

528018 sökträffar

Design process for innovation in pharmaceutical packaging: reviewing needs and modes of activity

The innovation process is a challenge for companies trying to achieve better outcomes through new ideas or products. The related literature discusses the importance of innovation as a learning process, underlined by a design perspective. Supported by design, the innovation process combines multidisciplinary aspects of creativity and dynamism, mainly for end-user oriented industries. For other indu

Introduktion till Systemalgebra (3:e uppl)

Systemalgebra kan användas för att ge en beskrivning av informationsmängder och samband mellan dem oberoende av den tekniska utformningen av ett IT-system (eller databehandlingssystem). Matriser, och grafer, används för att beskriva sambanden mellan informationsmängder, vilket gör det möjligt att identifiera precedenter och succedenter till en informationsmängd. Ett processdiagram och en incidensm

Virtual Personal Assistant

Abstract This report discusses ways in which new technology could be harnessed to create an intelligent Virtual Personal Assistant (VPA) with a focus on user-based information. It will look at examples of intelligent programs with natural language processing that are currently available, with different categories of support, and examine the potential usefulness of one specific piece of software as

Multichannel Broadband Fano Theory with Applications in Array Signal Processing

In this paper we consider fundamental limitations for DOA estimation with arbitrary lossless antennas or antenna arrays inserted inside a sphere. Spherical vector modes and their associated equivalent circuits and Q factor approximations are employed as a general framework for the analysis. The classical broadband matching theory by Fano is extended to a general multiport S-parameter model of the