527776 sökträffar
A moonshine module for the Monster
Sensitivity of Industry and Renewable Energy to Climate Change
A blessing or a ban?
Sophia Elisabet Brenner som Sappho
Hierarchical Structure of Wireless Systems - an Analytical Performance Study
Sammanfattning-The use of hierarchical structures for providing excellent wireless connections for customers has attained growing attention. Models to investigate the QoS requirements rather quickly become complicated and hard to analyze. In the paper a first rough analytical approach for the answer is given. As the users devote more and more time to be connected through wireless connections, and
Fault management in an IEEE P1687 (IJTAG) environment
To meet the constant demand for performance, it is increasingly common with multi-processor system- on-chips (MPSoCs). As these integrated circuits (ICs) may contain billions of transistors squeezed on a few square centimeters, it is difficult to ensure that they are correct. Defects may escape manufacturing test or develop during operation and, further, ICs manufactured in later semiconductor tec
Ett vanställd och vanställande medium: Om makten över pressen – och över föreställningarna om den
Ändra livsstil för miljöns skull! Vardagslivets stora utmaning
Normalt sett föreställer man sig att det finns ett samband mellan ord och handling. Det skulle betyda att människor som säger sig vara miljöengagerade också tar miljöhänsyn i vardagslivets handlingar. Man kan emellertid konstatera att vägen från ord till handling är kantad av många slags överväganden som leder till skillnader mellan det man säger sig tycka och vad man sedan gör. Mellan attityd och
Den motsägelsefulla visionen: Vem avgör vilken teknik de äldre behöver?
Det finns en diskrepans mellan vilka tekniska hjälpmedel och innovationer äldre människor verkligen vill ha, och vad omgivningen tror att de behöver. Nutidens befolkningspyramid antar en alltmer fyrkantig form och många av oss kan vid pensioneringen se fram emot ytterligare en tredjedel av vuxenlivet. Därför har den tekniska utvecklingen och äldres teknikanvändning kommit att bli ett aktuellt fors
Molecularly imprinted polymers in enantiomer separation.
Chapt. 2. Introduction: Wood as a construction material
Pilots and ground officers investigated by process tests of creativity, extraversion, and stress control
In an exploratory investigation of personality patterns, Swedish air force pilots (n = 22) and ground officers (n = 14) were tested with the Creative Functioning Test, the Serial Color Word test, and the Spiral After-Effect Technique. The participants also answered open questions about their work and about creativity related items. Achievement ratings were made by their superior officers. An initi
Becoming a winner: The case of biomedical development in Western Sweden
Is treatment of early glaucoma important?
Tests of true pictorial competence in chimpanzees: The case of drawings
Citizen journalism, surveillance, and control
A Tale of Two Clusters: Sharing Resources to Compete
“The death of distance” has become the battle cry of a modern generation of managers, policy makers and scientists who embrace the new globalized economy and its promise of frictionless exchange across the world. While highly influential, this view does not, however, stand unchallenged. Over the last 15 years, there has been a growing interest in the geographical clustering of industry. Well-known
RCS reduction of integrated antenna arrays and radomes with resistive sheets
In this paper, it is shown that tapered resistive sheets at the edges of the array can be used to transform the scattering properties of the antenna or the radome to that of a metallic plate and hence reduce the radar cross section. Numerical examples of a bandpass FSS radome are presented to illustrate the results. The RCS reduction is very good for TE polarization but not as efficient for the TM