

Din sökning på "*" gav 534784 sökträffar

Normkritiska pedagogiker, lagstiftad antidiskriminering och maktanalys

I detta kapitel argumenterar jag för normkritiska och icke-förtryckande sätt att tänka inom undervisning och lärande. Efter en diskussion av argument som förs för och emot antidiskriminerings- och normkritisk arbete i skolan presenterar jag några av normkritiska pedagogikers teoretiska utgångspunkt. Det följs av en överblick över de regler som gäller för icke-diskriminering och inkludering i skoll

In Search of Foundations for African Catholicism, Charles Nyamiti’s Theological Methodology.

This book is an analysis of the way in which Tanzanian Roman Catholic professor Charles Nyamiti has attempted to combine African traditions and values with neo-Scholastic theology and philosophy. The outcome of the analysis is that in this attempt, Nyamiti needs to rework considerably African traditions in order that they will not collide with "philosophia perennis". Additionally, he deals with th

Wnt-5a Signalling in Human Mammary Cells: Implications for the Development of Breast Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Wnt-5a-genens betydelse för bröstcellernas normala funktion och för uppkomsten av bröstcancer I min avhandling har jag studerat en i bröstcancersammanhang hittills föga undersökt gen, Wnt-5a. Benämningen Wnt har bildats genom en sammanslagning av "Wingless" (den första identifierade Wnt-genen som orsakar vinglöshet hos bananflugan) och "Int" (från "Integration site" föThe Wnt-5a gene encodes a secreted protein that regulates several normal processes in embryonic and adult tissues by as yet unknown mechanisms. Expression of Wnt-5a protein does not cause cell transformation, but it instead counteracts the effects induced by transforming Wnts. Inasmuch as Wnt-5a can activate the Wnt/beta-catenin signalling pathway, we performed experiments to determine whether mol

Organic synthesis in water - Investigations of Lewis acid catalysis and chiral hydrophobic auxiliaries in aqueous Michael additions

Asymmetrisk katalys har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats kraftigt. År 2001 delade Knowles, Noyori och Sharpless Nobelpriset i kemi för sina banbrytande bidrag inom just detta område. Utmaningen idag är att utveckla nya metoder inom asymmetrisk katalys som även tar hänsyn till vår växande miljöpåfrestning. Nästan alla av dagens kirala katalysatorer är utvecklade för syntes i organiska lösnin

The Newborn Infant, capable and vulnerable : An interactional perspective

The overall aim of this work was to increase our knowledge of newborn infants and their mothers, gain a better understanding of attachment and the infants' development and identify infants at risk for poorer emotional, social and cognitive development. An interdisciplinary approach was used. Six studies are included in the thesis. Non-nutritive sucking (NNS) and its relation to neurobehavioural st

"Kroppen och den anatomiska kroppen", i: Kroppen. Konst och vetenskap

The aim of the present study is to contribute to the documentation and interpretation of the image and experience of the human body. This image was first formulated in the 16th and 17th centuries by among others René Descartes, and it was given various visual shapes by artists connected with the academies of art from that time on. The intention of my investigation is to discuss some traits of what

Hypertension in a defined population. The Skaraborg Hypertension and Diabetes Project.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hypertoni (högt blodtryck) och typ 2 diabetes (åldersdiabetes) är vanligt förekommande sjukdomar i Sverige. Ingen av sjukdomarna ger inledningsvis några särskilda symptom. Det är dock viktigt att upptäcka och behandla dessa tillstånd, eftersom de ger upphov till ökad sjukdom och till överdödlighet i hjärt-kärlsjukdomar såsom hjärtinfarkt, hjärtsvikt och slaganfall. FöreTo examine cardiovascular disease risk factors, control of hypertension and survival in patients with hypertension treated in primary care, patients with hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes were surveyed for cardiovascular disease risk factors and treatment 1992-1993. For reference, a random population sample from the same community was surveyed 1993-1994. During 1998, antihypertensive prescriptio

Sacrificial violence and targeting in International humanitarian law

Drawing on the work of René Girard, his text inquires into incidental and lawful losses of civilians in the regulation of international humanitarian law as part of a symbolic order restraining violent conflict within communities. First, I inquire into central norms on targeting in IHL, explaining their internal inconsistencies. Second, I try to show that these inconsistencies can be explaining by

The Microstructure of Collaborative E-business Capability

Popular Abstract in Swedish John Gibes avhandling indikerar att såväl 1990-talets evangelistiska analys av informationsteknologins strategiska betydelse som senare skeptiska analyser är bristfälliga. En alternativ ståndpunkt läggs fram. På basis av strategiforskningens kapabilitetsperspektiv adresserar avhandlingen särskilt e-handel i nära relationer mellan företag, en viktig praktik i vilken IT aIT has direct and observable positive effects for consumers. For firms, the situation is somewhat different, because efficiencies generated by publicly available technology tend to be competed away. Therefore, researchers from the strategy field and students of information systems have concluded that for firms, the opportunity lies in using IT better than competitors rather than in the technology

Multiple threat responses in zooplankton - from communities to individuals

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår planet är i mångt och mycket en trevlig plats att leva på, men det är också en plats där faror och hot kan lura bakom varje hörn. Dessa hot kan vara av olika karaktär, till exempel kan det röra sig om risken att bli jagad och uppäten, att drabbas av uttorkning eller något annat obehagligt. Vår planets invånare har utvecklat en mängd olika strategier för att hantera Most organisms on Earth live a life where they are exposed to multiple and variable threats. In order to maximise survival they need to be able to perceive and respond to these threats. Two common threats that crustacean zooplankton are faced with are predation and ultraviolet radiation (UVR). To cope with these threats zooplankton use different strategies such as diel vertical migration and the a

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Russian edition of Springer book from 1983

Getting to know Trioza apicalis (Homoptera: Psylloidea) – a Specialist Host-Alternating Insect with a Tiny Olfactory System

This thesis comprises ecological, morphological and physiological studies of the carrot psyllid Trioza apicalis (Homoptera: Psylloidea) with particular focus on olfaction. Data from inventories of winter habitats suggest that T. apicalis prefer Picea abies over Pinus sylvestris and Juniperus communis as winter hosts. Their migration range is at least I km, and we found no clear wind-borne pattern

Gene fusion in protein engineering : design of novel peptides and bifunctional enzymes

The gene fusion technique is widely used in protein engineering and in this thesis it constitutes the basis of both the construction of artificial bifunctional enzymes and the display of two novel peptides. Artificial bifunctional enzymes have been used as model systems in the studies of native multifunctional enzymes and proximity effects within these complexes. Two various constructs are descri