

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

Res judicata i EG –domstolens rättspraxis: en avvägning mellan rättssäkerhet och lagenlighet

Ny rättspraxis från EG-domstolen i fallen Köbler och Kühne & Heitz har visat att domstolen är beredd att etablera rättsprinciper som kommer göra det möjligt att på ett effektivt sätt hantera missbruket av acte clair-doktrinen. I det förstnämnda fallet, etablerade domstolen en möjlighet att utkräva skadeståndsansvar av medlemsstaten i det fall den nationella sista instansrätten (in casu den hög

A Flexible FFT Processor

In this paper a flexible FFT processor for OFDM systems is presented. In future wireless systems using OFDM each terminal should be able to handle a wide range of different applications, from pure voice communication to high-speed data transfers, with as little overhead in power consumption and protocol procedure as possible. As the terminals will be battery powered and should be cheap to manufact

Stark Effect Investigation of the Third Excited ^(2)P_(3/2) Levels in the First Spectra of Rb 87 and Cs 133

Using the level crossing technique with parallel magnetic and electric fields the tensor polarizability of the 7 p 2 P 3/2 level in Rb 87 and the 8 p 2 P 3/2 level in Cs 133 was measured with the results α 2 (7 p 2 P 3/2 Rb 87 ) = -3.2 (2) MHz (kV/cm) 2 and α 2 (8 p 2 P 3/2 Rb 133 ) = -7.6 (3) MHz (kV/cm) 2 Theoretical values, calculated with the Coulomb approximation of Bates and Damgaard, agre

The importance of quality requirements in software platform development - a survey

This paper presents a survey where some quality requirements that commonly affect software architecture have been prioritized with respect to cost and lead-time impact when developing software platforms and when using them. Software platforms are the basis for a product-line, i.e. a collection of functionality that a number of products are based on. The survey has been carried out in two large sof

Yeasts as cellular factories: Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with improved inhibitor-tolerance to furaldehydes via a mutant alcohol dehydrogenase- and- Human ameloblastin production in Pichia pastoris

Several yeast species, usually engineered by humans in order to produce compounds of biotechnological interests, are currently used as cellular factories. This thesis presents two main themes. In the first, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used for bio-ethanol production from lignocellulose hydrolysates and in the second Pichia pastoris is used for the heterologous expression of human ameloblastin. Th