

Din sökning på "*" gav 533080 sökträffar

A whole blood approach improves speed and accuracy when measuring mitochondrial respiration in intact avian blood cells

Understanding mitochondrial biology and pathology is key to understanding the evolution of animal form and function. However, mitochondrial measurement often involves invasive, or even terminal, sampling, which can be difficult to reconcile in wild models or longitudinal studies. Non-mammal vertebrates contain mitochondria in their red blood cells, which can be exploited for minimally invasive mit

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Flimmer, eller nærmere bestemt tidslig lys modulation (TLM), er igen blevet et problem i forbindelse med indførelse af LED-basret belysningsteknologi. TLM, dvs. variationer i lysintensiteten over tid, kan have negativ effekt på menneskers sundhed, og forårsage irritation, hovedpine, overanstrengelse af øjne og migræne. Udover denne unødvendige lidelse, som flimmer kan bevirke hos enkeltpersoner, s

Simulations and modeling of light propagation in biological tissue

The GASMAS technique has previously proven useful for examining and measuring the oxygen concentration in the lungs of preterm infants. GASMAS can distinguish absorption by one gas from the bulk absorption of the surrounding media, and can provide an instant, non-invasive and non-destructive way of examining lungs, and diagnosing dangerous conditions such as pneumothorax. Pneumothorax can be life-

Toward Fault-Tolerant Deadlock-Free Routing in HyperSurface-Embedded Controller Networks

HyperSurfaces (HSFs) consist of structurally reconfigurable metasurfaces whose electromagnetic properties can be changed via a software interface, using an embedded miniaturized network of controllers. With the HSF controllers, interconnected in an irregular, near-Manhattan geometry, we propose a robust, deterministic Fault-Tolerant (FT), deadlockand livelock-free routing protocol where faults are

Post hoc interventions and the General Data Protection Regulation

Post hoc interventions rely on having access to certain personal data - such as the gender, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation of the persons being evaluated - in order to detect and correct for prejudice. This brings these interventions into possible tension with pertinent data protection legislation, which might restrict the processing of said data. We discuss the compatibility of post hoc iPost hoc interventions rely on having access to certain personal data - such as the gender, age, ethnicity, and sexual orientation of the persons being evaluated - in order to detect and correct for prejudice. This brings these interventions into possible tension with pertinent data protection legislation, which might restrict the processing of said data. We discuss the compatibility of post hoc i

Inverse bounds of two-component composites

A method is presented for estimating microstructural parameters from permittivity measurements of two-component composites. This structural information is described by a particular positive measure in the Stieltjes integral representation of the effective permittivity. The dependence on the geometrical structure can be reduced to the problem of calculating the moments of the measure. We present a

EPTA: A User-friendly Protein Phylogenetic Tree Generation and Annotating Toolkit

Phylogenetic tree analysis is a powerful method for studying the evolution of gene families. There are many different software available to produce and annotation phylogenetic trees that vary in their ease-of-use and user autonomy. We developed a new pipeline tool Easy Protein Tree Annotating (EPTA) to provide a user-friendly tool for phylogenetic tree generation and annotation. EPTA is a command-

Splenic contraction and cardiovascular responses are augmented during apnea compared to rebreathing in humans

The spleen contracts during apnea, releasing stored erythrocytes, thereby increasing systemic hemoglobin concentration (Hb). We compared apnea and rebreathing periods, of equal sub-maximal duration (mean 137 s; SD 30), in eighteen subjects to evaluate whether respiratory arrest or hypoxic and hypercapnic chemoreceptor stimulation is the primary elicitor of splenic contraction and cardiovascular re

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Flimmer kan være irriterende, men frem for alt kan det have en negativ effekt på menneskers sundhed, og forårsage irritation, hovedpine, overanstrengelse af øjne og migræne. Med introduktionen af LED baserede lyskilder og lamper er flimmer igen blevet et problem. Udover denne unødvendige lidelse, som flimmer kan bevirke hos enkeltpersoner, skaber de negative konsekvenser en hindring for bred og hu

Modeling Probabilistic Flooding in VANETs for Optimal Rebroadcast Probabilities

Probabilistic flooding is commonly considered in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) to alleviate the celebrated broadcast storm problem. Heuristics and simulations have so far proved to be an efficient way with which to design probabilistic information dissemination solutions with demonstrated effectiveness. Supplementing with mathematical analysis for both design and evaluation is expected to gen

On high-order FEM applied to canonical scattering problems in plasmonics

In this paper a high-order finite element method with curvilinear elements is proposed for the simulation of plasmonic structures. Most finite element packages use low order basis functions and non-curved elements, which is very costly for demanding problems such as the simulation of nanoantennas. To enhance the performance of finite elements, we use curvilinear quadrilateral elements to calculate

Characterization of an adaptive refinement algorithm for a meshless eigenvalue solver based on radial basis functions

A meshless method based on a radial basis collocation approach is presented to calculate eigenvalues for the second-order wave equation. Instead of an explicit mesh topology only a node distribution is required to calculate electric fields, thus facilitating dynamic alteration of the discretization of an electromagnetic problem. An algorithm is presented that automatically adapts an initially very

How Are You? A Sociological Case Report of the COVID-19 Pandemic from Professionals in Italy

COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. The first lockdown occurred in Italy in the spring of 2020, drastically disrupting people’s daily schedules, work schedules, socialisation, and relationships with co-workers, family and friends. To overcome physical isolation, collect impressions and keep a record of the period, the “How are you?” online questionnaire has been designed as a potential conv

Hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorn

I det här kapitlet beskriver och diskuterar vi hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorns roll i ett historiskt såväl som nutida perspektiv. Frågor i fokus handlar om hur den nyligen införda yrkeslegitimationen för kuratorer inom hälso- och sjukvården påverkar arbetssituationen avseende autonomi, jurisdiktion och samverkan med andra yrkesgrupper. Förändras yrkets legitimitet i organisationen? Vilka möjligheter

Adaptive meshless methods in electromagnetic modeling : A gradient-based refinement strategy

Meshless methods are numerical methods that have the advantage of high accuracy without the need of an explicitly described mesh topology. In this class of methods, the Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM) is a promising collocation method where the application of radial basis functions yields high interpolation accuracy for even strongly unstructured node distributions. For electromagnetic si