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This is a presentation of women dramatists and directors in Swedish postwar theatre.
This is a presentation of women dramatists and directors in Swedish postwar theatre.
Novel nano-rectifiers based on ballistic electron transport have been fabricated from a high electron-mobility InGaAs/InP wafer. Because of the sufficiently small device size, operations at room temperature are achieved. Furthermore, the devices are shown to work not only up to at least 50 GHz but also with sensitivity to microwave reaching that of the commercial microwave diodes. Based on a simil
The paper deals with the problem of finding suboptimal routing paths in multi-domain Internet environment. The proposed solution can be used in traffic enginering with MPLS.
This paper presents the 1936 Spanish general elections as they were seen at the time by the Swedish Envoyé in Madrid and by the Swedish press. While there is plenty of Swedish historical research on Sweden’s role in the Spanish civil war, there are very few studies on the relationships between Sweden and the Spanish Republic before July 1936. Therefore, this study relies almost entirely on two gro
Recent empirical studies confirm a positive relationship between trade liberalization or trade openness and the quality of domestic economic institutions. An isolated analysis of trade openness per se, however, may grossly simplify the mechanisms at work, as the linkage between open trade and quality of economic institutions is likely to vary for different political regimes. This study examines th
Popular Abstract in Swedish The overall interest pursued in this thesis is how the former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe can build strong and dynamic systems of innovation. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the dynamics and evolution of the telecommunications system of innovation in Estonia from the late Soviet period to Estonia's EU accession, and to provide an in-depThe overall interest pursued in this thesis is how the former socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe can build strong and dynamic systems of innovation. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the dynamics and evolution of the telecommunications system of innovation in Estonia from the late Soviet period to Estonia's EU accession, and to provide an in-depth explanation of how innova
I tre fallrapporter från forskningsprojektet Framgångsrikt skolledarskap i olika skolkulturer presenteras resultat från omfattande empiriska undersökningar vid tre skolor. I rapporterna beskrivs och problematiseras skolornas respektive kultur: den aktuella gymnasieskolans kunskapskultur, där bildning kommit att bli ett kännetecken; den utvalda f-9-skolans karriärkultur, utsatt för ett kraftfullt f
I describe in section 1 how cyclical preferences can arise. In section 2, I relate preference to judgments of choiceworthiness and distinguish between two kinds of preference cycles, vicious and benign. In section 3, I run through the standard money pump in order to show, in section 4, how this pump can be stopped by foresight, using backward induction. A new money pump that *cannot* be stopped by
Abstract is not available
This book chapter is a discussion of Robert Aldric's book "Colonialism and Homosexuality" (Routledge 2003).
Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING Smärtor i övre högra delen av buken och/eller gulsot är de mest vanliga symptomen relaterade till lever och gallvägssjukdomar. Den vanligaste orsaken till gallvägssjukdom är sten i gallblåsa och gallvägar som kan leda till inflammation av gallblåsa, gallvägar, lever och bukspottkörtel. Andra sjukdomar är tumörer i nämnda organ. SymptomThe diagnostic value of modern fast pulse sequences and breath-hold technique was evaluated in a prospective study of patients with suspected biliary diseases. The cost-effectiveness of MRI compared to ultrasound was calculated. Characteristics of acute cholecystitis and cholangitis were evaluated, the appearance of bile in MRCP with reference to its chemical and physical properties was studied, a