

Din sökning på "*" gav 533458 sökträffar

Advanced tractography methods: Applied to patients with carpal tunnel syndrome

Karpaltunnelsyndrom är en vanlig sjukdom och omkring 3.7-5.8 % av befolkningen har eller har drabbats av åkomman. Karpaltunnelsyndrom behöver vanligtvis inte åtgärdas om problemen är lindriga, men vissa får större problem och då åtgärdas det ofta med en operation som ibland inte lindrar åkomman. Den mest populära metoden för att diagnostira karpaltunnelsyndromär idag en metod som heter elektroneurIntroduction: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common condition especially for people with diabetes, obesity or women who are pregnant. Diagnosing CTS has primarily been performed using electroneuronography. In this thesis the aim was to use an advanced method of tractography to measure and evaluate diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters between anatomical landmarks at the distal radioulnar jo

Co-Existing Synergy. Binding Social Networks in the City

Today, 55 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 66 percent by 2050. The cities are growing, densifying and expanding. On the dark side of urbanization and rapid growth, the city centres work as dense machineries for businesses, commerce, automobiles and computerization. As a result, significant numbers of urban citizens are experienc

Demand forecasting using Artificial Neural Network and demand pattern recognition at Sony Mobile Communication

Title: Demand forecasting using Artificial Neural Network and demand pattern recognition at Sony Mobile Communication Author: Christopher Duchateau Background: Machine Learning is considered as one of the most important technologies in this era for the society and a possible fundamental driver of economic growth. Furthermore, machine learning technology is characterized to shape a new period in

Do the objectives of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 aspirations harmonize with a Pan-African and African Renaissance vision? – A critical review.

Pan-Africanism is a diverse philosophy and political ideology that has conflicting views about how unity among Africans can be achieved economically and within a single political system. Some versions of Pan-Africanism support market capitalism and other theorists take the position that the collective ownership of capital and resources is essential for creating a national unity. The Agenda 2063 is

Förlossningsdepression i Sverige. En studie om barnavårdscentralers arbete med nyblivna föräldrar.

Post-Partum Depression, PPD, is a condition where emerging parents experience depressive symptoms. PPD is expressed through mood swings, anxiety, tiredness and an unwanted desire to harm one’s offspring. PPD may have a harmful effect on the psychological and cognitive development of children whose parents are affected. In Sweden, public childcare centres are responsible for detecting symptoms for

Petrology of platinum-group element mineralization in the Koillismaa intrusion, Finland

The 2.44 Ga Koillismaa intrusion of the Koillismaa-Näränkävaara Layered Complex, in northeastern Finland, has been studied in order to assess the formation processes involved during platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization. The layered series is host to the reef-type mineralization called Rometölväs Reef, and the marginal series contains contact-type mineralization. This MSc-project, besides gi

Music recommendations with deep learning

In this thesis we apply deep reinforcement learning to the problem of recom- mending music. A content-based approach is taken, and features from music is extracted with a pretrained deep learning music-tagger. For training, user- interactions are simulated.

Consumer Engagement on Brand Fan Page: An Investigation of Chinese Weibo Brand fan page

A critical issue for brand fan page marketing is to drive consumer engagement and to or- chestrate enjoyable engagement experiences that consumers desire. Despite the growing amount of research on how various characteristics of brand posts would influence different levels of consumer engagement on the brand fan page in the Western context, the study of consumers’ intrinsic motivations for engageme

No title

This paper investigates the lexical immigration of “arabismos” (Arabic loanwords) in the Spanish language. It compares the differences between old arabismos (integrated during the Middle Ages) and modern arabismos (integrated in contemporary time) in terms of their adaptation to the Spanish norms of spelling, phonetics, semantics and morphosyntactic. It also analyses the use of the arabismos and t

It’s not just about changing a law; it’s about changing minds : A Minor Field Study on Primary Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls in a local Argentinian context

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is a serious human rights issue that demands urgent action. Current standard practices increasingly focus on primary prevention; that is, to prevent violence before it occurs. The aim of this study was to enhance the knowledge on VAWG primary prevention within the social work field in a local Argentinian context - Lanús Municipality - through the model of pr

Etisk grön marknadskommunikation - ett nutida företags väg till framgång

Etisk grön marknadsföring har blivit en allt viktigare kommunikationsstrategi för företag och varumärken att implementera efter att fler konsumenter har börjat bry sig om etiska och gröna frågor. Samtidigt är det av vikt för varumärken att få konsumenter att vilja bli förknippade med just det egna varumärket i den konkurrenskraftiga marknad som existerar i dag. Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar att bEthical green marketing has become an increasingly important strategy for companies and brands to implement as more consumers have become concerned about ethical and green questions. In this highly competitive market, it’s also important for brands to make consumers interested in being associated with that particular brand. This qualitative study aims to contribute with knowledge about how ethical

Lär känna din kund med blockchain: Möjligheter och utmaningar med blockchainbaserade KYC-system

Det ställs höga krav på finansiella instituts kundkännedomsprocesser för att motverka penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism. Många av dessa processer kräver mycket manuellt arbete hos både organisation och för kund, som måste upprepa processen hos varje bank de önskar att bli kund. Blockchain kan beskrivas som en decentraliserad databas utan behovet av någon central del som styr nätverket. Is

Doing Well-Being: The Role of Self-Reported Activities in Relation to Subjective Well-Being

Everyday activities play a fundamental part in our lives. But how do they relate to well-being? Specific types of activities, such as positive and social activities have been found to be related to subjective well-being (SWB). However, this pre-registered study aimed to investigate if self-reported everyday activities, and activities participants reported had the most impact on their SWB in the pa

”För nån har ju okejat detta från början.” Tre kvinnors upplevelse av att vara kvinna post-#metoo i Sverige.

The aim of this study was to investigate how women reason about, and experience what it is like to live in Sweden in the months following the autumn of #metoo the year 2017. In utilizing interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) the accounts of three women can make an academic footprint in our society. Could a mostly digital aspect of a social movement influence how people think about themsel

Synergies between Gaia, LSST and LISA

Astronomins vetenskapliga utveckling kommer idag främst från den information som kan erhållas via ljusstrålning från teleskop. Det viktigaste är teleskopet Gaia, som är ett av de mest ambitiösa rymdprojekt som människan någonsin har genomfört. Det kartlägger över en miljard stjärnor med position, avstånd och rörelse. Genom Gaias observationer skapas den första realistiska bilden av hur vår galax, The scientific development of astronomy today mainly comes from the information that can be obtained via electromagnetic radiation. Today, the Gaia optical telescope is one of the most ambitious space projects man has ever completed. Another optical telescope LSST is designed to complement Gaia. In about 15 years it will also be possible to measure gravitational waves with the telescope LISA, whic

Effects of blanching, drying and fermentation on nutrient content and physio-chemical properties of Norwegian Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta for application in meat-based products

Brown seaweeds are marine macro algae, which are quite unexplored for their potential uses in food products in Europe. Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta are fast growing brown seaweeds species in European countries, mainly found in Norway and cold waters of the North Atlantic. These species are known to be rich sources of iodine, protein, polyphenols, carbohydrates and micronutrients like

Methods for numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction

När grundläggningen för en byggnad ska dimensioneras är snittkrafter och sättningar som kommer att uppstå i konstruktionen av stor betydelse. Det finns därför ett behov av att kunna beräkna dessa krafter och sättningar på ett säkert och relativt enkelt sätt.All buildings need a foundation that supports the structure. Since a layer of soil is most often in between a structure and the bedrock, a soil-structure interaction between the foundation and the soil beneath occurs. This interaction is of great importance when it comes to predicting the sectional forces that will arise in a structure, along with the settlement that occurs. Therefore the need to

Single Photon Imaging System for the ESS Linac

To control an accelerating proton beam that travels close to the speed of light, a large number of beam diagnostic instruments are needed. One of the instruments that will be used at the accelerator of the European Spallation Source is a Non-invasive Profile Monitor (NPM). Once installed, this system will measure the transverse beam profile by imaging the fluorescent gas induced by the accelerated

Multivariate Risk: From Univariate to High-Dimensional Graphical Models

We present a comparison of different univariate and multivariate extreme value risk models. Our focus is on exploring how these can be used to model financial risk. We use simulated as well as real data and compare deterministic and cross-validation threshold selection methods for the GP model to a GEV model. For comparison, we carry out a bivariate analysis using copulas. Finally, an undirected g