

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

"When you either rush or take it slow" - En fallstudie av medias inverkan på NATO:s intervenerande i Bosnien & Hercegovina och Kosovo

Denna uppsats ämnar till att via en fallstudie av Bosnienkriget och konflikten i Kosovo påvisa en skillnad i NATO:s benägenhet att intervenera med media som den påverkande faktorn. För denna studie har det applicerats delar av två olika teorier, vilket är cnn-effekten och chain-ganging & buck-passing. Resultatet påvisade att när medias rapporter ger en uppmålning av en snabbt utvecklande proce

Framing Swedish Sami Policy

An ambiguity characterises Swedish Sami policy. In some regards, Sweden is securing rights for the Sami and receiving praise from international organisations. However, Sweden is also criticised for not supporting Sami interests, as for instance regarding a ratification of the ILO convention No. 169. Thus, Swedish Sami policies have showed to support disparate ends; in some instances strengthening

Mainstream Parties reacting to Right-Wing Populism: An analysis of final speeches during the 2017 federal elections in Germany

Right-wing populist parties are on the rise all over Europe. While academia pays a lot of attention to well-established populist parties in France, Austria and Italy, new competitors such as the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in Germany are mostly disregarded. Specifically, the impact those new parties have before entering power on a federal level has been neglected. The present research concen

Directly Cooled Windings - Conjugate heat transfer assessment of air-cooled hollow conductor

The torque capabilities of electrical machines are today limited by magnetic saturation and the ability to transfer thermal loads away from the machine. A solution to thermal management in power turbo-generators involves hollow conductors allowing direct cooling of the heat source thus increasing the power density significantly. The work done in this master thesis investigates the pos- sibilities

Creating a customer-oriented distribution offer in the business-to-business market

Problem description: Mature industrial enterprises stand before the challenge of developing strategies and competitive advantage through their logistics services. The business development within logistics and distribution services is fast and rapidly changing as the customer experience is becoming increasingly important and the additional services are becoming an integrated part of the product off

SVenX: A highly parallelized pipeline for structural variation detection using linked read whole genome sequencing data

Genomic rearrangements larger than 50 bp are called structural variants. As a group, they affect the phenotypic diversity among humans and have been associated with many human disorders including neurodevelopmental disorder and cancer. Recent advances in whole genome sequencing (WGS) technologies have made it possible to identify many more disease-causing genetic variants relevant in clinical diag

Fair Pricing of Equity-linked Notes

Following evidence of overpricing in structured products, I develop a comprehensive framework for pricing Equity-linked notes (ELNs). My model, unlike previous research, accounts for both the bank's actual funding costs and counterparty credit risk. I also allow for Asian payoffs in the derivative part — a feature now standard in ELN issuances. Studying a sample of eight ELNs issued by a Swedi

Leadership in Startups: A Penniless Powerless Approach

Startups. Why are the odds of surviving the initial stages so low? While the internet revolution has made it easier to start up, for example by democratizing investments through crowdfunding, the rate of success is still daunting. Why? Ultimately, the world is still being built by humans. That means a group effort is required. To realize this, leadership is an undeniably crucial element. Yet, not

Häng och släng

What if you could accomplish order by being lazy? The project is about the balance between order and disorder. Without any extra thought, sorting clothes to create a calm environment for both eye and mind. Häng & Släng is a clothing rack that yields order in the disorder of half-used clothes (not clean but not yet ready for laundry), without demanding effort. The sense of order is achieved by

Kvalitetssäkring av energianvändning från projektering till och med drift - En projekt- och intervjubaserad studie vid ett byggföretag

Sammanfattningsvis består arbetets problemställning av: • Presterar kv Betan enligt den energiprestanda som huset är projekterat för och är kv Betan ett bra projekt att använda som referens? • Hur fungerar erfarenhetsåterföring inom Företaget idag och hur kan hantering av information förbättras? Vilka verktyg behövs för att förenkla Företagets sätt att arbeta med projekt som kräver mätning och ko

Some characteristics of different commercial ready to eat meals intended for babies of 6-12 months

Food infant composite meals are complex-based products for infants and toddlers (6-36 months of age). There are a wide variety of infant food dishes available in the market based on different technologies with different flavors, tastes and preferences. During the last 40 years the number of obese children have increased and at the same time there is an increase in diabetes in areas where toddlers

Forming the protein corona on nanoparticles

Nanopartiklars roll i den framtida medicinen Vad tänker du på när du hör ordet ”framtid”? Din första tanke är kanske den klassiska bilden av flygande bilar i gigantiska städer. Din tankebana kanske sedan flyter iväg till Star Trek där du tänker på att åka ut i rymden och utforska nya världar. Jag själv tänker på en perfekt värld med gröna energikällor och där mycket arbete är automatiserat. NågotNanomedicine is a growing field with great potential. When nanoparticles (NPs) come in contact with biological fluids a protein corona is formed on the surface. The protein corona has an effect on the pharmacokinetics and biological response. This might in turn lead to disadvantageous drug delivery and needs to be addressed when using NPs as drug delivery tools. How to build the protein corona and

Ferroelectricity in nanocrystalline Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films

Hafnium dioxide (HfO_2) based thin films doped with various dopants (Si, Ge, Al, Gd, Sr, Zr) have been found to exhibit ferroelectricity. These dopants were found to stabilize the III orthorhombic phase in the hafnium oxide based thin films. This characteristic enables and allows various applications ranging from Non-volatile memory, Ferroelectric Field-Effect-Transistors, to Negative Capacitance

Image analysis to estimate the fractal dimension of soot aggregates

Examensarbetet har utvecklat en metod för att estimera den fraktala dimensionen från Transmissions Elektron Mikroskop (TEM) bilder av sot aggregat som skapats med hjälp av en mini-CAST sotgenerator. Det är ett underbestämt problem att estimera den fraktala dimensionen, en 3D egenskap, från 2D bilder. Lösningen är syntetiserade TEM bilder som baserats på projektioner av numeriskt simulerade aggregaIn this master’s thesis a method for estimating the fractal dimension from Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) images of soot aggregates has been developed, and also applied to TEM images of soot sampled from a mini-CAST soot generator. The problem to estimate the fractal dimension, a 3D property, from a 2D image is undetermined. To solve this, TEM images were synthesised based on projections o

Förmånsbeskattning av delägare i fåmansföretag - En konsekvensanalys av slopade stoppregler

Uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för och analysera de konsekvenser som uppstått för fåmansföretagare och skattesystemet till följd av slopandet av stoppreglerna år 2000. Utmärkande för fåmansföretag är att bestämmanderätten endast utövas av ett fåtal ägare. För att förhindra att intressegemenskapen mellan företaget och delägarna används för att skapa skattelättnader infördes en särreglering förThis essay is aiming to explain and analyse the consequences that occurred to the owners of closely held companies due to the abolishment of the special tax legislation in 2000. The right to decide is gathered within a few owners in closely held companies. In order to prevent that this enables advantages in taxation a special regulation was introduced for closely held companies in 1976. The speci

Gendered Political Recruitment in Myanmar: The case of the Democratic Party for a New Society

With 10,5% women in parliament, Myanmar ranks number 157 out of 193 countries on the rate of women in parliament. This thesis aims at investigating the gendered institutions that influence women’s descriptive representation in politics through a case study on political recruitment within the Democratic Party for a New Society, DPNS, and their youth wing Youth for a New Society. The main research q

Transgender individuals employed in the formal labour market: a distant dream?

The purpose of this thesis is to provide a contextual and legal analysis on the exclusion of transgender individuals from employment in the formal economy. The chosen research design was a case study, in which the city of São Paulo is examined. Through a qualitative analysis, this study subscribed to the Social Exclusion framework (Jehoel-Gijsbers and Vrooman, 2007) in order to investigate such ex

Tvistinvesterares finansiering av skiljetvister: Om kostnadsregleringen i lagen om skiljeförfarande

Under de senaste åren har det i den internationella litteraturen och debatten uppmärksammats att det blivit allt vanligare att externa finansiärer helt eller delvis finansierar en parts processföring. Denna framställning undersöker om och i så fall på vilket sätt de svenska kostnadsbestämmelserna vid skiljeför-farande reglerar frågan om tredje mans finansiering av parts processföring. Den rättsdogIn recent years, international literature and debate has brought attention to the fact that it has become increasingly common for third-party funders to partially or fully finance a party’s arbitration and litigation costs. This essay examines if, and in what manner, Swedish arbitration cost regulations gov-ern the issue of third-party financing of a party to the arbitration. The essay uses a trad

Är kvinnor nyckeln till lägre korruption?

Korruption är ett utbrett fenomen världen över. En gren av korruptionsforskningen har inriktat sig på huruvida ökad kvinnorepresentation kan minska korruptionsnivån. Denna uppsats har en ambition att pröva en av teorierna som berör detta samband. Teorin menar att ökad kvinnorepresentation kan resultera i en minskad korruptionsnivå i demokratiska stater, emedan sambandet enligt teorin inte sägs gäl

The Impact of Feminist Activism on the UK Government's Policy Proposal on Domestic Violence- Actions Speak Louder than Words

Social movements have been argued to be important political actors because of their ability to apply pressure and mobilizing governments to take policy action on societal problems. In light of this, it is the aim of this thesis to investigate if a feminist movement in the UK, called the IC Change campaign, can serve as the explanation as to why the UK government put forward a new policy proposal o