

Din sökning på "*" gav 532263 sökträffar

Being, Through Becoming, a Woman. A Critical Narrative Analysis of Tehrani Female University Students' Lived Experiences with the Phenomenon of Patriarchal Gender Norms in Iran

The aim of this study is to hermeneutically understand and critically assess manifestations and impacts of certain aspects of the phenomenon of patriarchal gender norms. Seeing that gender norms are the sustaining component of the greater and oppressing gender system of patriarchy, this study is relevant in relation to the broader analysis and understanding of patriarchy and its influences. By usi

Alternativa övningsmetoder för musiker: En studie i övning utan huvudinstrument för enskilda musiker och små ensembler

I Alternativa övningsmetoder för musiker – del 1 presenteras olika sätt på vilka musikaliska färdigheter kan övas genom mentalisering och andra alternativa övningsmetoder som inte inkluderar användande av musikernas huvudinstrument. Den visar också hur dessa metoder kan kombineras. Här beskrivs även hur och varför dessa arbetssätt fungerar för musikalisk instudering individuellt och i en duo samt Alternative Methods of Practising Music – A study of practising without one’s main instrument for single musicians and small ensembles – Part 1 presents different ways in which musical skills can be practised through imagery and other alternative methods of practising that do not involve the use of the musicians’ main instruments. It also shows how these methods may be combined. Furthermore, it de


How can the tools used in elementary school facilitate mathematical learning and understanding? This project has been a study in how maths is taught and how to create a broader understanding of the subject. This report covers the process of, and is part of, my Master thesis at the Industrial Design School in Lund, Sweden. It includes the research and the development of “A Whole”, a mathematical t

"Överraskningsattacker: Sexdagarskriget - Jom Kippurkriget en jämförelse"

Abstract The Six-Day War of 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973 are two of the most important military altercations of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Both wars were started by surprise attacks by either side. In 1967 Israel surprised the arab nations and in 1973 the arab nations surprised Israel. This essay is going to, both, analyse the deception and surprise performed in the wars separately and then


Lust is designed and dedicated to encouraging a healthier discussion about sex and masturbation by taking on a new generation of sex toys. A majority of us masturbate regularly but few consider it important to talk about in our close relationships. Today, pornography, in the absence of an open discussion, seems to be an unspoken source of education for young people. It is the leading moderator o

"Mitt i stormen, då är det bara att vara lugn" - En kvalitativ studie av föräldrar till barn med autisms tankar och känslor om föräldraskapet.

Syftet med den aktuella studien var att, med kvalitativ och explorativ ansats, undersöka förutsättningarna för föräldrar till barn med autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) att skapa trygg anknytning för sina barn, utifrån en förståelse för deras tankar och känslor om sin relation med sitt barn, och sitt föräldraskap – så kallade omvårdnadsrepresentationer. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka huruvi

Music Recommendations; Approximating user distributions to address the cold start problem

In today's data driven society the world is at a point of information overload. As people rely on Google for information and other platforms such as Netflix and Spotify for entertainment, the need for relevant filtering of content has never been higher. As a result, recommendation systems have seen a great surge in demand. One can divide the space of recommendation algorithms into primarily tw

Lunakvarteret - Stadsomvandling i citysaneringens spår

Rivningarna I svenska stadskärnor efter andra världskriget, de så kallade saneringarna, är kontroversiella. Utan att gå in för djupt på ämnet så finns det olika typer av berättigande och olika grader av omfattning av rivningarna. Ibland rev man enskilda fastigheter som dömts ut, ibland var det slumbebyggelse och ibland var det stora stenhus som hade gått att renovera och höja standarden på. De mes

Presentational Change Caused by Crises in Annual Reports: A Critical Discourse Analysis Based on the Case of Abercrombie & Fitch

This thesis is using the example of Abercrombie & Fitch’s handling of presentational change caused by a crisis in annual reports. The company was accused to discriminate employees and customers on grounds of distinction of human beings, their appearance and ethnic backgrounds. Fairclough’s approach of critical discourse analysis is used as a theoretical and methodological framework to uncover

Kreativa begränsningar i komposition - Vilka ramar och regler kan användas för att underlätta mitt komponerande?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur jag genom begränsningar kunde förenkla min kompositionsprocess. Jag genomförde kvalitativa intervjuer med tre kompositörer av olika bakgrund om vilka ramar och regler de använder när dem komponerar. Sedan sammanfattade jag och valde ut några av dem att följa strikt när jag själv komponerade för min sextett. Uppsatsen sökte besvara frågeställningarna: The purpose of this study was to examine how I could simplify my compositional process through limitations. I implemented qualitative interviews with three composers with different backgrounds about which frameworks and rules they use when they compose. Then I summarized and chose to follow some of them strictly when I composed for my sextet. The essay sought to answer the questions of issue: “W

Semi-supervised Lesion Detection via Image Restoration

Lesion detection is a critical task for medical image understanding. While the problem has been widely addressed in a supervised semantic segmentation manner, the problem clinically appears more similar to novelty detection with few or no annotations for the lesion. The reason is two-fold: 1) it is intuitively easier to collect large dataset from healthy individuals than that from a specific type

Improved Accuracy for Indoor Positioning with Bluetooth 5.1: From Theory to Measurements

In this thesis we are evaluating Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) v5.1 in combination with Direction Of Arrival (DOA) algorithms and receiving antenna arrays for indoor positioning systems. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first part is the core of the thesis and is composed by the evaluation of DOA algorithms in a direction finding system. A campaign of measurements is carried out in an active i

Friskrivningsklausulers rättsverkan i aktieöverlåtelseavtal

Uppsatsen behandlar vilka möjligheter avtalsparter i en företagsöverlåtelse, där friskrivningsklausuler används i stor utsträckning, har att friskriva sig från ansvar enligt köplagen. Utgångspunkten är den kritik som framförts mot HDs praxis från NJA 2016 s. 237 (Lindorffmålet), där en friskrivningsklausul underkändes trots att utformningen är mycket lik en klausul som godkändes i NJA 1975 s. 545This essay examines which possibilities contracting parties in a corporate acquisition have of using disclaimer clauses to regulate responsibilities in regards to the Swedish Sale of Goods Act. Starting point is the criticism directed towards the precedent set in NJA 2016 s. 237 (the Lindorff case) by the Swedish Supreme Court, which disapproved a disclaimer clause despite its similarity to a cla

Förbudet mot köp av sexuell tjänst - en kritisk analys

Prostitutionen och lagstiftningen kring den har varit och är ett ämne för ständig debatt. När Sverige 1999 införde en kriminalisering som endast riktade sig mot köparen var en sådan lösning den första av sitt slag i världen. Kriminaliseringen hade föregåtts av en lång debatt och återkommande var frågan vilken effekt en kriminalisering skulle ha i praktiken. Farhågor för en försämrad situation förProstitution and the legislation of it is a subject for constant debate. When Sweden in the year of 1999 introduced a criminalization that only targeted the buyer, it was the first country in the world to do so. The criminalization had been preceded by a long debate, where the question of possible effects of the law in practice constantly was present. Evident were the concerns of a possible impair

Fullmaktslärans utveckling i rättspraxis - En undersökning av fullmaktsinstitutets utveckling i ljuset av NJA 2013 s. 654 och NJA 2014 s. 684

Uppsatsen behandlar fullmaktsläran och särskilt fullmaktstypen tillitsfullmakt. Först görs en grundlig genomgång av fullmaktsinstitutet ur olika aspekter. Fullmaktsrättsliga relationer, begrepp och egenskaper belyses i syfte att skapa en grundläggande förståelse för rättsområdet. Därefter presenteras en bild av avtalslagen fullmaktsregler, dess olika fullmaktstyper och hur dessa kategoriseras. UThis essay examines the rules of representation and in particular the rule of representation which is based upon the good faith of the counterpart. First, a thorough review of the rules of representation is made from various aspects, such as the concepts, characteristics and relationships regarding representation. This is done in order to create a basic understanding of this particular area of law

Neural circuits underlying navigational memory across insect species

Insects can find their way home as good as some of us Have you ever been out on field during a summer day, seen bees and ants collecting food far away from their home, and thought: “How do they find their way back home?”. Firstly, understanding insects’ navigational strategies and the underlying neurons responsible for the navigation direction and speed is the first step towards our understanding

Autonomous transportation - material handling design

This thesis was initiated with Toyota Material Handling Europe. The aim of the project was to find a business area in the world of material handling, and develop a conceptual design fulfilling the material handling need. Stepping outside of what is considered conventional material handling, I looked for a new context within consumer trends and future predictions. I found a correlation between th

Drivers and barriers of successful climate commitment development in the fast-food industry The case of MAX Burgers

Despite the fast food industry’s significant contribution to climate change, climate action plans are not common practice. Furthermore, there is a lack of academic works devoted to researching climate change issues within the fast-food industry. This thesis project examined the Swedish fast food chain MAX Burgers’ involvement with climate responsibility. By applying an internal and external influe

Sex and the City - en analys av sambandet mellan mode och språk i skapandet av stereotyper

This dissertation will analyze how fashion and language is used to create stereotypes in film. Sex and the City will be used as the case study and the aim is to analyze the correlation between fashion and language in the making of the four main characters stereotypes. we will analyze these following questions: Why and in which way is fashion being used in Sex and the City to express sterotypes, an

Nya boendeformer för äldre

Befolkningen i Sverige står inför en demografisk utveckling och en allt större andel av Sveriges befolkning kommer vara äldre. År 2018 estimerades att andelen personer äldre än 80 år kommer öka med upp till hela 50 procent i Sverige under de närmaste tio åren Det leder i sin tur till en större påfrestning på landets vård och omsorg och det kommer behövas fler äldreboenden för att möta den ökande eThe Swedish population is facing a demographic development that will result in a larger proportion of the population being older than it is today. This will lead to a greater strain on the country’s health- and elderly care systems. In 2018, it was estimated that the proportion of people older than 80 years will increase by as much as 50 % in Sweden over the next ten years. With an increased numbe