

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Ultrasonic-trap-enhanced selectivity in capillary electrophoresis.

We combine ultrasonic trapping and capillary electrophoresis (CE) with the goal to detect ultra-low concentrations of proteins via size-selective separation and enrichment of antibody-coated latex spheres. An 8.5 MHz standing ultrasonic wave is longitudinally coupled into the sub-100-small mu, Greekm diam capillary of the CE system. Competition between acoustic and viscous forces result in in-flow

Imaging of neonatal arterial thrombosis

The case of a neonate who presented with symptoms of upper limb ischemia related to spontaneous multiple arterial and venous thromboses that were demonstrated by colour Doppler sonography and digital subtracted angiography is reported. The presentation of limb ischaemia at birth may be the warning sign of simultaneous cerebral infarction.

Traumasjukvården har satts under luppen i södra sjukvårdsregionen. Peer review-system för bättre vård

I södra sjukvårdsregionen har ett arbete inletts för att kontinuerligt genomföra sakkunniga granskningar (sk peer review) av traumasjukvården inom regionen. I en första granskningsomgång har sex akutsjukhus deltagit. Resultaten har sammanställts i ett granskningsdokument, som gett upphov till såväl uppmärksamhet och diskussion som konkreta åtgärder på det granskade sjukhuset. Granskningsdokument

Chlamydial antibodies and risk of prostate cancer

Objective: We assessed the risk of prostate cancer by exposure to Chlamydia trachomatis. Method: Seven hundred thirty eight cases of prostate cancer and 2,271 matched controls were identified from three serum sample banks in Finland, Norway, and Sweden by linkage to the population based cancer registries. Results: A statistically significant inverse association (odds ratio, 0.69; 95% confidence in

Towards ILBC speech coding at lower rates through a new formulation of the start state search

The Internet Low Bit-rate Coder (iLBC) has emerged as a candidate for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications. By avoiding the inter-frame coding dependencies endemic to many speech coders such as those based on Code Excited Linear Prediction, iLBC is able to achieve superior robustness to packet loss. In addition to robustness to packet loss, a VoIP codec should possess the agility to ad

Studies of vector tomography

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrunden till den här avhandlingen är att man vill utveckla en ny mammografimetod, som utnyttjar ultraljud. När en tunn stråle av kontinuerligt ultraljud träffar en partikel, till exempel en blodkropp, som rör sig, så uppstår en reflektion. Frekvensen av den reflekterade signalen är inte densamma som för den utsända. Signalen har fått ett så kallat Dopplerskift, där fThe motivation to study the kind of problems appearing in this thesis has been ultrasound measurements of flows, from which velocity spectra along lines can be determined. These velocity spectra can mathematically be described by a new non-linear transform, here called the Doppler Spectral Transform (DST). The Doppler spectral transform has a very rich theory, into which some steps are taken here

Glycemic and risk factor control in type 1 diabetes - Results from 13,612 patients in a national diabetes register

OBJECTIVE - This study was designed to investigate the clinical characteristics of a large type 1 diabetic population and to evaluate the degree of fulfillment of recently updated treatment goals. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - The Swedish National Diabetes Register was initiated in 1996 as a tool for quality assurance in diabetes care. A1C levels, treatment, and risk factors were analyzed in two c

Endocardial expression and functional characterization of endothelin-1

Endothelin-1 (ET-1), a 21 amino acid peptide exerts a wide range of biological activities including vasoconstriction, mitogenesis and inotropic effects on the heart. In this study, we examined whether endocardial endothelial cells express ET-1 and evaluated its functional properties. Using immunofluorescence localization method, we demonstrated cytoplasmic staining of ET-1 in the human endocardial

Genetic and Nongenetic Regulation of CAPN10 mRNA Expression in Skeletal Muscle.

The gene encoding calpain-10 (CAPN10) has been identified as a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes. Our aim was to study the impact of genetic (heritability and polymorphisms) and nongenetic (insulin, free fatty acids, and age) factors on CAPN10 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle using two different study designs. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and after hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps fro

Rättslig diskurs i etnokulturella frågor

Hur mycket kostar det i Sverige att “sätta en jude på plats“? Enligt dagens rättspraxis ett tusen kronor i skadestånd, för psykiskt lidande, samt 50 till 80 dagsböter. Detta pris är, enligt Skövde tingsrätt, ett kraftigt straff. Den 28 augusti 1991 åtalades två unga män, E och F, vid Skövde tingsrätt för “ofredande“ av S, en värnpliktskamrat av judisk härkomst. De två unga männen hade “smädat“ S g