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Coronary heart disease (CHD) development is associated to a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. A number of lifestyle risk factors is well defined, while genetic factors have not yet been well determined.
Kritisk, självständig och nyttig. Mål och praktik i forskarhandledning
Anm: Mikael Hansson, Kollektivavtalsrätten. En rättsvetenskaplig berättelse, Iustus förlag, Uppsala, 2010, 463 s. (diss.)
Så blir historien en enda vikingasoppa
Improvements to image quality using hybrid and model-based iterative reconstructions: a phantom study.
The number of computed tomography (CT) examinations is increasing and leading to an increase in total patient exposure. It is therefore important to optimize CT scan imaging conditions in order to reduce the radiation dose. The introduction of iterative reconstruction methods has enabled an improvement in image quality and a reduction in radiation dose.
Recension av "Judasevangeliet: Text, budskap och historisk bakgrund"
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Relation between cycling exercise capacity, fiber-type composition, and lower extremity muscle strength and muscle endurance.
Segerström, ÅB, Holmbäck, AM, Hansson, O, Elgzyri, T, Eriksson, K-F, Ringsberg, K, Groop, L, Wollmer, P, and Thorsson, O. Relation between cycling exercise capacity, fiber-type composition, and lower extremity muscle strength and muscle endurance. J Strength Cond Res 25(1): 16-22, 2011-The aim of the study was to determine the relation between peak oxygen uptake (&OV0312;o2peak), peak work rat
ALARM: Assessing large-scale environmental risks for biodiversity with tested methods
En mångfaldig forskningsetik
Kartografiska aspekter av geodataportalen
Synthetic xylan-binding modules for mapping of pulp fibres and wood sections.
Background The complex carbohydrate composition of natural and refined plant material is not known in detail but a matter that is of both basic and applied importance. Qualitative assessment of complex samples like plant and wood tissues requires the availability of a range of specific probes. Monoclonal antibodies and naturally existing carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) have been used in the pa
Review of Blondiner. Makt och myt genom tiderna
The syntax of surprise: Unexpected event readings in complex predication
Elevated blood pressure predicts type 2 diabetes, but why?
Rapport från Porto Alegre
Artikel om World Social Forum i Porto Algre 2003.
Growth dynamics of tree-line and lake-shore Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the central Scandinavian Mountains during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the early Little Ice Age
Trees growing at their altitudinal or latitudinal distribution in Fennoscandia have been widelyused to reconstruct warm season temperatures, and the region hosts some of the world’slongest tree-ring chronologies. These multi-millennial long chronologies have mainly beenbuilt from tree remains found in lakes (subfossil wood from lake-shore trees). We used aunique dataset of Scots pine tree-ring dat
Genetic control of the variable innate immune response to asymptomatic bacteriuria.
The severity of urinary tract infection (UTI) reflects the quality and magnitude of the host response. While strong local and systemic innate immune activation occurs in patients with acute pyelonephritis, the response to asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) is low. The immune response repertoire in ABU has not been characterized, due to the inherent problem to distinguish bacterial differences from hos
Pulsations in the umbilical vein during labor are associated with increased risk of operative delivery for fetal distress.
OBJECTIVES: Under physiological conditions the blood flow velocity waveform in the umbilical vein (UV) has an even non-pulsating pattern. Pulsations in the UV have been described in human fetuses exposed to chronic hypoxia and heart failure. Current techniques for fetal surveillance during labor and delivery involve a risk of both over- and underestimation of fetal hypoxia. We aimed to examine whe