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Characterization of the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion Process
The main objective of this project was to characterize the HCCI combustion process. Central parts in the project were the progress of the HCCI combustion process, the influence of charge homogeneity on the combustion process and sources of UHC and CO emissions in HCCI combustion. Some of these parts were experimentally explored by applying non-perturbing optical diagnostics to the HCCI combustion
Review of Max Kistler’s ”Causalité et lois de la nature”
Allmänmedicinsk forskning växer--men tillräckligt snabbt?
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Uniform molecularly imprinted microspheres and nanoparticles prepared by precipitation polymerization: The control of particle size suitable for different analytical applications
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are being increasingly used as selective adsorbents in different analytical applications. To satisfy the different application purposes, MEN with well controlled physical forms in different size ranges are highly desirable. For examples, MIP nanoparticles are very suitable to be used to develop binding assays and for microfluidic separations, whereas MIP beads
Digital lanserar Decnet fas V
The MADS-box gene DAL1 is a potential mediator of the juvenile-to-adult transition in Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Progression through the plant life cycle involves change in many essential features, most notably in the capacity to reproduce. The transition from a juvenile vegetative and non-reproductive to an adult reproductive phase is gradual and can take many years; in the conifer Norway spruce, Picea abies, typically 2025 years. We present a detailed analysis of the activities of three regulatory genes wi
Laser spectroscopic analysis of atmospheric gases in scattering media
Popular Abstract in Swedish Doften av blommor och mat förnimmer vi med näsan, vilken är en finurlig gassensor som även känner av mindre trevliga lukter från exempelvis rök och avgaser. Våra ögon ser färger och former hos föremål genom att detektera ljus som har reflekterats, brutits, spridits eller delvis absorberats i vår omgivning. Denna avhandling beskriver i någon mening en sorts konstgjorda Laser spectroscopic techniques for gas analysis under various influences of light scattering are explored in a wide spectral range from the ultraviolet to the infrared. The techniques rely on spectrally narrow-band light sources that are used in differential optical absorption measurements. A DIfferential Absorption Light detection and ranging (DIAL)application for the monitoring of atomic gaseou
Beneficial effects of ACTH on the serum lipoprotein profile and glomerular function in patients with membranous nephropathy
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that short-term treatment with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) has a strong and rapid lipid-lowering effect. In this long-term study of nephrotic patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy, the influence of ACTH on the serum lipoprotein profile and glomerular function as well as the dose-effect relationship was investigated. METHODS: Fourteen patien
Growth of inoculated white-rot fungi and their interactions with the bacterial community in soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as measured by phospholipid fatty acids
The objective of this study was to examine the possibility of measuring the growth of three white-rot fungi in soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), by estimating the soil levels of the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) 18:2ω6,9. The effect of the fungi on the PAH concentration and on the indigenous bacterial population in the soil was monitored. As shown by visual examinati
Combining Keystroke Logging with Eye Tracking
This chapter describes the successful development of a new methodology for studying on-line writing. The text-logging tool ScriptLog has been combined with the eyetracking technology iView X HED HT, in order to enhance the study of the interplay between writing, monitoring and revision. Data on the distribution of visual attention during writing help determining to what extent pauses are used for
Optimal graph exploration without good maps
A robot has to visit all nodes and traverse all edges of an unknown undirected connected graph, using as few edge traversals as possible. The quality of an exploration algorithm A is measured by comparing its cost (number of edge traversals) to that of the optimal algorithm having full knowledge of the graph. The ratio between these costs, maximized over all starting nodes in the graph and over al
The Possibilities of Orthopaedic Surgery in Patients With Chronic Inflammatory Joint Disease.
High resolution pinhole SPECT for tumor imaging
High-resolution, non-invasive, 3D-imaging techniques would greatly benefit the investigation of the localization properties of tumor-specific radiopharmaceuticals in laboratory animals. The present study reports how pinhole SPECT can be applied to tumor localization studies in small laboratory animals to provide high resolution SPECT images in vivo. Pinhole SPECT was performed using a rotating sci
Prediction of catastrophes and high level crossings
Folklivsarkivets bebyggelsedokumentation
The history of Folklife Archives documentation of peasant buildings in Southern Sweden.
An indication for deconfinement in Au plus Au collisions at RHIC
We present simultaneous, quality fits to final BRAHMS, PHOBOS, STAR and PHENIX data on particle spectra and two-particle Bose-Einstein or HBT correlations as measured in Au+Au collisions at root(S)NN = 130 GeV. Using the Buda-Lund hydro model, the best fit is achieved when the most central 1/8th of the particle emitting volume is superheated to T > T-c = 170 MeV. In contrast, we find no indication
201Thallium SPECT and 1H-MRS compared with MRI in chemotherapy monitoring of high-grade malignant astrocytomas
PURPOSE: To compare chemotherapy treatment monitoring in astrocytoma by 201thallium single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and photon magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to evaluate the influence of morphological tumor changes on cerebral 201thallium uptake and metabolic changes in 1H-MRS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six patients with highly m