

Din sökning på "*" gav 530555 sökträffar

Semiconductor Nanoelectronic Devices Based on Ballistic and Quantum Effects

As current silicon-based microelectronic devices and circuits are approaching their fundamental limits, the research field of nanoelectronics is emerging worldwide. With this background, the present thesis focuses on semiconductor nanoelectronic devices based on ballistic and quantum effects. The main material studied was a modulation doped In0.75Ga0.25As/InP semiconductor two-dimensional electr

Communication Network Reconfiguration Overhead Optimization in Programmable Processor Array Architectures

In this paper, we introduce a constraint programming-based approach for optimization of routing and reconfiguration overhead for a class of reconfigurable processor array architectures called weakly programmable. For a given set of different algorithms the execution of which is supposed to be switched upon request at run-time, we provide static solutions for optimal routing of data between process

Fornstora dagar, moderna tider. Bruk av och debatter om svensk historia från sekelskifte till sekelskifte

Popular Abstract in Swedish I Fornstora dagar, moderna tider är perspektivet vidare än i traditionellt historiografiska studier. De bruk och debatter som analyseras begränsas inte till de historievetenskapliga historieprodukterna. Studien visar att kring sekelskiftet 1900 dominerade det nationalistiska historiebruket. Under mellankrigstiden var såväl traditionella som moderna perspektiv väl represThe aim of the study is to investigate uses of and debates on Swedish history during a period of 100 years. The perspective is broader than the traditional study of history, since it supplements the search for new facts, contexts and interpretations by which meaning is ascribed the the past by different producers and consumers of history in society. The dominating use of history around 1900 was id

Invasion of the Clones

"Kerstin Bergman, a researcher at Lund University, Sweden, discusses how positive images of human clones are infiltrating our entertainment media and slowly shifting our perception."

Emission from Fires Part 1: Fire Retarded and non fire retarded TV sets

The results of detailed measurements of the emissions from simulated fires with TV-sets are presented in this article. Results from both small- and full-scale fire experiments with flame retarded and non-flame retarded TV-sets are discussed. The measurements cover a broad range of chemical species including specific fire retardant agents and both chlorinated- and brominated dibenzodioxins and fura

Ny vuxenhet i ett livsloppsperspektiv

Vad händer i livet från det man är tjugo till dess man är trettiofem och fyrtio? Vad innebär det att bli vuxen i vår senmoderna tid? I mitten av 1980-talet studerade sociologen Margareta Norell och psykologen claes Törnqvist tjogoåringar i tre sociala miljöer. Drygt femton år senare har de nu sökt upp dessa personer och intervjuat dem om deras liv - vad som hänt sedan dess och hur de lever som vux

Mechanisms of Brain Damage Following Focal Cerebral Ischemia: Changes in Ion Homeostasis and the Importance of Free Radical Formation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svensk sammanfattning Slaganfall (stroke), hjärtstillestånd eller överdosering av insulin är tillstånd som leder till en minskning av syre- och/eller glukos till hjärnvävnaden. Då tillförseln av glukos och syrgas minskar, kan cellerna inte längre upprätthålla en normal energiproduktion. Eftersom en stor del av energin går åt till bevara den spänning som finns över cellIn this thesis mechanisms of neuronal damage were investigated in an experimental stroke model i.e focal ischemia. The influence of SD-induced calcium transients on neuronal damage were studied in animals with reduced energy supply. The influence of bioenergetic failure on K+e concentration and Ca2+e homeostasis were also investigated in transient focal ischemia. Moreover, the free radical formati

Gastric acid secretion after depletion of enterochromaffin-like cell histamine. A study with a-fluoromethylhistidine in rats

BACKGROUND: Histamine is thought to play a central role in the regulation of gastric acid secretion. In the rat oxyntic mucosa most of the histamine is synthesized and stored in enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, and the rest resides in mast cells. The present study examines the role of ECL-cell histamine in the control of acid secretion in the intact, conscious rat. METHODS: Rats were treated wit