Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar
Being the next of kin of a person with a low-grade glioma.
Dislocation modelling of mechanisms involved in fatigue crack initiation
A Piecewise Linear Approach to Local Modeling and Control
A Practical Example Using VR in the Assessment of Brain Injury
Virtual Reality (VR) as a complementary tool for medical practitioners in the assessment and rehabilitation of people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is discussed. A pilot-study has been undertaken on a prototype VR assessment tool. The design involved nine occupational therapists with expertise in the care of traumatic brain injured patients and one (computer experienced) patient
Characterisation of Particle Emission from a Commercially Operated 1MW Biomass Fired Boiler
Något om den kollisionsrättsliga behandlingen av islamisk morgongåva (mahr)
Pushing the limit while advancing science
Fiscal Policy, Private Consumption and Economic Growth in Developing and Industrial Countries
[abstract missing]
Visualisering och simulering för lokal- och resurs-planering
Plagiering och upphovsrätt ur ett studentperspektiv. Reflektioner runt arbetet mot en guide för examensarbetare och doktorander
Det finns en hel del information om plagiat och upphovsrättsfrågor ute på nätet, ibland med motsägelsefulla budskap. Tyvärr är det ändå svårt att hitta dokument som beskriver begripligt hur man ska skriva sitt examensarbete eller sin doktorsavhandling utifrån detta. Hur är rekommendationern, och vad är tillåtet respektive inte tillåtet när det gäller användning av material frå andra, och vad gälle
Measurements on the differential cross section for the photoproduction of neutral pions on hydrogen
[abstract missing]
The political theology of international law of belligerent occupation: Distribution of authority and fulfilment in core and peripheries
A new modular approach to active control of undamped modes
Pausing during writing : a developmental perspective
Barnet mellan två föräldrar - insatsen kontaktperson i umgängestvister
No abstract available
Thickness dependence of photoemission and X-ray fluorescence spectra in epitaxial NiO layers on Ag(100)
Bahrain- Another Trajectory of the Arab Spring. The New Middle East; Emerging Political and Ideological Trends Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, IKOS, University of Oslo. November 28, 2011.
Plankan. En studie över den solida elgitarren
The Generalized Multiprocessor Periodic Resource Interface Model for Hierarchical Multiprocessor Scheduling
Composition is a practice of key importance in software engineering. When real-time applications are composed it is necessary that their timing properties (such as meeting the deadlines) are guaranteed. The composition is performed by establishing an interface between the application and the physical platform. Such an interface does typically contain information about the amount of computing capac