

Din sökning på "*" gav 533507 sökträffar

Traumats ansikte: en kvalitativ studie om upplevelser och erfarenheter av trauma vid PTSD och depression - ur ett patientperspektiv

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka hur patienter med traumarelaterad diagnos eller depression beskriver upplevelser och erfarenheter av självupplevda trauman för att få en bättre uppfattning om trauma som fenomen. Generellt beskrivs trauma som ett tydligt fenomen, som avskiljs från naturliga händelser i livet och som innefattar både subjektiva reaktioner och långvariga konsekvensThe aim of this qualitative study is to investigate aspects of trauma from a patients point of view, who have post traumatic stress disorder or depression, in order to get a better understanding about trauma as a phenomena. The overall conclusion is that trauma is described as a specific phenomena, that is an event that is not part of normal life and which includes aspects of the persons reaction

The limes of Roman Dacia near the auxiliary fort of Bologa. An application of GIS viewshed analysis

This thesis examines the frontier defensive system found in the vicinity of the Roman auxiliary fort near modern-day Bologa, Cluj County, Romania. The goal is to study the visual relationship between the more certain watchtowers and the other military installations (the auxiliary fort and other fortlets) to understand how arrangements and visibility might have contributed to the functioning of the

Hur påverkas rapsmassa av fermentering med mjölksyrabakterier?

Vid kallpressning av oljerika rapsfrön för att utvinna rapsolja blir det en pressrest kallad rapsfrökaka. Denna rapskaka har en hög proteinhalt och en aminosyrasammansättning bättre än flertalet andra vegetabilier. Förhoppningen är att detta kan utnyttjas i framtida livsmedelstillverkning. Raps innehåller en hög halt antinutrienter i form av glukosinolater, fenolföreningar och fytinsyra som efterWhen coldpressing rapeseeds in extraction of rapeseed oil, there becomes a pomace called rapeseed press rest. This rapeseed press rest has high protein content and an amino acid composition better than most other vegetables. Hopefully, rapeseed press rest can be used in future food production. Rapeseed contains a high level of antinutrients in the form of glucosinolates, phenolic compounds and ph

Marksamfälligheter – Främmande verksamhet

Arbetet syftar till att utreda hur det angivna ändamålet i lantmäteriförrättningen styr användningen av marksamfälligheter och vad en samfällighetsförening får göra med en marksamfällighet som de förvaltar. Arbetet avser att besvara vad en samfällighetsförening kan göra med en marksamfällighet utan att det blir främmande för samfällighetens ändamål, hur ändamålet regleras för marksamfälligheter ocThe aim with this master thesis is to investigate how the stated purpose in a cadastral procedure controls the use of joint property units and what a joint property association may do with a joint property unit that they manage. In this master thesis joint property units are compared with joint facilities and properties based on a thesis that a joint property association is allowed to do more wit

Putting Careers on Hold. Labour Market Integration Experiences of Highly Skilled Syrian Refugees in Sweden. A qualitative case study

The labour market integration of asylum seekers is an important topic, as this category of migrants rarely return to their country of origin. The majority of the research undertaken to explore refugees’ labour market integration in Sweden has been quantitative and there is almost complete absence of qualitative studies on their experience in the Establishment Programme. Through a qualitative case


CONNECT is an interactive meeting point were people, as strangers, lovers or friends have the chance to interact with each other. The project has strong connections to philosophical ideas, and interfaces with my personal reflections and the thoughts of an external audience. The aim of the project is to expand people’s minds and ability to be present and thankful. It questions social structures in

Be More Human - An Anthropological Analysis of Subject Formation in a Late Modern Crossfit Community

This article explores the ideals and motivations behind the increasingly popular physical practice of Crossfit. Through an analysis of data collected through interviews, observation and deep hanging out (and working out) this article attempts to thicken the conventional analysis of lifestyle practices sin late modern capitalism. A product of the contemporary Culture of the Self —that illusive thin

Comics’ and graphic novels’ effect on the perception of climate change and natural disasters

There is a paucity of research in the field of communicating disasters and climate change through comics and the effect sequential art has on the perception of these two subjects. Increasingly, communication through comics is becoming very trendy, and a few studies demonstrate evidence that comics have effects on the people’s perception of complex matters. In order to extend our understanding of w

Illich in the valley : applying conviviality as a lens for development in tribal India

Sustainability has long been serving dominant political and economic interests under the guise of sustainable development. This political and economic co-option of sustainable development has given rise to a new slogan: “system change, not climate change”. Our crisis is no longer just an environmental one, but a structural one, in which our means of living have outdistanced the ends for which we l

Modeling and Simulation of Chemical Reactors Cooled by Thermosyphons

I en teoretisk studie har användbarheten av thermosyphoner för att förbättra säkerheten och effektiviseringen av kemiska reaktorer. Thermosyphoner är en simpel form av en ”heat pipe”, ett ihåligt och slutet rör som är delvis fyllt av en fluid. Om röret värms upp till fluidens kokpunkt inleds en inre fasomvandling vilket används för att förbättra rörets värmeledningsförmåga. Tre simuleringsmodellerIn a theoretical study the use of thermosyphons to improve the safety and efficiency of chem-ical reactors have been evaluated. Thermosyphons is a simple form of a “heat pipe”, a hollow and closed tube that’s partially filled with a fluid. When the pipe is heated up to the boiling temperature of the fluid within a phase change is initiated. The phase-change is used to im-prove the thermal conducti

Kartläggning av trafiktekniska mätningar och hur kommuner använder dem

In this master thesis it's concluded that Swedish municipalities performs various traffic data collections in recurring measurement points annually and beside those complementing measurements are done at additional areas of interest. The study shows that most often traditional measurement methods, like pneumatic tubes, are used since they are considered reliable and accurate. Pneumatic tubes,

Att främja medling – till varje pris? - En studie av olika tillvägagångssätt för att främja medling

Medling är ett snabbt tvistlösningsförfarande med förhållandevis låga kostnader. En hög andel av alla medlingar som företas resulterar i överenskommelser som i stor utsträckning efterlevs av parterna. Mot bakgrund av medlingens förtjänster som tvistlösningsmetod undersöker uppsatsen, med fokus på kommersiella tvister, på vilka sätt medling kan främjas och i vilken utsträckning det är rättfärdigat Mediation, or conciliation, is a fast dispute resolution method with relatively low costs. A large proportion of all mediation procedures appear to result in successful agreements that are complied with by the parties. While noting the merits of mediation as a dispute resolution method, this thesis investigates, with a focus on commercial disputes, in which ways mediation can be promoted and to wh

Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Maputo - Exploring perceptions of social vulnerability to early pregnancy and HIV

The sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa is a widely recognized development issue which places a high burden on women as well as countries’ social and economic development. This constitutes a particularly urgent issue in Mozambique with elevated numbers of adolescent pregnancy and one of the world’s highest HIV prevalence. This study focuses sexu

Klimatneutralitet 2050, en betongbros resa

Problem: • How much climate impact dose a general concrete bridge have today? • Which is the lowest climate impact you can reach with today’s best options? • Is it possible to build a climate neutral concrete bridge 2050? Purpose: Today climate change is a important and debated subject. The purpose of this master thesis is to compare today's emissions to what might be possible in the future. T

- Om någon inte är modig… - … så är han kass. Förskolebarns och skolbarns förmåga att mobilisera adjektivantonymer

Syfte För att pröva en teori om lexikal semantisk organisation studerades barns förmåga till mobilisering av motsatsord (antonymer). Denna förmåga relaterades till fonologiskt korttidsminne, språkförståelse och grammatisk produktion. Syftet var också att undersöka etableringsordningen för motsatsord samt betydelsen av ledtrådar. Studien kommer bidra till fördjupad kunskap om lexikal semantisk utve

The Science of Gender Differences: Gender Lay Theory’s Impact on Discrimination Attribution

The present study investigated how inducing either an essentialist or a social-constructivist lay theory of gender influences discrimination attribution in response to an ambiguous instance of gender discrimination. The 298 Swedish speaking participants were recruited from web forums and exposed to either a biologically focused (N = 151) or a social-constructivist focused (N = 147) scientifically