, which has caused major delays and problems with punctuality. One of the reasons is the increase in rail traffic over the recent decades. To reduce the pressure on existing railways, the Swedish government is planning to construct the first Swedish high-speed rail link. Connecting Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö with high-speed trains. A high-speed r

The diversity of characteristics in strong and weak family ties and its implication in the differences in the time people spend in childcare activities.

In general, what affects the time allocation of people is well researched area. But when we think about the time engaged in childcare activities in terms of the differences between strong and weak family ties nations, we come across to less researched field that need more analysis. Using the Multinational Time Use Surveys information for Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Spain for years between 2

Change in water surface area northern Sweden

Changes in water surface area (w.s.a.) in Arctic regions have been linked to climate warming and permafrost degradation (Briggs et al. 2014). As permafrost thaws, thermokarst lakes are formed. This causes the surface to get wetter. Although, a drying of the surface has often been observed in areas of discontinuous permafrost. As the climate warms, permafrost starts to thaw from underneath the lake

Ansvarsgenombrott - En komparativ utblick över svensk och norsk rätt

Uppsatsen behandlar så kallat ansvarsgenombrott i en svensk och norsk kontext. Det är en grundläggande princip i svensk och västerländsk bolagsrätt att en aktieägare inte personligen ansvarar för bolagets förpliktelser. I Sverige kommer detta till uttryck i 1 kap. 3 § ABL. Att denna ansvarsfrihet inte lättsinnigt ska kunna bortses från är en i princip lika grundläggande tanke. Ansvarsfriheten är dThe essay deals with the breakthrough of the limited liability of a shareholder in a Swedish and Norwegian context. It is a fundamental principle of Swedish and Western corporate law that a shareholder is not personally responsible for the obligations of the company. In Sweden, this is expressed through Chapter 1 § 3 of the Swedish Companies Act (“Companies Act”). The fact that this absence of lia

Stadsutveckling med trygghetsperspektiv - Trygghetsvandringar som metod

The feeling of being unsafe in the city creates restrictions in many people's lives. The urban environment has an impact on the perception of safety and the municipality can through their work with the urban design affect the safety. This thesis analyzes a form of citizen participation in urban development, called safety walks. The aim of the study is to examine in which ways safety walks may

Pelaren, balken, muren och tektoniken

I projektet undersöker jag hur ett enfamiljshus kan få ytterligare kvalitéer genom att göra dess konstruktion och uppbyggnad synlig. Jag låter konstruktionen vara närvarande i rummet och med hjälp av den skapa rumsliga kvalitéer. Konstruktionens materialitet och tektonik görs närvarande i rummen och ger ett mervärde. Inledningsvis tittade jag på danska villor från 60-talet som innehöll dessa kvaliIn this project, I investigate how a single-family house can get additional qualities by making its constructive and structural components visible. I let the construction be present in the room and from it create spatial qualities. The goal is to do this in a way where the materiality and tectonics of the construction are present in the rooms and give the building additional qualities. Initially I

Chongqing as an Institutional Growth Pole - Fostering the Rise of Private Firms in China's Interior

The rise of private firms was vital for China’s coastal economic development, and this institutional change should play an essential role if the country wants to replicate its successes elsewhere. The first testing ground for such replication is the Go West Program. Aimed at the catching up of China’s interior, the program uses the city of Chongqing as a growth pole. Based on the coastal experienc

Mitigation of flux produced by geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) on power transformers with delta windings

Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) arise in our power system due to fluctuationsin the earths magnetic field, which commonly is caused by space weather events. Thesecurrents may result in core saturation for transformers that get exposed. The purposeof this project is to clarify the possibility of reconnecting the delta connected tertiarywindings in order to mitigate the saturation that is cau

"I expected a male reporter" : a qualitative interview-study of the Kerala working culture in media newsrooms

This thesis is a qualitative interview-study of the working conditions for female journalists within an Indian and Keralan context focusing on the female body and spaces. The study takes place in the Keralan society focusing on how women journalists cope with working in a traditional male dominated area and how the female body somehow is seen as an invader in the journalism field, based on pre-ass

Business Angel Investment Process: A study on how fundamentals and experiential learning shape the investment process of Business Angels

Purpose – This research attempts to add to the understanding of how BAs shape their investment process and how different forms of experience influence this process. By this we will further build on the findings of Harrison et al. (2015) and aim to answer the questions: ‘How do BAs’ fundamentals and investment experiences shape their applied investment strategies and criteria? and ‘Is their experie

Företags redovisning av negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsrapporter

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera företagsfaktorer vid redovisning av negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsredovisning. Uppsatsen syftar vidare till att belysa hur företag rättfärdigar negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsredovisning. Metod: Innehållsanalys har använts för att mäta negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsrapporter. För att vår innehållsanalys ska kunna följas upp och replikPurpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse corporate determinants of disclosing negative aspects in sustainability reports. Further the purpose is to shed light on how negative aspects are justified in sustainability reports. Methodology: Content analysis is used to measure negative aspects in sustainability reports. To enable content analysis to be performed in a replicable man

The Pursuit of Happiness - Satisfaction from Employment and Entrepreneurship

On average, entrepreneurs have lower incomes than employed individuals, work longer hour, and endure more stress. In spite of the grim reality, research has consistently shown entrepreneurs are more satisfied with their lives than employees. Through interviews with three former employees who have all undergone a transition to entrepreneurship, this study brings an in-depth understanding of how a s

Motivation i lärandet. Elevers upplevelser av motiverande faktorer i en lärandesituation

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare jobbar med att motivera sina elever och vad eleverna uppfattar som motiverande. Detta är gjort genom att intervjua fyra personer som har haft en musiklärare som har varit en betydelsefull motivationskälla för dem. Studien är gjord med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer, där jag har utgått ifrån kategorier inom motivation som är tydliga i tidigare fThe purpose of the thesis is to study how teachers work to motivate their students and what the students perceive as motivating. This is done by interviewing students who have had a music teacher who has been a significant motivation source for them. The study is done using semi-structured interviews, and is based on motivation categories that were clear in previous research. Through the method, t

Att inte låta det bästa bli det möjligas fiende - Om demokratins förutsättningar i ljuset av en krismedveten och reaktiv politik

Studiens ambition är att bidra med ökad förståelse kring en demokratisk problematik, i ljuset av hur ekonomiska och ideologiska utvecklingar framkallat en allt mer reaktiv, krismedveten och teknokratisk hållning inom politiken. Sett till en teoretisk kartläggning av dessa tendenser av bl.a. Hartmut Rosa, Wolfgang Streeck, Zygmunt Bauman och ekonomihistorikern Jenny Andersson, anlägger studien en d